Schemat przedmiotów

starting items
Early (Regen at Lotus Pool)

Core (Required, in order)
utility items

Situation (only if needed)
Extension (choice, Any order)

Luxury (Late-Game optional)

Schemat umiejętności





X Marks the Spot




Talent Tree


Tidebringer applies {s:bonus_movespeed_slow}% slow for {s:bonus_movespeed_slow_duration}s

+{s:bonus_ally_ms}% szybkości ruchu z X Marks the Spot

+{s:bonus_stun_duration}% Torrent Knock Up/Stun Duration

+{s:value} pkt. obrażeń


+{s:bonus_cleave_damage}% Tidebringer Cleave

Flota Ghostshipów

-{s:bonus_AbilityCooldown} s czasu oczekiwania na Tidebringer

Uwagi autora o umiejętnościach

Torrent has a casting delay, so be sure to account for that when aiming. It synergies with X Marks The Spot where you can set up with X Marks the Spot then place your Torrent at where the opponent will return. Hit your X Marks the Spot early if you want them to return as Torrent occurs.
Use Tidebringer to farm lanes and jungle camps incredibly quickly. During the laning phase, Tidebringer easily harasses enemy heroes out of the lane. You do more damage with your Cleave, so if you want to kill a hero, hit a creep in its general direction. Damages invisible units. Make sure to use Tidebringer before your combo so you can have it up again to deal damage again.
X Marks the Spot can work defensively or offensively. Use it to bring foes back to their original spot, similar to Glimpse from Disruptor. Also works on Allies and yourself for an extended duration, allowing you to push forward to hit someone with Tidebringer, then immediately retreat with X. If casted on allies, the duration is extended. Pop X on yourself and then teleport home to renegerate and pick-up key items before being brought back to your location.
Remember that it does also give bonus movement speed to allies and double health while also stunning enemies: 1. Open with X Marks the Spot (level 4) 2. Immediately follow-up with Torrent 3. Immediately cast Ghostship 4. Finish them off with your auto-attack All three abilities should connect.
Activate Torrent Storm to zone the enemy out and punish those caught in your massive AoE.
Rely on Tidal Wave to push enemies out of an area or to separate certain enemies from their team.

Uwagi autora o przedmiotach

starting items

Iron Branch can be placed on the ground to then be consumed by your tangos for additional healing.

Early (Regen at Lotus Pool)

Your goal early-on is to snag last hits to get Bottle before the two-minute rune comes up. You rely on Bottle to spam abilities that either harasses your opponent, secures the ranged creep with an ability or to eventually gank when you can activate the rune whenever you want to start roaming to other lanes.
An early bracer increases your survivability in the lane especially versus a heavy harassing team.

Core (Required, in order)

Kunkka relies on Phase Boots for the damage to improve his Tidebringer but also the armor to survive any harassment against him.
Opt for Magic Stick early if the enemy spam a lot of spells or you’ll be in the lane significantly. Magic Wand can be bought as early as before Boots of Speed or as late as after your core Boots upgrade depending on how the enemy and their spell usage. Magic Wand can also be bought to make room for other items due to limited space.
Aghanims Scepter makes engaging with Kunkka even more difficult as it will constantly disrupt fights and stun foes at random, without much warning or ability to avoid it.
Aghs Shard is an incredible tool to separate, push away or pull enemies towards you. Especially valuable against high-ground, if the enemy is too close to their tower or you are trying make your escape.
When playing Kunkka, having your combo interrupted by a stun or a silence is annoying. The strength helps tank you up and the damage goes directly into your Tidebringer damage.

utility items

Town Portal Scroll should be on you at all times, but in the case of Kunkka; the added effect is that in combination with your X Marks the Spot you can teleport back to base (with Bottle or not), then return subsequently back. Be sure to cast X Marks the Spot BEFORE teleporting back to base.

Situation (only if needed)

Initiate with Blink Dagger and then X Marks the Spot to ensure your enemy cannot flee and Torrent lands alongside your Ghost Ship. In addition, Blink Dagger can get you in range for Tidebringer, a nice finisher after your combo.
For Kunkka, his tankiness combined with his great damage with Tidebringer and the stats of Armlet makes this an incredible early-game pick-up that spikes your damage, ganks with your abilities and survivability to outlast fights.
Disarm physical carries from attacking with Heavens Halberd. Use it before they can use Black King Bar as the effect cannot be dispelled with Black King Bar is used BEFORE BKB is activated.
More damage, more chance to critical and a lot more critical damage. This item is perfect for your goal to burst down an enemy in as few hits as possible. More Daedalus is not a bad thing as you want to burst down foes in one hit.
Silver Edge is dependent on the enemys line-up. If they have passive abilities that you want to cut off, then Silver Edge will help with that to make them easier to kill (e.g: Bristlebacks passive abilities). Alternatively, if you cant get in close to enemies using Blink Dagger, Silver Edge can be an alternative.

Luxury (Late-Game optional)

Assault Cuirass complements Kunkkas high strength with a lot of survivability. The Assault Aura also makes Tidebringer even more potent in bringing down your foes by reducing their armor.
Kunkka later on starts to hit like a truck, but needs the survivability to fight against more aggressive and faster attacking physical heroes as well as strong magic nukers. Heart of Tarrasque allows him to hit more than a few times and makes his presence in a fight more viable.
Late in the game, Scythe of Vyse solves all your mana issues but more importantly guarantees to lock enemies down before they can even pop BKB. Its a great initiating tool when you know the enemy relies on BKB to safely output their damage.

Inne przedmioty

Break in case of icebergs.
Drums of Endurance helps you stay alive while also offering a bit more mana to be able to pull off your combination. If youre having trouble stay in matches, this should help. Movement is key for Kunkka who needs to properly position for his Torrent/Ghost Ship combination.
With Radiance, you aim for the late-game where you will eventually be tanky and your damage output will be insane with Tidebringer. Radiance improves your farming capability and makes your presence, alongside your big AoE abilities, fearful. Disassemble to make Butterfly, Divine Rapier and Nullifier later in the game.
Kunkka can gank at level 6 and easily kill foes with each ultimate ready. Spirit Vessel takes advantage of that to scale up the damage regardless how tanky your opponent is.
Lotus Orb provides the armor to give more survivability but also allows you dispel big stuns/slows or reflect back nuke damage on your teammates who keep getting targeted.
Nullifier is a key item for you late-game: it slows your target and dispels them. Especially useful against enemies that rely on key passive abilities or items like Ghost Scepter, Eul's, Glimmer, Satanic or Aeon Disk to have them disabled and nullified against you.
Orchid works great with Kunkka who enjoys the extra mana regeneration but more important: amplifies the combo he does with Torrent and your ultimate.
The value of Solar Crest comes from its movement speed and its dual usage depending on the situation: either to impart some of your armor to help an ally attack faster and survive physical damage OR to reduce an enemy's armor to utilize your physical damage or spells for further effect. The mana regen from Solar Crest is just enough to help you spam spells when farming or ganking.
With Satanic, you have sufficient damage output but need to remain in fights. Satanic gives you more survivability and works great to capitalize on the damage youre dealing to extend fights long enough for you to win them. The key value is the dispel which helps you avoid being slowed or diminished when you need it most in a fight.
The value in Bloodthorn is both its increase in massive attack speed but also in disabling your opponent, making them unable to cast their abilities. Any physical attacks you and your allies do will be count as critical, allowing you tear them down relatively quickly before the duration of Bloodthorn ends! Bloodthorn also has True Strike meaning all your attacks will land during its Active component.
Shadow Blade allows you to get close to the enemy undetected to pop your X Marks the Spot, Torrent and Ghostship together.