Configuração de itens

Itens iniciais
Itens básicos

Itens essenciais

Mid to Late Game

Configuração de habilidades



Choque Enfraquecedor


Supremacia Arcana

Roubo de Habilidade


Talent Tree

+{s:value} de dano de aterrissagem para Telecinese

-{s:value}% de redução de dano p/ Choque Enfraquecedor

-{s:value}% de intervalo entre usos para Habilidades Roubadas

+{s:value}s de duração para elevação da Telecinese

-{s:value}s de intervalo entre usos para Choque Enfraquecedor

-{s:value}s de intervalo entre usos para Telecinese

+{s:value} de distância p/ aterrissagem de Telecinese

+{s:value}% de amplificação arcana para Habilidades Roubadas

Observações do autor

This should be your priority as a lane support. If you're mid, focus on Fade Bolt instead.
Prioritize as Mid.
Upgrade this at the available levels, dingus.

Observações do autor

Itens iniciais

Mid Build
Mid Build

Itens básicos

You could theoretically get these as a
Everybody loves wands.
A good, cheap counter to Rubick's early-game squishiness. Builds into Urn of Shadows as well.
ONLY FOR MID! :D Starting items for mid should only include Tango and 3 Iron Brances, to save for an early bottle.
Good passive regen, and builds into Mekanism.

Itens essenciais

Around mid-game, this loses usefulness, as you'll have more than enough regen, along with your Arcane Boots and Mekanism.
Good mana regen in early game, as well as a life-saving heal for your bros. Remember, you ARE support!
More useful in early to mid game, but retains its usefulness in late game, as it counters the mana cost of Mekanism. Also, your bros will love you for this.
This should be a priority. This has saved my ass more times than I can count, and I can count to ten. Protip: Also a healthy escape method for your bros.
All-around good passives, and the heal alone can turn the tide of team fights, especially when paired with Arcane Boots.
This item is optional, and I know it's pricey, but its usefulness isn't limited to escape. I've used it to help gank, to port next to a bro and heal him, and to chase someone down. It adds a level of mobility to Rubick that otherwise doesn't exist.
Mmmmm...Tastey passives. This is the start to your Bloodstone. Start building this only after you have your Mekanism, Force Staff, and Blink Dagger (If you wanted a Blink Dagger)


If you're mid, throwing these down by the runes is your responsibility.
If you're laning with a stealther.
Good for that pesky Riki/Bounty Hunter.
Good for a surprise push.
If you're not the only support, don't buy and upgrade the courier. Share the load, Frodo.
Getting auto-attacked too much?
For that extra punch. Only if you don't have a nuker.
If you're getting focused too much.

Mid to Late Game

Yeah, baby. That's what daddy likes.
While the Scepter doesn't affect Spell Steal itself, it does improve the spell stolen, if the spell in question can be improved. The usefulness of this item depends greatly on the heroes you're up against. If you're not sure whether to get this or not, don't.
Swimming in cash, are we?

Outros itens

This should be a priority if the opposing team has a fed carry.