Configuração de itens

Itens iniciais
Itens básicos

Itens essenciais
Itens situacionais

Supporting Items

Configuração de habilidades

Imagem Espelhada






Canção da Sereia


Talent Tree

-{s:bonus_AbilityCooldown}s de intervalo entre usos para Enredar

+{s:value} de dano para Corredeira

+{s:value}% de dano para Imagem Espelhada

+{s:value} de Força

-{s:value}s de intervalo entre usos para Canção da Sereia

+{s:value} ilusão para Imagem Espelhada

-{s:value}s de intervalo entre usos para Imagem Espelhada

-{s:value} ataque para causar Corredeira

Observações do autor

Very nice skill for dps and also you can send your illusions to break enemies armor with rip tide.
Nice disable.... Very important for ganks. An important note about this ability is that ensnare, goes through bkb.So you can use this on bkbed enemy carries. However, in a team fight, your main target to ensnare should be the most dangerous one that you think. It might not be just the carry.
Makes enemies take high physical damage. You should send illusions forward and use this skill onyour main hero just to harass and reduce armor more safely.
Everyone goes to sleep!!! Use it for team fight initiations or for escapes. For initiation, try to catch as many heroes as possible so you can setup a team fight.Also you can use this to isolate and kill the enemy heroes when they activate bkb.For escapes,always try to save important heroes for team

Observações do autor

Itens iniciais

This item is great for the instant 150 mana that naga can do with. Having this item can grant you a lot of time instead of going base to refill your mana.

Itens básicos

build on arcane later.
Since this naga build is mainly focused on ganks, gaining urn charges makes you more durable and more support during the game.
Medallion combined with rip tide causes extreme physical damage.
Easy magic res. Upgrade into the OP cape later on.

Itens essenciais

Naga needs mana to be more useful on team fights and ganks.
OP item. Use this to gank effectively or to escape easily. However, be careful with your mana pool since Naga is not an intelligence hero, she suffers from mana pool. I suggest getting the arcanes first.
Upgrade the medallion into this and the game is perfect. Armor break is too good with the evasion. It is like a cheaper way of getting the halberd + medallion like the TI3 Naga.
Who wouldn't like to heal up? This might make your team counter initiate with an effective song. Saves lives.

Itens situacionais

With nagas illusions, diffisual can be very useful on enemies who needs mana to be useful. Also a nice active to slow and take off buffs.
health and armor
for extra speed and survivability.
for survivability.
This item is very situational. You might get this item if you feel that you have to last longer in team fights against multiple enemies with high physical dps. This item works similar to halberd but getting a halberd will be more useful than this.
Mekansm is not really a core item for naga, however if gotten early, it can be very useful. Afterwards you can upgrade your arcane and meka into this where you have the gold to do so. It removes the mana penalty and the regen is absolutely perfect for Naga. I would highly suggest getting this item.
Eul's is not as good as before for Naga since the mana for cyclone is very high. Still you can buy this for extra mana pool and regen, but do so after arcanes.
Extra regen is nice, also helpful with the ganking. Check the people who bought bottle or is going to buy bottle before considering it.

Supporting Items

You should replace this with tangoes if you are going to buy the courier.
Replace with tangos or another item in order to buy this in the beginning of the game.

Outros itens

Nice early game block and durability
This item gives you perfect evasion and with its active you can shut down right clickers on enemy team. Also a nice chance to slow and nice strength bonus.