Item Build

Starting Items

early extension items
farming / pushing

defensive / support
offensive / damage

situational / utility
stomping / cheese


Ability Build

Arctic Burn

Splinter Blast

Cold Embrace

Winter's Curse


Talent Tree

+{s:value}HP/s Cold Embrace Heal

+{s:value} Damage

+{s:value}s Arctic Burn Debuff Duration

+{s:value} Splinter Blast Shatter Radius

+{s:value}% Arctic Burn Slow

+{s:value} Splinter Blast Damage

+{s:value}s Winter's Curse Duration

Splinter Blast {s:value}s Stun

Author's Ability Notes

no real need to max if you need to max other abilities first
max for pushing/farming
max as support
max for harassment/damage
+{s:value}HP/s Cold Embrace Heal : support
+{s:value} Splinter Blast Shatter Radius : support
+{s:value}% Arctic Burn Slow : stomp further
Splinter Blast {s:value}s Stun : situational
+{s:value}s Winter's Curse Duration : situational