Referencia de objetos

Objetos iniciales
Fase temprana

Doom Items
Late Game

Optional Items

Referencia de habilidades

Maldición Arcana


Gujas de Sabiduría


Última Palabra


Silencio Global


Árbol de talentos

+{s:bonus_damage} de daño para Maldición Arcana

+{s:value} de velocidad de ataque

-{s:value} s de tiempo de recarga para Silencio Global

+{s:value} de multiplicador de inteligencia para Última Palabra

{s:bonus_bounce_count} rebotes para Gujas de Sabiduría

Maldición Arcana no se puede disipar

+{s:bonus_intellect_damage_pct} % de daño para Gujas de Sabiduría

Última Palabra enmudece

Notas del autor sobre las habilidades

Use to deal small ammounts of damage over time, use with the Last Word ability to ensure a kill when a hero is on low health.
Use this as a poke against enemies while you support, Only enable the ability when you target an enemy hero, disable when attacking creeps. When you get Orchid Malevolence you can keep this ability on.
Use to deal additional damage to the enemies. When an enemy hero is on low health use this ability AND Curse Of The Silent to ensure a kill, deal as much damage as you can to ensure the kill is yours.
Use before entering a team fight, can be upgraded with an Aghanims Sceptre which is optional, can provide a lot of help if trying to escape.

Notas del autor sobre los objetos

Objetos iniciales

Use to create Veil Of Discord, The Talisman gives you extra starting game damage, also slightly increses Glaives Of Wisdom's additional damage.
Use when Silencer is on low health, if you have spare gold buy a second salve or some Tangos.

Fase temprana

Buy to create Power Treads.
Use when Silencer is on low health or mana, check for runes often to refill the bottle, this is so you can keep to the lane and keep up with levels.

Doom Items

Increases attack speed and damage, set to Intellegence (Blue Boots) This will increase the Glaives Of Wisdom's additional damage.
Use with Rod Of Atos, silences an enemy hero and increases the damage the hero takes by 30%. Using all of Silencers abilities on a target will ensure a kill.
Use with Orchid Malevolence, use to slow a enemy hero, gives additional intellegence which increases damage and also Glaives Of Wisdom's damage.
Use when close to an enemy hero, increases overall stats such as Intellegence, Strength, Agility ect... the Veil Of Discord increases magic damage by 25%. Using Glaives Of Wisdo with this will do a lot of damage.

Late Game

Use to increase armor and intellegence, use the ability on an escaping target to either kill or slow if the Rod Of Atos's slow has worn off.
Use to increase Silencers health and health regeneration, allows Silencer to engage in team fights more often.

Optional Items

Use to upgrade Global Silence, adds additional intellegence, strength and agility.
Increases intellegence and damage, also increases additional damage from Glaives Of Wisdom, also turns the target into a creature for 3.5 seconds and silences.
Massive increase to damage (Only buy if there is free space and Heart Of Tarrasque)
Increases attack speed and armor, also attack speed near friendly heros.
Can increase damage and attack speed, can be used as an escape and deal damage to persuing enemies.
Can increase damage and critical chance.
Can be used to blink into team fights and then use Veil Of Discord to increase magic damage (Only use when Heart Of Tarrasque)