
Earlygame Items

Lategame Items



Spirit Lance




Phantom Rush





Spirit Lance: +{s:bonus_lance_damage} skade


Phantom Rush: +{s:bonus_agility_duration} s varighet for ekstra smidighet

Spirit Lance: -{s:value} s nedkjøling

Phantom Rush: +{s:value} rekkevidde

Juxtapose: +{s:value} % skade

Doppelganger: -{s:value}s nedkjøling


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This will help you with last hitting and later on, jungling. If you're taking a ring first, make sure to buy this later.
Get one of these if you're expecting a lot of physical harass.

Earlygame Items

Hand of Midas allows you to increase your farm and get more levels, faster.
After 6.79 you should get Treads instead of Tranqs.
A diffusal is your first main pickup. The mana burn orb effect works on illusions, so you're hitting a lot harder. The active can be used to chase people down or to kill summons such as Warlock's golems.
SITUATIONAL: Drum isn't as powerful as it used to be, but can still be picked up if you feel you need extra stats.
SITUATIONAL: Can be picked up after Diffusal Blade if you're looking to fight early.
SITUATIONAL: A Soul Ring is a great pickup if you want to harass or possibly kill enemies in your lane. Don't pick this up if you're farming uncontested.
SITUATIONAL: You can get this if you got a Stout Shield at the start. It provides additional protection as well as a nice bit of AGI.
Always carry a TP scroll!


A Manta Style gives you a lot more splitpushing and teamfight capabilities by allowing you to kickstart your illusion production. Note that Manta/Illusion runes don't count towards Juxtapose, so this allows you to have 10 illusions.
Your illusions also get the dodge chance, so they become a lot harder to kill.
More necessary this time around, as PL is now more often than not with his illusions. He's also a lot squishier, so having a BKB helps.

Lategame Items

While illusions do benefit from the critical hit chance, they don't get the flat damage increase. Build this as your last item.
Boots of Travel let you splitpush much more easily.
This only gives your illusions True Strike, not bashes or extra damage. Build against evasive heroes like Brewmaster, Phantom Assassin, or anyone who would build a butterfly.
Can be picked up to increase illusion's tankiness.
Allows you to lock down sneaky targets.
Can be used against heroes with long single-target disables.
You can replace your Diffusal Blade with this as a final item.


The aura this item gives doesn't help your illusions much. Build a Drum instead.
Your illusions only get the +45 damage fire tick, and for this much money you're much better off buying something that increases your damage or survivability more.
Illusions can't use Sange's maim. Use that Yasha for a Manta instead.
No cleave for your illusions, I'm afraid.
Illusions don't get flat damage increase. (But you can still buy it to show off!)

Andre gjenstander

Pick this up if you expect a lot of harass in your lane. Later builds into tranquils.
Vladmir's Offering allows you to jungle early if the lane isn't going well, as well as providing sustain. Don't get both a Drum and a Vlad's.
A Heart gives your illusions much more tankiness and allow PL to quickly rejoin a fight with his increased HP regeneration.
Illusions don't get bash.
Tranquil boots will give you a lot of extra sustain, allowing you to farm and jungle more easily