Build de itens

Itens iniciais
Início da partida

Itens essenciais
Itens situacionais

Build de habilidades



Fade Bolt


Arcane Supremacy

Spell Steal


Árvore de talentos

Telekinesis: +{s:value} de dano ao aterrar

Fade Bolt: -{s:value}% de redução de dano

Feitiços roubados com cooldowns {s:value}% mais curtos

Telekinesis: +{s:value}s ao tempo de suspensão no ar

Fade Bolt: -{s:value}s ao cooldown

Telekinesis: -{s:value}s ao cooldown

Telekinesis: +{s:value} de distância de impacto

+{s:value}% de amplif. para habilidades roubadas

Notas do Autor (Itens)

Itens iniciais

Well, this kid is necessary in any game.
Wards are very necessary in any game too.
Good food is healthy food
It is necessary in early game, u can help yourself with mana or give it to allies.
There aren't need to explain:)

Início da partida

No boots=no game:)
Wand is very helpful item. U can save your life with sticks very often.
If u want to get Roshan safely - Smoke of Deceit is all what you need!
Very useful item if u go mid or u can buy and use it to allies.

Itens essenciais

arcane + mekansm = Nice item)
With Blink Dagger you can provoke battle or escape from enemies.
In my opinion it is very useful item. It will decrease cooldown of your ult for 2 seconds. It is very important in battles.
It gives you many armor and will help you in battle by slow of speed and little AoE damage.
Your enemy will become...... A SHEEP! for 3,5 seconds. You can kill him or just escape from dangerous situations.

Itens situacionais

Everybody know this item:) If your enemies have invisibility - buy Gem! Just 900,00$!
A very useful item! It can to become your victory by disarm of enemy carry.
I believe I can fly:) Your enemies too:D
Dont forget to use this item in battles! Dont repeat my mistakes :D
Very good item for decrease speed of your enemies.
By Force Staff you can escape from enemies or push them to your allies or somewhere. Useful item!
A great item for your life and you can deny yourself. In this cause your enemy will not get gold for your head.
Who are we without Magic?:) Especially for situations when you got powerful spell of your enemy or just if your team have many magic damage.

Outros itens

Very useful item! You need it in every game! You are nobody without Meka.
Almost all supports and nukers need it. It gives u good movement of speed and 250 mana for you and yours allies.