





Kraken Shell


Anchor Smash




Talent Tree

+{s:bonus_attack_damage} Anchor Smash Damage

+{s:value}% Gush Slow

+{s:value} Gush Damage

+{s:bonus_damage_reduction}% Anchor Smash Damage Reduction

Anchor Smash affects buildings

+{s:value} Kraken Shell Damage Block

+{s:bonus_duration}s Ravage Stun Duration

50% chance of Anchor Smash on attack


1 point of gush should be gotten somewhere between levels 3-8, depending on when you feel that you can get a kill or contribute to a kill. If you are solo vs a trilane it's best to get more Anchor or Kraken Shell.
Kraken shell is a built in stout shield that also removes stuns/silences/slows. You should get more levels early if you are against a trilane or if you are having trouble surviving. If you feel like you can get a kill, get more levels of anchor smash early!
Anchor Smash is your bread and butter farming skill! You can use this in the long lane to get last hits(anchor does more than auto attacks) and to harass enemy carries. Get more levels of anchor early if you feel like you don't need the extra Kraken damage block.
Ravage is one of the best teamfight ultimates in the game. It releases an expanding aoe stun that does large damage and helps massively in teamfights! In the early game you should use it to kill solo heroes and late game use it only to teamfight.



You should only be able to afford 1 tango if you go boots first. If you choose not to go boots first, then I recommend picking up extra regen.
A fast boots as a tidehunter offlane allows you to bully your opponents, stay within exp range, and escape the trilane that comes to kill you. Upgrade your boots to Arcane boots later, and go back to base to heal if you take too much damage.
I prefer 1 ironwood branch at the start over 1 clarity potion because sitting around healing from the clarity sometimes hurts more than it helps.


Arcane boots is necessary so that you can spam anchor smash to get last hits, and have enough for Ravage, Gush, and multiple Anchor Smashes. Some games you can purchase tranquil boots if you are doing extremely bad, but you will run into mana problems as a result.
Magic Stick should be purchased before Arcane if you're having a rough time, or after if you're having a good time. Always get it between Arcane and Blink, if you haven't purchased yet.
Always carry a TP! If you can Ravage 2 heroes in a teamfight or a gank, you can help win the game with those plays. You need to be available to your allies with your teamfight.


Blink dagger is a must because it allows you to ravage the enemy team on a moments notice. It also helps you gank and place your anchor smash better, and on occasiaion escape from enemies. Once you have arcane boots and a Blink Dagger. You have everything you need for the game.
Wand should usually be purchased on heroes that want some extra survivability kick. If you're doing really well it's fine to leave it as a magic stick.


Refresher is generally purchased immediately after blink dagger because 2 ravages can really help win a fight. Make sure to use your arcane boots again after you refresh.
You can pick up a Mekansm if you already have blink and want some extra tank and no one on your team is building it. Generally it's better to purchase a refresher so that you can double ravage in the mid game.
Pipe is the natural build in after Blink because it gives you much needed hp regen and makes you hard to kill from 2 damage sources(physical and magic). Generally you should purchase Refresher, but sometimes going utility items is superior.
Shivas fits in nicely if the opponents don't have much magic damage and you don't need a pipe. It adds more aoe to your hero and provides you with an extra slow to use on enemies. If you go refresher, going Shivas afterwards is recommended.
Urn is a fantastic item for Tide because it gives hp, damage, gives him some heal after teamfights, and just enough mana regen to make you topped off at all times.
It's sometimes very nice to have both a blink dagger and a force staff so that you can both initiate and escape the same teamfight, or even use the force staff on an ally to save them.
You may have some issues versus major physical damage dealers so a small Ghost Scepter pickup can increase your survivability after you initiate.

Other Items

You 100% NEED a stout shield if you offlane Tide. This DOES stack with kraken shell. If the Stout procs and the damage blocked is higher than your level of kraken shell, then it blocks the Stoud shield amount! If it does not proc, then it blocks the Kraken amount!
You can either pick up a clarity potion here or an ironwood brance. An ironwood branch provides 13 mana(and 19 hp and 1 agi), but the clarity will provide you 2-3 more anchor smashes, so it's up to the user which he likes better. Keep in mind it takes you out of combat for 30 seconds!
After you have blink dagger, you really don't need any more items, so helping out by buying observer wards and sentries can be a great help!
Buy sentries if you need them in fights and you aren't saving for a blink dagger!