Οδηγός αντικειμένων

starting items
Early game

Core items
Situational items

Extension items
Luxury Items

Οδηγός ικανοτήτων

Breathe Fire


Dragon Tail


Dragon Blood


Elder Dragon Form




+{s:value} ζημιά

+{s:value}% μείωση ζημιάς Breathe Fire

+{s:value} δευτ. σάστισμα Dragon Tail

+{s:value} ζωή

+{s:value} βεληνεκές επίθεσης Elder Dragon Form

+{s:bonus_dragon_form_bonus_pct}% ζημιά/βεληνεκές εκτέλεσης Breathe Fire σε Dragon Form

+{s:value} αναπλήρωση ζωής/άμυνα από Dragon Blood

+{s:value} περιοχή επίδρασης Dragon Tail κατά το Elder Dragon Form

Σημειώσεις ικανοτήτων συντάκτη

Use Breathe Fire for three reasons: 1. Flash-Farm jungle and lane creeps to get your necessary items 2. Cripple foes in lane, making it difficult for them to last-hit 3. Weaken all enemies at the beginning of team-fights. Rely on Breathe Fire to guarantee last hit of the ranged creep.
Dragon Tails stun duration does not scale very well for its levels. This stun is best used when in Dragon Form so dont hesitate to transform for the stun and then follow-up with Breathe Fire and auto-attack elemental damage.
Elder Dragon Form is not to be saved just for pushing towers or fights but rather to help you farm quickly with its increased movement speed, attack damage and effects. Dragon Form actually has a low cooldown since it starts when you transformed and not after the transformation. So deduct the duration of being in Dragon Form from the cooldown to know the true time when you will be in Dragon Form.
After Dragon Tail, cast Fireball to then cripple the enemy as they stew in your fire. This is also a great opening ability to punish the gap between your Dragon Form range attacks, high-ground and tower targeting to ensure enemies who try to engage on you are punished for it.

Σημειώσεις αντικειμένων συντάκτη

Early game

Early Bracer for Dragon Knight helps with last-hitting and gives you even more health and regeneration in line with the great armor and regeneration you get from Dragon Blood. Holding more Bracers is okay if you are not filling those slots quickly as it helps Dragon Knight to farm more quickly.

Core items

Change the attributes of your Power Threads depending if you need to farm or regenerate mana. When using Salve or Clarity, keep your boots on AGI to have a smaller pool of health or mana so more is replenished upon consumption. Before you cast a spell to farm more quickly, switch your Boots to Intelligence to reduce your total mana spend.
Opt for Magic Stick early if the enemy spam a lot of spells or you’ll be in the lane significantly. Magic Wand can be bought as early as before Boots of Speed or as late as after your core Boots upgrade depending on how the enemy and their spell usage. Magic Wand can also be bought to make room for other items due to limited space.
Use Blink Dagger to initiate onto an enemy with your ultimate: Dragon Elder Form. Follow through with your Dragon Tail, Breathe Fire and Fireball to cripple them, causing them to flee as your team finishes them off.
For Dragon Knight, Mage Slayer synergizes very well with his damage-over-time effects from his Corrosive Breath during Dragon Form and provides Magic Resistance that gives Dragon Knight incredible survivability, output and lasting damage.
Dragon Knight is very tank-like, but needs to avoid getting debuffed, like stunned, to maximize his Dragon Form timing. Black King Bar keeps you afloat, lets you dish out debuffs in Dragon Form and makes fighting back all the more harder for enemies.

Situational items

Hand of Midas gives Dragon Knight a bit more attack speed to farm more quickly but also helps him accelerate in farm for when he is not in Dragon Form as he does not farm as fast when in human form.
Dragon Knight can sometimes get caught out of position with heroes that have Break or can man-fight him with stuns and disables. Hurricane Pike repositions yourself away from the enemy, maintain your range when in Dragon Form and dish out big damage safely.
Linkens Sphere is great when you are getting initiated with hard disables that prevent you from breaking out or reacting with BKB. More importantly, it can be necessary versus great initiating or finishing ultimate abilities like Necrophos Reapers Scythe or Legion Commander duel.
Silver Edge is dependent on the enemy's line-up. If they have passive abilities that you want to cut off, then Silver Edge will help with that to make them easier to kill (e.g: Bristlebacks passive abilities). Alternatively, if you can't get in close to enemies using Blink Dagger, Silver Edge can be an alternative.

Extension items

Sange and Yasha provides all the stats that Dragon Knight wants and is heavily dependent on the status resistance from the Sange section because the enemy has a lot of lockdown. If you can survive those lockdowns, opt for other, larger, items than this one.
Daedalus is your end-game damage dealer. This late into the game, it is assumed that you'll have the attack speed or survivability to take advantage of Daedalus' incredible damage combined with Dragon Form's auto-attacking slow; allowing you to nail down enemies fast.
Assault Cuirass synergizes well with Dragon Knight who needs the attack speed, enjoys additional armour and the armour debuff works with his Dragon Forms elemental auto-attacks. Dragon Knight may be the teams primary carry or secondary to someone more agile; regardless, this helps the whole team.
Bloodthorn continues to provide great attack speed for Dragon Knight, high damage output that comboes with his Breathe Fire and Dragon Form Attack effects that pierces through Armor.

Luxury Items

Aghs Shard grants you an ability that is used for farming, a follow-up damage-dealer after stunning enemies with Dragon Tail and a strong defense when enemies seek to siege high-ground.
Aghs Scepter is an incredible upgrade for Dragon Knight due to its improvement movement capabilities and massive attack-effects.
With Satanic, you have sufficient damage output but need to remain in fights. Satanic gives you more survivability and works great to capitalize on the damage youre dealing to extend fights long enough for you to win them. The key value is the dispel which helps you avoid being slowed or diminished when you need it most in a fight.

Άλλα αντικείμενα

This will allow you to use your Breathe Fire ability more often and the health lost when using Soul Ring will be regenerated quickly via your passive skill: Dragon Blood
With a lot of health and regeneration, Dragon Knight can further deter attacks with Blade Mail. This is especially useful against a team that wants to tear him down quickly before he can fight back.
Heavens Halberd provides more survivability through evasion. To add, it also increases your life-steal/regeneration, reduces stuns and can disable foes.
Start ganking heavily with Shadow Blade; push towers during key team moments, then start ganking jungle and lanes with Shadow Blade and your ultimate's slow. After a kill, go push a tower with your team as you are now 4 vs. 5 thanks to your initiative.
Drum of Endurance is a nice pinch item to give more movement speed, attack speed and some mana for a very hungry Dragon Knight.
MKB provides value of attack speed and damage for a hero that is desperate in need of some. This will remedy any concerns of attack speed you may have.
Combined with Dragon Tail, Meteor Hammer extends the damage and stun duration for Dragon Knight opting for some early and strong ganks, tower pushes for a hero that is all about pushing and good regen to spam your abilities.
Nullifier is a key item for you late-game: it dispels your target. Especially useful against enemies that rely on key passive abilities or items like Ghost Scepter, Euls, Glimmer and Satanic to have them nullified against you. Hero passive abilities like Windrangers Windrun and Monkey Kings Jingu Mastery are also nullified by Nullifier.
Octarine Core reduces the in-between time you are not in Dragon Form, allowing you to farm faster, push lanes faster if you bought Manta Style and keep you in Dragon Form whenever a fight is coming.
Manta Style provides you additional damage output in Dragon Form while also serving as a great dispel in case of disables like Silence or slows. Dragon Knight is especially slow, making this item sometimes viable when you needing a lot of positioning help after initiating. When in Dragon Form, use Manta Style also to push lanes, tear down towers safely and to farm camps more quickly.