
Tidigt spel



Searing Chains


Sleight of Fist


Flame Guard


Fire Remnant



+{s:value} Skada

+{s:value} Flame Guard Barrier Amount

+{s:value} DPS med Flame Guard

+{s:value} s varaktighet på Searing Chains

+{s:value} mål för Searing Chains

+{s:value} hjälteskada med Sleight of Fist

{s:value} laddningar av Sleight of Fist

-{s:bonus_AbilityChargeRestoreTime}s Remnant Charge Restore Time

Skaparens förmågeanteckningar

A good disable if used properly. Get one point at first level, then upgrade the rest as it does not scale as good. get 2 and 3 points after scaling W and E, and before getting second level in ulti. You only need 3 levels because you want to go for the 3 sec disable.
Upgrade it after your E, and use it as a finishing move to secure a kill. It has a 6 sec CD at level 4 and adds a nice extra 120 dmg to enemy heroes. Be careful when you use it in teamfights as it brings you to the same spot you left, and the enemies may AOE stun that area.
Your defensive skill. Gives a free radiance early game, and a 500 magic damage barrier, that means an extra 500 life. Use it on lane when combo with a support like CM/AA/SS etc. The enemies will melt in seconds. Secure the kill with a W.
Use it to go to your Fire Remnant. Early game you can leave one on lane and go back to fountain to heal and return to it. Use it wisely.
Your ulti si like a free blink with 3 charges, that deals damage. Use it wisely. It does not consume mana to place, but it consumes 150 mana to use. On lane initiate with all 3 charges at once, as you don't have mana to multiple chase. The combo should be E->RRR-> D-> Q-> W to finish.

Skaparens föremålsanteckningar


3 branches that will later be upgraded to wand. good bargain for stats.
Will later upgrade to Poor Man's Shield. Useful for surviving early game against harrass as you have low base armour.
early regen.

Tidigt spel

Best boots for catching up and for damage. Some prefer Manaboots but as you will learn how to combo your spells you will see that Phaseboots are the better option. Get them before ring if you have nice farm and the enemy doesn't harrass you.
Extra regen after using your trees. Get it before phaseboots if you are harrassed, get phaseboots first if you still have trees. Will later be upgraded to Battlefury.


First core item for ember. Help with farm, gives you a good dmg on your W spell and later on that splash will help defend/push. Second Battlefury is always nice and later on , 70% splash damage really counts.
Best orb effect for ember, as you can debuff the whole enemy team with one use of W. Some may prefer Eye of Skadi or lifesteal as orb effects, but EoS costs too much and if you really need lifesteal you can pick a vladimir. Remember you will not fight in first line so you need burst dmg.
Later on, after you get Fury and Deso, this will really help you slash through your enemies. A second Daedalus will give you more damage and more chance to crit (but remember, it does not stack directly).


A good item that can triger and stack with deso, BUT I don't use it that ofter, as it offers too little damage and you don't really need attack speed.
If you prefer stats over damage, go for EoS, nice slow on enemy team with the use of W.
I don't really recommand this item, but if you want to be more tanky, you can use it. It also heals you a nice amount of health when combined with W.
Extra dmg item. Get it when their carry has evasion.
Silence and disable is your enemy. Get it they have targeted spells as orchids/ guinsoos/ or enemies like doom, etc.
You can skip one dmg item as second battlefury/daedalus and get BKB if you feel you need more survability in fights or they have a lot of magic damage.