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Situationsafhængige genstande

You are the only support


Nature's Grasp

Leech Seed


Living Armor





Living Armor: +{s:bonus_heal_per_second} heling per sekund

Nature's Grasp: -{s:value}s nedkøling

Leech Seed: +{s:value}% bevægelseshæmning

Nature's Grasp: +{s:value} skade

Living Armor: +{s:bonus_bonus_armor} bonusrustning

Leech Seed: +{s:value} skade/heling

-{s:bonus_AbilityCooldown}s Overgrowth Cooldown

Living Armor får {s:value} områdestørrelse

Forfatterens evnebemærkninger

Nature's Guise can be used to get in position for great ultimate. Casting other spells and using items on yourself or others wont break the invisibility.
Leech Seed is your nuke and heal at the same time. In team fights try to cast it on closest enemy to provide heal for the team. Heal wont stop even if target dies. When pushing do the same to keep creeps alive.
Living Armor can be used globally on friendly units and structures. It blocks both physical and magical damage for that fixed amount. You cant cast this one if target is Magic immune instead hero will cast it on closest target so be careful. When pushing cast it on the first creep that will come in enemy tower range
Good disable that goes trough magic immunity. While rooted enemies cant attack or go invisible. They can break free by using BKB/Rage/Manta/Diffusal Blade, so try to cast it after those. It has low cool down so don't be afraid to use it even just for single kill.

Forfatterens genstandsbemærkninger


Use this to heal yourself. Keep Living Armor for damage block during ganks on your teammates.
You should place one ward on pull camp to block spawn and another one near the rune spot. If you have another competent support teammaty ask for one sentry to block camp and pass one observer ward
Helps you to endure a lot of harass on your lane. Swap this with a stick on the start if you expect some spell spam on your lane and buy the other one on sideshop when you can.
A bit of HP and Mana, use them to make wand ASAP.

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Gives you some HP and Mana burst. Helps you survive ganks. Use it if you lack Mana for casting spells as well.
Get some brown boots on your roots.
Once you hit level 6-7 carry one of these to help your team.
If enemy on your lane lacks disables consider buying this one, stacks with Leech Seed.


More HP and Mana boost and creates some space in your inventory.
Once you get this one you can use Leech Seed on a creep to heal yourself, always save Living Armor for allies.
Gives you some much needed armor + HP regeneration. Combine it with Living Armor and Leech Seed in team fights.
If another hero is working on Mekansm and enemy has a lot of magic-damage consider this. If you have natural Hood making hero in team ask them to make Pipe instead.
Use this to initiate and try to land good ultimate right away.

Situationsafhængige genstande

Another great disable but it doesn't work over Magic Immunity, if enemy uses BKB/Repel/Rage cast ultimate when you are in range
Counter to Heroes with escape mechanism, hex is always better but this one is easier to make and with cheaper parts.
Consider this as an expensive counter to invisible heroes on level 3. It is good for pushing towers and barracks as well
You landed good ultimate, casted all the heals, now its time for take your own life for the team and provide another heal for carry, remember its not about you surviving the fight its about winning the game.
Remember that you ultimate goes thought BKB's and other magic immunity. If team needs more time this will help. Very expensive however and has a huge man cost so be careful.
If your carry needs extra protection from spells like DOOM make this. Just transfer Spell Block on carry before the fight.
Carry should get this one but if that's not the case more armor for the team is always welcome.
Very expensive item but reduces attack speed of enemys nearby which is always nice.
Pick this up if your melee carry needs more armor/life steal
Only if you got caught out few times or your lane is really hard. It provides some Mana as well.

You are the only support

You have to upgrade courier ASAP
Invis heroes or dewarding , use these
If team needs one buy it
You can save an ally with this one or use it on yourself to land a good ultimate

Andre genstande

Consider this as an expensive counter to invisible heroes on level 3.It is good for pushing towers and barracks as well.