Item Build

Starting Items
Mid lane

Early game


Ability Build

Echo Stomp


Astral Spirit


Natural Order


Earth Splitter


Talent Tree

+{s:bonus_move_pct_heroes}% Astral Spirit Move Speed Per Hero

+{s:value} Attack Speed

+{s:bonus_stomp_damage} Echo Stomp Damage

+{s:bonus_damage_heroes} Astral Spirit Hero Attack

+{s:value}% Cleave

+{s:bonus_radius} Natural Order Radius

-{s:value}s Earth Splitter Cooldown

+{s:bonus_wake_damage_limit} Echo Stomp Wake Damage

Author's Ability Notes

Spirit damage = Magical, Elder damage = Physical Remember, this isn't a stun, it's a sleep. Creeps/tower won't wake the enemy up, use this to your advantage if they dive you under a tower (if your team has radiance make sure this is turned off when attempting this).
You can control this unit to tunnel vision your opponent to land a huge knock out. Your spirit also carries your aura. Use your spirit to your advantage if you're contesting Roshan, the radius of your sleep will cover the entire Rosh pit.
Armour reduction is only applied to base armour and armour gained from agility
Returns the spirit to Elder Titan
Damage = 50% physical, 50% magical. Linkins will block the slow, but the damage/pull won't be blocked. Your ulti will require a set up, use it in conjunction with your sleep or synergise with enigma, naga, es etc

Author's Item Notes

Starting Items

Stout Shield mitigates damage. Since Stout Shield uses pseudo-random distribution, the damage block chance is around 53%.
Tangos restore a small amount of health for a very little cost, hence making this item a definite purchase in the early game. The regeneration from the use isn't broken when you take damage.
Effective heal is 40 hp/s. Will stack with Tango. Healing Salve won't be dispelled if the damage is less than 20 health (after reductions).
Iron Branch gives a cheap boost of passive stats and can then be made into a Magic Wand or Mekansm. Iron Branch is considered to be one of the most cost efficient items in the game.

Mid lane

Elder Titan uses quite a lot of mana so if you're mid this is core, remember to grab runes or if you're unable to, use the courier to bottle crow.

Early game

Arcane Boots are core because of Elder's mana troubles. You can also buy Phase Boots if you're feeling adventurous.
Magic Wand allows you to get a quick burst of healing/mana. Core if versing anyone who is spamming their abilities (Bat Rider, Bristleback, etc). Charges stack up to 15 times.
Heals everyone around you for 250, great in early game team fights or if you're pushing. If someone buys this before you, skip and buy Drums. Mek doesn't stack so don't buy more than one.


Drums is a very strong early game item, gives passive stats of 5 attack speed and 5% movement speed (radius of 900). Make sure to use drums, it's better to have 0 charges at 20 minutes than all 4. Use when in a team fight or diving or escaping. Don't underestimate the power of Drums.
Veil is very strong especially if you have magic heroes on your team. Use before a team fight and pop everything magical (Spirit and ulti). You will decimate them with a Veil and ulti pop. Cannot be avoided by bkb.
Resets the cooldown of all your items and abilities. Use this with your ultimate and spirit (you can also double stomp if need be), be careful of the mana cost because if you can't support it you're going to be in trouble.


Very helpful against any enemy who can spawn illusions (Phantom Lancer, Chaos Knight etc). Use in team fights to slow their movement speed by 40%, you can use Shiva's and move to slightly extend the range to catch running heroes. Using Shiva's doesn't interrupt channeling abilities.
Good for chasing down running heros, also helps out your mana pool a little bit. The range is pretty large (1200) so you don't need to worry about how close you are when you use it, the cooldown is 16 seconds and makes this item very strong and underutilised.
Strong early game heal if you want to skip Mekansm. You gain a charge when an enemy dies within 1400 radius (the closest urn to the dead hero gains the charge), can't be used on magic immune enemies. Gives slight mana regen as well.
Very good item, gives good stats and is very helpful with your mana pool. Can be used much the same as Atos, lasts for 3.5 seconds and slows their base movement speed by 100. BKB and Linkens blocks, can be purged by diffusal.
Helpful if you want to use Ancestral Spirit at the cost of no mana, synergises well with Tranquil Boots. Also comes in handy to reduce the cost of Refresher Orb slightly.
Heals you for 250 HP over 20 seconds. If you take damage from a tower/enemy hero the heal is lost, Roshan doesn't cancel the heal. Will be canceled if you take over 20 damage from neutrals. Synergises well with Soul Ring. Very good if getting heavily harassed in lane.
Gives good armour and attack speed. Decreases armour by 5 for nearby enemies. Buy this if you need some survivability (doesn't stack with other Assault Auras). Stacks very well with Natural Order.
Good for initiating with a blink + stomp, also handy for escaping or chasing down enemies. If you take damage from an enemy hero or Roshan it will prevent you using Blink for 3 seconds. Blink can disjoint some spells from hitting you.
Heart is very handy if you need a bunch of health, it's your decision if you want to get this over AC or even Shiva's Guard.
Desolator is actually a very good item on Elder, it synergises very well with Natural Order and Corruption (the debuff that is applied from Deso). I would consider Assault Cuirass to be superior based on the aura and you not having to attack for it to be applied.
Hood of Defiance is a good item for you, allowing you to survive longer against nukers. Only get Hood of Defiance if you plan on upgrading it into a Pipe of Insight.
Gives a nice amount of int, little bit of damage and some armour. Buy it if you're against some higher dealing enemies and you need a tiny bit of survivability for a fraction of the cost.

Other Items

Can be used on teammates and enemies. You can use Force Staff over trees (destroying them in the process) and cliffs. Double tapping the item will use it automatically and push you in whichever direction you're facing. Will not incur a cooldown if hit by enemies or Roshan.
Gives you invisibility for 12 seconds while gaining 20% movement speed (able to walk through units), also gaining 150 bonus damage on initial attack out of invisibility. Can be countered very easily with Dust and Sentry Wards. Buy if you want to have fun, gives you an easy set up with stomp.