Item Build

Starting Items
Basic Items

Tanky Build Base
Carry Build Base

Other Viable Items (see notes)

Ability Build



Scorched Earth


Infernal Blade



Talent Tree

Devour grants {s:bonus_magic_resist}% Magic Resistance

+{s:value} Scorched Earth Damage

+{s:value}% Scorched Earth Movement Speed

Devour Can Target Ancients

-{s:value}s Scorched Earth Cooldown

+{s:value}% Infernal Blade Damage

-{s:bonus_AbilityCooldown}s Doom Cooldown

Doom applies Break

Author's Ability Notes

Use to eat a useful creep. Alpha wolf is my favorite. You can also level this before the stats if you like eating that much.

Author's Item Notes

Starting Items

If you get this AND the alpha wolf. You'll be hitting creeps with an extra 62% damage. Easy last hits, easy gold.
Always get this item. It's good value on any melee hero.
One should be enough as you will get regen from your scorched earth.

Other Viable Items (see notes)

Both as a carry and a tank you can get this item as it will always get you a good Doom placement. With one support out of the fight, the fight will be much easier. You can also skip this and get a maelstrom.
Your damage output is already good with the Wolf Aura so getting this will give you tankiness and the attack speed buffs and enemy debuffs are great for you.
This is perhaps my favorite item for any carry strength hero. It gives mobility, survivability, damage output and the ability to slow down or chase other heroes.
Instead of getting a yasha you should get a talisman and make your sange into a halberd, IF you're the tank.
If you're going for a carry build this item can give you good value on early game. Rushing a Battlefury will let you farm much faster.
If you're the tank, then you don't need a battlefury, ever. So get a linken's instead for a one spell immunity and the extra tankiness.
Get this item. Yes there's nothing else to say. Your wolf aura will stack with this. 45% damage aura is big... Very big. Keep in mind that these auras give the damage bonus to ranged units too. They only miss out on the lifesteal.
Have you become big enough? Got your Cuirass and your S&Y or Halberd? You already have your BattleFury or your Linken? This item is the best for end game for both the tank doom and the carry doom, you can also rush for maelstrom before Shadow Blade.
Is the enemy team nuking too much? Get this item to live through it. Like a badass demon from hell.
Want to just cast your doom and hang around? Well get this item and just sit between the enemy heroes. Only if you're tank of course...
Does the enemy team have two great supports that are making life a living hell for your team? Disable them both and have them cry while their team bites the dust. Scream "YOU ARE DOOMED" when you successfully pull the combo off.
Yes, a goddamn skadi. No I'm not kidding. But ONLY IF you have both aghanim's scepter AND refresher. Otherwise buy at your own risk.