
Starting Items
Early Game Items

Mid Game Items
Late Game Items

Situational Items
Core Items

Neutral Items


The Swarm




Geminate Attack


Time Lapse




Shukuchi ความเสียหาย +{s:value} หน่วย

ค่า Strength +{s:value} หน่วย

เผาผลาญมานา +{s:value} หน่วย

Swarm จำนวนครั้งโจมตีเพื่อฆ่า +{s:value} ครั้ง

Geminate Attack พลังโจมตี +{s:value} หน่วย

Swarm ลดเกราะป้องกัน +{s:value} หน่วย

-{s:bonus_AbilityCooldown}s Shukuchi Cooldown

Geminate จำนวนครั้งโจมตี +{s:value} ครั้ง


Starting Items

A consumable for sustained HP regen in the laning stage. Helps you trade your HP with enemy heroes and heal back up without having to go to fountain. Provides double HP regen when eating an Iron Branch tree.
The most cost efficient stats item in Dota 2. Useful in the laning stage to have an HP, mana, and damage advantage against enemy heroes. Can be used together with a Tango for double HP regen.
Start with it if you expect a high frequency of spells from enemy heroes on the lane.

Early Game Items

A core Boots upgrade to improve your mobility and damage output with attack speed and stats. Helps in both farming and lane control.
Start with Magic Stick if you expect high frequency of spells from enemy heroes on the lane.
An early game pick up that helps you get through the laning stage with more stats. Also makes you more tanky with armor after the 25 minute mark when the stats are doubled.
A core item to improve your damage, tankiness, and mana sustain to spam Shukuchi for farming and fighting.

Mid Game Items

A core item that increases your attack range to hit from further away. Also improves your damage output and tankiness through stats. Can be upgraded to Hurricane Pike later in the game.
A core item to increase your right click damage and apply minus armor on geminate and right clicks. Lets you burst down enemy heroes and Roshan much faster.
A core item to improve your damage output on enemy heroes and creeps you pass through with Shukuchi to hit them with Geminate Attack. Lets you clear creep waves in an instant and right clicks multiple enemy heroes at once in teamfights.

Late Game Items

A core item to become unslowable while escaping or chasing enemy heroes as well as massively increase your damage and tankiness through stats. Especially useful for the mana burn against high strength cores with low mana pool.
A core item to avoid most disables and silences on the enemy team to hit freely in fights and have more versatility with Time Lapse usage. Also improves your right click damage and tankiness through HP pool and magic resistance.
A core damage item to burst down enemy heroes with right clicks. The Critical Strike can also proc from the second hit with Geminate Attack.
A mobility item that also increases your attack range to hit enemy heroes and buildings from further away. Works well to put some distance between you and an enemy hero and hit them with infinite range for a short period with the Hurricane Thrust active.
A situational item that gives you tankiness and HP sustain through lifesteal and lets you turn the fight from low health. Also lets you dispel yourself when in trouble.
A situational item to have more DPS with attack speed and stats while boosting your tankiness with evasion and armor.
A late game Boots upgrade for better mobility, farm efficiency, and split push potential while keeping your kill threat and tower pushing possibility all across the map.

Situational Items

A right click damage item to pierce evasion and miss chance on enemy heroes.
An alternative to Mjollnir to have more AoE control in teamfights and set up kills for yourself with a long range catch on multiple enemy heroes. Also lets you cancel TPs.
A powerful defensive tool to block single target disables and debuffs like Duel, Lasso, Hex, or Doom.
A unique item to dispel enemy heroes and take off most buffs from spells and items that prevent you from right-clicking them freely.
A situational item to significantly increase your tankiness and damage through stats. Works well against lifesteal and high HP regen on enemy heroes. Reduces the movement speed and HP sustain of enemy heroes you hit to make them less tanky and keep chasing them.