Item Build

Starting Items
Early Game

Core Items
Late Game


Ability Build



Heavenly Grace

Hammer of Purity

Guardian Angel


Talent Tree

-{s:value}s Purification Cooldown

+{s:value} Base Damage

+{s:value} Heavenly Grace Strength/HP Regen per Debuff

-{s:value}s Guardian Angel Cooldown

+{s:value}s Heavenly Grace Duration

-{s:bonus_AbilityCooldown}s Hammer of Purity Cooldown

+{s:value} Purification Damage/Heal

+{s:bonus_base_damage}% Hammer of Purity Damage

Author's Ability Notes

Very good heal and nuke use it as needed in lane. In team fights use it to keep people alive.
A nice aura that will keep the enemy form running.
Powerful ultimate, try to save it for team fights to keep everyone alive.

Author's Item Notes

Starting Items

All teams need a courier, if someone else buys it get wards instead.
Good heal if you get low.
Heal to help against harass.
More Mana for when you get low.
Gives some stats and can be upgraded later.

Early Game

Gives a very nice amount of Mana.
Allows you to have lots of Mana as well as give some to the team.
Upgrade the courier when you have some extra money, if its already upgraded, buy some wards.

Core Items

A very good item that will keep your team alive. Your team only needs one so if some else gets one buy wards instead.
Protects your team against magic. Your team only needs one so if some else gets one buy wards instead.
Very powerful item if you can afford it.

Late Game

A good upgrade that allows you to defend.
Very good aura for the team.
Makes you very tanky.
A double ult will make your team very hard to kill.


Good if you are against enemies that cast a lot.
Good heal for the team and good stats for you. Your team only needs one so if some else gets one buy wards instead.
A good aura and upgrades form a Bracer if you decide to buy one. Your team only needs one so if some else gets one buy wards instead.
If you do not need the Mana form Arcane boots get these instead.
Good cheaper alternative to Scythe of Vyse since it can disarm carries.
A nice aura for the team. Your team only needs one so if some else gets one buy wards instead.

Other Items

All teams need wards.