
A játék elején

Helyzetfüggő tárgyak




Demonic Conversion


Midnight Pulse


Black Hole


Adottság Fa

+{s:value} Eidolon támadási sebesség

+{s:bonus_damage} Black Hole másodpercenkénti sebzés

+{s:value} életerő

+{s:bonus_damage} Malefice alkalmankénti sebzés

+{s:value} Midnight Pulse hatósugár

+{s:value} Eidolon sebzés

+{s:bonus_stun_instances} Malefice alkalom

+{s:value} Demonic Conversion Eidolon

A szerző képesség-megjegyzései

Malefice is pretty useful at lower skill points, but only use it while ganking enemy heroes. You can opt for more midnight pulse over this skill if you desire, but generally get a mix between the 2. DO NOT max this skill over Demonic Conversion as that's your farming skill.
Demonic Conversion is Enigma's best basic skill because it allows him to jungle very rapidly and also push towers early on in the game. Max this skill first to increase your farming speed and give you good damage during your ultimate.
Midnight pulse can be leveled at level 2 or later to help with jungling, defending pushes, clearing trees, and doing more damage during a black hole. Some players level this to max before Malefice, and others dont. It really depends on the game you're playing.
Black Hole is one of the best teamfight ultimates in the game because it allows you to possibly disable 5 enemy players(regardless of magic immunity) for 4 seconds. Early game it should be used to get solo kills, and mid-late it should be used to make plays in teamfights.

A szerző tárgy-megjegyzései


Enigma doesn't need much farm to start the game off, so either buying obs ward or a courier for your team if a great help!
You need clarity potions to afford the hefty 170 mana cost per eidolon in the jungle. Spawn eidolons to tank the neutrals and then use clarities to re-fill your mana.
You don't need to build a tango, but it covers any missed hp from ganks or jungling mistakes that you might have. I recommend getting 1 if you are new to Enigma.
2 ironwood branches are picked up to build into mekansm later!.They provide 26 mana and 38 hp and 2 damage, which is surely worth getting for a mere 100 gold!

A játék elején

Soul Ring should be purchased as soon as you make your first 800 gold. You should use the Soul Ring every time you can with Demonic Conversion. It helps keep Enigma indefinitely in the jungle, and is used throughout the entire game.
I think Brown boots are the best for Enigma because you shouldn't need an upgrade. A wand and soul ring is enough mana, so you don't need arcanes. If you upgrade boots, I'd recommend Power Treads for extra hp. Extra hp means more time and opportunity to black hole!
I like finishing a buckler before a headdress because of the extra survivability and pushing power that it provides! If you are low hp and being harassed, however, I'd recommend the headdress first.
Magic Stick is an inexpensive way to keep your hp up, and provide extra mana for a much needed black hole or other spell!


Enigma is so good at jungling that he can easily and reliably farm a Mekansm. It provides natural regen to counteract losses from soul ring, gives you stronger push and team support, and often times provides you enough tank to eat a few nukes and still Black Hole immediately afterwards.

Helyzetfüggő tárgyak

From your Core items, you should either be building a Black King bar to prevent being stunned while black hole-ing, or a Blink to try for 5 man hole initiations. Against worse players, I recommend a Blink. Against good players I recommend BKB, as their position is usually better.
I generally purchase Blink after Mek or after Black King Bar, depending on the game. It's high risk high reward to purchase it first, so be aware of the dangers if you purchase it immediately. Use it to blink black hole and win teamfights.
I like Power treads because of the extra hp it provides. 152 hp is more chance to black hole before you die, and players will group around low hp heroes to try to stop the black hole from coming out.
Medallion can be used to take early roshans so it is sometimes useful. I find that it takes a very long time to do solo though, and Enigma quickly runs out of item slots so I don't like grabbing it.
Ghost Scepter can be very useful against enemy carries that only do physical damage.
Force staff gives you a second initiation option on Blink if you want it. You can use it to escape if needed.
Linkens can be a good pickup against either a Vengeful Spirit(as swap goes through BkB) or a Doom(because BkB won't stop it).
This is less of a serious item, as blink/linkens/bkb is more useful, but if you are very farmed or are skipping mek or something, you can grab an aghs to increase your survivability, and make your black hole do more damage. I don't think this item is very viable, but you can purchase it.
Necro 3 is really good right now, and you can summon the necros then block hole, and likely kill most solo targets because the necros do incredible damage. The item itself gives good hp and mana as well.
If you are ready to troll, you can purchase a refresher orb and ulti more often. I don't recommend holing 2 times in one fight. You're probably better off black holing, then refreshing for the next fight.