Requisitos técnicos para galhardetes

Dentro do ficheiro irás encontrar 2 ficheiros zip:
  • team_pennant_template.psd - Este é o galhardete que os espectadores vão ver pendurado no topo do ecrã enquanto estiverem a assistir à partida.
  • team_pennant_icon_template.psd - Esta é a imagem que os clientes vão ver na loja do jogo e na web.

Instructions for Submission
  1. The template files contain a matched set of 5 different folder layers, each one is a different shape of pennant. Choose one and fill in the "Logo Here" area.
  2. Save the team_pennant_template.psd as pennant_(yourTeamNameHere).png file.
  3. Save the team_pennant_icon_template.psd as pennant_(yourTeamNameHere)_icon_large.png
  4. Open pennant_(yourTeamNameHere)_icon_large.png, reduce it's size to 256x170 pixels and save it as pennant_(yourTeamNameHere)_icon.png
  5. Create a .zip file containing all 5 of your pennant files, the 2 .psd's and 3 .png's.
  6. If you have not already done so, create a Corporate Steam account. Go to the Corporate Payment Sign-Up page for information and instructions.
  7. Log in to Dota 2 with your Corporate Steam account and submit your team pennant as an "Other" submission type.
  8. Send your contact at Valve an email containing the url to your pennants workshop page.