Build degli oggetti

Oggetti di partenza
Fase iniziale

Oggetti fondamentali
Oggetti situazionali


Build delle abilità





Afferra albero



Albero dei talenti

+{s:value} di velocità di movimento

+{s:value} punti Forza

+{s:value}% di resistenza agli stati alterati

+{s:value} danni per Valanga

+{s:bonus_tree_bonus_damage_pct}% di danno con gli alberi per Crescita

Lancio non richiede bersagli

-{s:value}s di ricarica per Valanga

{s:value} cariche per Lancio

Note sulle abilità dell'autore

Can Be skipped at lvl 6, in order to max toss and avalanche. if so Retake at 10 and 11

Note sugli oggetti dell'autore

Oggetti di partenza

You can trade this for either more consumables, wand(trilane) or more branches but personally I think stout shield is essential due to tiny's 0 starting armor, makes tanking creeps a lot more bearable

Fase iniziale

Dont be afraid to ferry some mana pots for the early game kills in pubs. if your supports are bad or have no stuns always useful to have mana to avalanche
Who doesnt need it?

Oggetti fondamentali

I like phase boots the best mainly because of the boost in mobility that it gives you and it allows you to position yourself for ava+toss combo, but it can be traded for treads which is also a good option (atk speed + Stat Switch)
The move speed aura + phase boots makes for very nice moblity to position your self for those ava+toss combos. atk speed aura and the extra stats is a very nice addition to tiny for early game. you should look to sell this in the later stages and make your support buy it
stats, cleave damge, hp,mp, increase atk range and extra damge to building. IMO most aghs upgrade are useless and other items give more to the hero but some of them can be great and Tiny's aghs upgrade is probably the best. this item is essential to playing an effective carry tiny
Pretty obvious why you need BKB. This item is important since it blocks out most spells and disable therfore allowing you to deal excessive damage in teamfights. although it should be noted that if disables and spells are not hindering your team fight ability this item may be skipped
Aghs is nice but after Grow! is maxed your atk speed has gone to shit. Getting a yasha is nice addition due to the extra agi (gives extra armor dont forget) and the bonus move+atk speed. can be upgrade to manta depending on how the game is progessing

Oggetti situazionali

If you are planning to afk farm for the first 35min of the game, Midas is the way to go. not to mention the extra atk speed on tiny is very nice
A great item that gives a lot to the team and yourself, only problem is, the fact that it is so damn expensive therfore get this item either when you are very very rich or when you cant out dps the other carry. although it should be noted that if they are melee, craggy exterior should help a lot
Grow! can sometimes hinder that fast dps damage that you want, but get this item if you want some quick and cheap attack speed. although I advise that you only get this after aghs. if just want the lifesteal I suggest you tell your support to get a vlads for you to save an item slot
A solid item for that extra push power when you need it. can also help in team fight and counter active items such us Orchids (and maybe heavens halberd)
I put this item cause this is a pub guide, but IMO this item is horrible beause its easily countered and its expensive. It can be used for running or using it for back stab into ava+toss combo which deals a lot of damage. decent players will buy dust/wards
Hyperstone is good for atk speed but yasha is alot better IMO. Hyperstoen does not give you moblity or armor and it is also more expensive and harder to build. Can also be replaced with a Mask of Madness. Only get this item if you are going for cuirass
generally a good item to tank up. gives nice regen and hp although I prefer cuirass over this item due to the fact that cuirass still gives you enough armor to tank and gives a lot more to the team


very late game when you dont want to use an item slot for a tp scroll
It'll butt rape the enemy team with aghs nuff said
Get this item ASAP. once purchased take your left hand off the keyboard and scratch your balls while right clicking with right hand
e-blade, ava+ toss --> laugh