Referencia de objetos

Objetos iniciales
Fase temprana

mid game
late game


Referencia de habilidades

Furia de la Hoja


Guardián Sanador


Danza de la Hoja




Árbol de talentos


+{s:bonus_duration} s de duración para Furia de la Hoja

+{s:value} de DPS para Furia de la Hoja

-{s:value} s de tiempo de recarga para Guardián Sanador


+{s:bonus_blade_dance_lifesteal} % de robo de vida para Danza de la Hoja


+{s:bonus_duration} s de duración para Omnilátigo

+{s:bonus_healing_ward_bonus_health} ataques para destruir para Guardián Sanador

Notas del autor sobre las habilidades

One of the most powerful spells in the early stage of the game, which can deal huge amount of magical damage. Use it smartly to get kills during the laning stage. Later in the game you can use it to dodge enemy spells. If enemy team has no way to cancel teleports on magic immune units, you can play very aggressively and escape by using Blade Fury and Town Portal Scroll.
Very undirestimated spell, which is often ignored by players in lower ranks. Healing Ward can have significant impact on fights. It can save your life during a gank attempt or aggressive dive.
This spell helps Juggernaut to farm faster and deal more damage in fights. Do not max it over Healing Ward, it is one of the biggest mistakes you can make.
In most cases this spell will guarantee you one or several kills. Not many players know, but you can control Omnislash jumps by right-clicking the enemy hero you want to kill. it doesn't work for all bounces, but can increase your chances of hitting desired target.

Notas del autor sobre los objetos

Objetos iniciales

Buy Quelling Blade in the side shop as soon as possible. This item will ease the process of last-hitting and improve your jungle farming potential.
Extra stats will never hurt you. Use Iron Branch to double the effect of Tango or leave them to complete Magic Wand later in the game.
Make sure to buy enough healing items to sustain the laning stage comfortably.

Fase temprana

Additional stats from Wraith Band will help you in early fights and will increase your last-hitting and farming potential.
Magic Wand is one of the most useful item you can purchase on a core hero. It will make you significantly stronger in fights.

mid game

Battle Fury is also a very good item to buy on Juggernaut. It will significantly increase your farming potential and improve your damage output in fights. This item is very powerful against illusion based heroes.
Great alternative to Manta Style if you want to play actively in the early and mid stages of the game.

late game

One of the best items to get on agility hero. It will improve your armour, damage, attack speed, evaision and movement speed.
Abyssal Blade is a powerful late-game item. Active: Overwhelm will help you to hold enemy heroes in place and make kills. Not to mention Passive: Bash works very well in combination with Juggernaut's high attack speed.


Blink Dagger is an excellent item to pick on Juggernaut. It will allow you to instantly burst down one of key enemy heroes in fights.
This item can be useful in rare cases. For example, it works very good against Elder Titan.
Lienken's Sphere can be very useful if you play against Legion Commander or Bloodseeker.
Get this item if enemy team has a lot of disables. Sometimes having Blade Fury is not enough.
Good item to buy if you want to be active in the early stage of the game. Works very well in combination with Manta Style and can be very useful versus Wraith King and Medusa.
This item is great to buy against heroes, who have powerful passive abilities, such as Bristleback or Phantom Assassin.
Get this item if enemy heroes have a powerful source of evasion.
Drum of Endurance is a very powerful item, which will allow you to provide a lot of impact in early and mid stages of the game. Make sure to use it effectively in fights.
Mjollnir is insanely effective on Juggeunaut. This item improves your famring potential and makes you significantly stronger in fights. In combination with Omnislash this item will help you to deal enormous amount of damage in fights.
Since Juggernaut usually builds many items, which improves his stats, Manta Style illsuions also become very strong. This item will allow you to remove debuffs and split push lanes more effectively.
Eye of Skadi is another great item to improve your stats. Passive: Cold Attack will help you to chase and kill your opponents.

Otros artículos

Movement and attack speed you gain with Yasha will help you to farm significantly faster.