Our surviveability and zoning tool. Charge it until exclamation mark appears and attack enemies.
It's incredibly strong ability, but we don't really need to max it early on: value point is enough. You main combo should be E+Q+charge W and attack with Bedlam.
You're pretty slow hero anyway, so early Wind Lace will be really helpful. You can use it while upgrading Urn as well.
You will have mana issues early, while also wanting to get Greaves, so Arcane boots seems like most optimal choice.
Mobility and mana, additional save as well as setup for your Q or E (use E, wait for around 1.5 seconds, use eul).
Saves allies and works great in combo with your Q
Natural upgrade for Force Staff
Armor, percentage base heal/damage, HP and movement speed. Pretty much all you may ask for.
Core Transition
Additional strong lockdown, while also giving armor and high damage (works great on lvl 25)