Schemat przedmiotów

Przedmioty startowe
Wczesna faza gry

Przedmioty kluczowe
Support Items

Przedmioty sytuacyjne

Schemat umiejętności

Crystal Nova




Arcane Aura


Freezing Field


Talent Tree

+{s:value} pkt. zdrowia

+{s:bonus_radius} jedn. obszaru działania Crystal Nova

+{s:bonus_AbilityCastRange} Frostbite Cast Range

-{s:bonus_AbilityCooldown} s czasu oczekiwania na Crystal Nova

+{s:value} Attack Speed

+{s:bonus_damage} pkt. obrażeń od Freezing Field

+{s:bonus_duration}s Frostbite Duration

+{s:bonus_nova_damage} pkt. obrażeń od Crystal Nova

Uwagi autora o umiejętnościach

Lasthitting from far away and nice early slow. Mind your manapool - Ultimate is more important!
Early firstblood and saving your carry. Only spam when you have Aura on Level 2.
Early Aura is good for the other teammates.
When the enemy lacks stuns, this is a nice Nuke. Frostbite, positioning and Ultimate.

Uwagi autora o przedmiotach

Przedmioty startowe

If someone else is buying the courier or wards, you get the Ring of protection instead.
If someone else is buying the courier or wards, you get the Ring of protection instead.
Usually not for you, but for the carry after firstblood ;)
Harras the enemy and deny, that's your basic regen.
Little bit of stats in the beginning

Wczesna faza gry

As soon as possible, mind your gold before the 3min-mark!
If you can afford them. Wards first!
Get this first, not the Headdress! This gives you and your team bonus-armor. You already got regeneration from your boots.

Przedmioty kluczowe

Careful with your attacks, if you have to regen. Spells are not interrupting this, so you can lasthit with Frostbite and Nova.
Only if you need to, Forcestuff is usually better to safe people and initiate teamfights! If it's going well, you can get the Stuff and then the Mekansm.
Intelligence, regeneration, survivability and initiation. What do you want more for 2250 gold :)
You can skip that, if you manage your Force Staff well enough. Go Aghanims Scepter then!
Always farm and stack camps/ancients. Keep one eye on the timer, one on the teammates and one on the other supports - that way you know where they are warding!

Support Items

Dewarding and vision in teamfights. Don't underestimate the power of dewarding!
Don't carry this ;) But buy it ...
Dust is better against invis than wards. Make sure to combine this with Frostbite!

Przedmioty sytuacyjne

If you are over-farmed and know how to use it.
Usually the Shadow Blade is enough for Pubs, but if you want to add a little extra Magic Immunity and Lifepoints, this is for you.
Against Rightclickers use this. Be aware that one heavy Nuke-Spell on the enemy team can kill you!