Build de itens

Itens iniciais
Início da partida

Itens essenciais
Common Situational Items

Rare Situational Items

Build de habilidades

Mirror Image




Rip Tide


Song of the Siren


Árvore de talentos

Ensnare: -{s:bonus_AbilityCooldown}s ao cooldown

Rip Tide: +{s:value} de dano

Mirror Image: +{s:value}% de dano

+{s:value} de Força

Song of the Siren: -{s:value}s ao cooldown

Ilusões de Mirror Image: +{s:value}

Mirror Image: -{s:value}s ao cooldown

-{s:value} ataque para ativar Rip Tide

Notas do Autor (Itens)

Início da partida

Using your ultimate before a TP can guarantee your escape.

Itens essenciais

Will solve your mana issues, helps get your snare off and can save you and your teammates from sticky situations.

Common Situational Items

Naga does not have enough mana issues to warrant arcane boots for herself. Get these to help your teammate's mana issues.
Snowball item. Increases your maximum HP and gives you a 400 HP heal.
Gives a good aura for your team, builds into Vlad's. Your illusions spread this aura!
Get this for your melee carry(ies). Your illusions spread this item's auras, but they don't gain them.'
Got a bracer for the health? Might as well upgrade it. Gives great stats and great aura. Your illusions spread this aura!
This item will save your life and allow you to get those snares and ults off. Careful against those magic heavy enemies.
Your high armor, ability to escape with your ultimate and force staff make you a good candidate to hold onto this beauty.
Get this to slow that enemy team's right clicks. Your illusions spread this aura!
Using your ultimate before a TP can guarantee your escape.
Buy to take out a hero from fights for a few seconds. Makes you faster.

Rare Situational Items

Good for teams that want to drop single targets fast and gives you some more armor.
Purge those warlock demons away! Your illusions gain the Feedback attack modifier.
Get this if your team lacks innitiation.
Expensive, but can be invaluable against tough, hard hitting heroes.
Maim does not work for illusions.