Item Build

starting items
Early (Regen at Lotus Pool)

Core (Required, in order)
utility items

Situation (only if needed)
Extension (choice, Any order)

team betboom

Ability Build

Echo Stomp


Astral Spirit


Natural Order


Earth Splitter


Talent Tree


+{s:bonus_move_pct_heroes}% Astral Spirit Move Speed Per Hero

+{s:value} Attack Speed

+{s:bonus_stomp_damage} Echo Stomp Damage

+{s:bonus_damage_heroes} Astral Spirit Hero Attack

+{s:value}% Cleave

+{s:bonus_radius} Natural Order Radius

-{s:value}s Earth Splitter Cooldown

+{s:bonus_wake_damage_limit} Echo Stomp Wake Damage

Author's Ability Notes

Echo Stomp works perfectly with Earth Splitter where the first two levels will disable an enemy line-up long enough for Earth Splitter to finish casting. Units will wake up if taking a certain threshold of damage.
Use Astral Spirit to buff Elder Titan to last-hit and harass an enemy in the lane or to initiate: 1. Initiate with Astral Spirit; targeting the enemy heroes 2. Use Echo Stomp before Ancestral Spirit Return 3. End with Earth Splitter before your enemies wake up. Astral Spirit can scout.
Take advantage of Natural Order to bully enemies out of lane, push for early towers and gain momentum in fights as your enemy will be incredibly weakened right from the get-go. Just make sure Elder Titan stays alive. Dont be the first engage; just the first to initiate with your abilities.
The later the game goes, the better this ability is in dealing damage. The damage on this ability is incredible at maximum levels but your abilities earlier on can serve better rather than this percentage-based ability.

Author's Item Notes

starting items

Iron Branch can be placed on the ground to then be consumed by your tangos for additional healing.
Rely on Blood Grenade as your initiating or sequential slow on foes when going for a kill in-lane or throughout the ganking phase
Early Wind Lace, with your Astral Spirit movement and damage gain after hitting enemy heroes, gives you a leg up in harassing enemies and closing that gap to reach them during the early-game.
Don’t cheap out by not buying Sentry Wards. As a support, you need to regularly stack and pull your jungle camps to the lane but you can also use your Sentry Ward to block the enemy jungle camp from being pulled to their lane. Pulling jungle camps is not a courtesy for your carry, it’s to bring the creep wave to your side of the lane and thus will give you more runway to harass and even kill enemies as they will be far from their tower trying to last-hit creeps near your tower.

Early (Regen at Lotus Pool)

Tranquils works great while Power Treads is an alternative if you have to take a more core role. Tranquil Boots gives your Ancestral Spirit and Elder Titan the movement speed to position your Spirit where it will Sleep the most enemies with Echo Stomp for you to then close that gap fast and auto-attack them as a follow-up.

Core (Required, in order)

Opt for Magic Stick early if the enemy spam a lot of spells or you’ll be in the lane significantly. Magic Wand can be bought as early as before Boots of Speed or as late as after your core Boots upgrade depending on how the enemy and their spell usage. Magic Wand can also be bought to make room for other items due to limited space.
Early on, Elder Titan has incredible damage after using Astral Spirit. Drum of Endurance gives them additional movement and attack speed for after he Echo Stomps enemies to sleep to then attack them physically before they wake up.

Situation (only if needed)

Glimmer Cape can be used both for you or for an ally to ensure they survive against targeted big spell abilities. The goal of Glimmer is to reduce the damage your ally is taking and to disconnect the enemy’s from targeting your ally for future attacks such as follow-ups after a stun.
Force Staff lets you close the gaps and keep onto them with your damage and incredible presence. It also allows you to escape when youve dealt the damage and need to just stay around. Force Staff can also be used while channeling your stomp - forcing yourself or enemies into your AOE.
Euls allows Elder Titan to immediately grab someone, hold them up in the air and to then chain-debuff them with an Echo Stomp to put them to sleep.
Aeon Disk helps you get out of a jam where you are constantly being chain-stunned or destroyed by abilities like Faceless Voids ultimate or PAs massive critical strikes.
Heavens Halberd provides more survivability through evasion. To add, it also increases your life-steal/regeneration, reduces stuns and can disable foes.

Extension (choice, Any order)

Aghs Shard allows you to initiate with your Echo Stomp to then maximize the time to deal damage with your Astral Spirit bonuses. Make sure to right-click on your Echo Stomp to have it activated so you can then jump on enemies after sleeping them.
The value of Lotus Orb is both its stats in mana and armor but also the ability to dispel slows and silences that would be keeping you down. Furthermore, the ability to cast back big nuking abilities to your enemies has tremendous value, especially against stuns or ultimate damaging abilities.
You need Aghanims Scepter for the BKB-esque effect and the extra stats it provides. Aghanims has a longer lasting effect than if you buy BKB but at a significantly higher cost. Enter fights late to maximize your positioning and duration with the BKB-effect youll earn.
Boots of Bearing helps you get out of slows by giving your team incredible movement and attack speed for a brief period. Your Boots will recharge, so don’t worry about running out. Purchase this after finishing the charges on all your Drum.
A Solar Crest not only gives you a larger mana-pool in the early-game to help alleviate harassment with your spells but it also provides strong armor, attack speed, movement speed and a barrier to protect your ally who can then initiate or gank someone with all that value. You can also apply Solar Crest on yourself for additional protection to make enemies you gank harder to fight back with you without losing or taking significant damage.
Improve team-fights and pushing power with Vladmirs Offering. Magnus is a great holder of auras given his ability to maneuver and stay in and out of fights when necessary.

team betboom

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Other Items

Instead of other items such as Mekansm or Crimson Guard, Pipe of Insight can be considered depending on the enemy line-up who can die fast, but can also magic damage your team;s line-up when you want top push.
In combination with your Tranquils Boots, Soul Ring lets Elder Titan spam his Ancestral Spirit for early stats, speed and vision.
Your ultimate and your Echo Stomp would work well with Rod of Atos. It gives you extra health and desperate intelligence, definitely a good item when you just can't reach those extension items.
Use Meteor Hammer to help you flash-farm jungle camps when youre Echo Stomp is on cooldown. In addition, Meteor Hammer is a good follow-up for after your Echo Stomp and can also help take down towers incredibly fast.
For heroes that rely on physical damage like Juggernaut (and Omnislash), Clinkz and Riki, Ghost Scepter can be a cheap option to delay their ganks and make them waste their abilities that do no damage.
An early Ring of Basilius relives mana management on your side but can also provide additional mana for your teammates if you have an especially aggressive lane with great early-game abilities.
Veil of Discord provides Elder Titan with the necessary stats to more regularly use his spells but is a great follow-up when sleeping foes with Echo Stomp to then cast Veil and follow-up with Earth Splitter for incredible damage.
Celebrating 10 years of Guides! Since Feb. 2013, 525 million subs have trusted me for over 3.3 billion games - 1.8 million daily Annually, I apply over 7,200 updates to try to provide good builds that are used by pros, OpenAI, streamers and players To say Dota has saved my childhood, future and identity is an understatement. Youve made this ordinary person achieve something extraordinary Thank you ♥ Michael Yossef Cohen-Palacios Twitter @TorteDeLini Insta @TorteDeLini
Crimson Guard is recommended against high-input and illusion-base or unit-related damage heroes, like Lycan or Broodmother, to mitigate their physical output against your team that needs, but cannot focus on, sustainability. Crimson Guard scales with your strength, so it is especially valuable with heroes who have high strength gain or are building strength-base items.
Pavise is a good intermediary item to provide additional protection for yourself or allies while also giving you incredible magic regeneration so you wont need to pick up regen or go back to base.
Late in the game, you need a cheap attack speed item to make use of your Astral Spirit damage late-game. Only opt for this if your team lacks damage or you dont feel threatened.