
A játék elején

Helyzetfüggő tárgyak

Luxury Items


Poison Touch


Shallow Grave


Shadow Wave


Bad Juju

Adottság Fa

+{s:bonus_attack_range_bonus} Poison Touch harctáv

+{s:value} manatöltődés

+{s:value} Shadow Wave gyógyítás/sebzés

+{s:value} támadási sebesség

+{s:value} gyógyítás a Shallow Grave végén

+{s:bonus_damage} Poison Touch sebzés / mp

+{s:bonus_slow}% Poison Touch lassítás

+{s:value} Bad Juju páncélcsökkentés/-növelés

A szerző tárgy-megjegyzései


Complete this in the side shops
Maintain visionary dominance

A játék elején

Great mana regen, great armour. Armour early game is really useful as the percentages are much higher per armour increase
An urn is amazing with Dazzle. He's always in the fight getting lots of charges.


You really need the mana, but if you're game is going really well, why not a phase or straight for BoT?
Your ulti needs to be spammed, it is the most op armour exchange in the game, get this when nothing else is absolutely required. But honestly, it isn't absolutely compulsory. Your ulti is fine on its own, this is just to boost it.
Great ganking item
Always carry a tp, your team needs You.

Helyzetfüggő tárgyak

Get this if there are caster(s), and at the start u can always get 3 branches. I've left it open to buy anything else you like. You can even save the starting money to finish your ring early.
Very good item, but you should only get this if you're doing really well. You need your Aghanims above almost all other items.
An exceptional item on Dazzle. He needs the extra movement speed, mana regen / pool and the extra disable. I usually get this before Aghanims if I'm doing fairly well.
Pipe. Magic. Reduction. The most imbalanced anti-magic damage item you can get on the market.
Can't live against Jugger's ulti? or Lifestealer? Get a Ghost Scepter
Anti-Carry. Not recommended on Dazzle though. This is only if the opponents only have a single pumped carry you want to disarm. Most of the time, an extra disable would be much better, e.g Eul's.
Interesting item to get early game. If you have a hard hitter you're supporting, this is definitely an item to try out.
You really need the positioning for your ulti and all your skills really. Get this once you've got what you need.
Get this over Dagger if you think that a Dagger can be easily cancelled (e.g Zeus / Specter ultimates)

Luxury Items

Disassemble your Arcanes to make this.
This is a must get in the late game. Combo-ed with your ulti, the armour exchange is insane.