

extension items



Meat Hook




Flesh Heap




Talent Tree


+{s:value} Armor

{s:value}% Rot Slow

+{s:value}% Spell Lifesteal

+{s:bonus_damage} Meat Hook Damage

+{s:bonus_AbilityChannelTime}s Dismember Duration

-{s:bonus_AbilityCooldown}s Meat Hook Cooldown

{s:bonus_dismember_damage}x Dismember Damage/Heal

{s:bonus_flesh_heap_strength_buff_amount}x Flesh Heap Stack Str and Damage Block bonuses


Meat Hook is what makes Pudge the well-known fatty that he is. If you can land them hooks, you'll 1. Get kills 2. Feel like a SupaMida I personally wait untill i reach level 6, after that i try to Hook+Rot+Dismember the opposing midlaner. After that's done, i use TP and Smoke to roam.
I always level Rot first. This allows me to lasthit with ease. Also, if you have someone like CM or Bane in your team, you can easily make First Blood with Rot + their immobalize.
I think of Flesh Heap as a reward counter. It tells you if you played like a SupaMida or not. Flesh Heap + Aghanim's is your Late Game Potential, so if you did well in Early, you'll do well in Late Game. If you have more than 35 stacks at the end of the game, you can call yourself a SupaMida.
Dismember is the follow-up to Meat Hook. Activate Rot while Dismember to deal a lot of Damage over Time. It goes thorugh Magic Immunity, which can be very important in teamfights.



An Urn of Shadows is a logical choice for a SupaMida, since you'll help your team to stay alive by murdering people.


Tranquil Boots are very helpful. Because Pudge is a melee mid, he will take a lot of damage from the enemy rihtclicks. These Boots help you to survive in lane and recover from ganks.
Not commonly seen, but it can be useful if enemy attempt to fight back.
A Blink Dagger is much better for Pudge than a Force Staff. Why? It a. costs no mana b. has a shorter cooldown c. has a bigger blink range

extension items

A Pipe of Insight is a very logical choice since you already have the Hood of Defiance.
Shiva's Guard improves your tankiness and provides some teamfight presence.


After 6.79 this isn't picked up often, but if you really need mana regen and the ability to reposition others, you can buy this instead or in addition to a Blink Dagger.
A Scythe of Vyse is an amazing pickup against DPS machines.

Other Items

A Bottle is a must-have for every midlane ganker, since it allows you to store runes for ganks. And the mana regen is useful for Pudge, since his Hook has a high mana cost.
A TP Scroll allows you to gank every lane, bypassing wards.
I almost Always pick up an Aghanim's Scpeter, since this is the source of Pudge's Late Game potential. The more Flesh Heap stacks you have, the more damage you'll do.
An Assault Cuirass is a very
A Heart of Tarrasque counters Rot's Selfdamage and it increases the damage of Aghanim's Dismember. I love this item on Pudge and i always get it.
A BKB is an amazing item for Pudge, since it allows you to channel Dismember without being interrupted and denies Rot's selfdamage.
The Hood of Defiance protects you from magical harm, including your own Rot. (Well, it reduces magical damage, it isn't a BKB)
I don't often pick this up, but it can be helpful if the enemy has wards on the battlefield.
Smoke of Deceit helps you to gank enemies, especially if the enemy has a proper warding up.
A Heaven's Halberd is an excellent choice against heavy rightclickers.