Build de itens

Itens iniciais
Início da partida

Itens essenciais
Itens situacionais

Tank Time

Build de habilidades

Wild Axes


Call of the Wild Hawk

Inner Beast


Primal Roar


Árvore de talentos

+{s:value} de dano

Wild Axes: +{s:bonus_damage_amp}% de amp. de dano por acumulação

Aura de +{s:bonus_ms} rapidez de mov. (BM e unidades dele)

Inner Beast: +{s:bonus_bonus_attack_speed} de rapidez de ataque

Javali com +{s:bonus_boar_bonus_damage} de dano de ataque base

Aura de +{s:bonus_hp} de vida máxima (BM e unidades dele)

Wild Axes: -{s:bonus_AbilityCooldown}s ao cooldown

Primal Roar: -{s:bonus_AbilityCooldown}s ao cooldown

Notas do Autor (Itens)

Itens iniciais

Adds some basic stats and enough intel to support the Axes early game.

Início da partida

Not absolutely necessary, but good for additional mana regen. Normally going for a Vlads if this is bought.

Itens essenciais

I prefer these boots to others simply for the boost; both offensive and defensive.
Always good for Beastmaster as mid to late game (if he was played decently early game) he tends to be targeted early in a battle.
Obvious choice for abusing his Ulti.

Itens situacionais

Buying this tends to make Beastmaster the main Initiator in a fight.
A lot of people belittle me for building this on him, but it gives decent enough stats and an ability that can mean the difference between life and death for both allies and enemies. I normally manage to build this early game, but I set it as situational as not everyone would see the need for it.
Avatar is always a nice surprise for Melee heroes to have up their sleeves.
This is just here as a general item people tend to build, although I cannot remember the last time I built this on anyone.