Item Build

Starting Items
Early - Mid Game

Choose One Orb


Ability Build







Focus Fire


Talent Tree


-{s:value}s Shackleshot Cooldown

-{s:value}s Windrun Cooldown

-{s:bonus_damage_reduction}% Powershot Damage Reduction

+{s:value}s Shackleshot Duration

-{s:value}% Focus Fire Damage Reduction

Windrun Cannot Be Dispelled

Focus Fire Kills Advance Cooldown by {s:value}s.

Author's Ability Notes

Remember that this skill stuns in a line from where you use it. Try to shackle 2 heroes on teamfights, but when chasing just shackle with a tree or a creep. You can add 1 point first if you're going to a safe lane as a support. AWESOME DISABLE!
This is awesome on early game for ganks and killing heroes that are scaping. Max it first
I thought this was OP. It's awesome against physycal damage carriers. You can own any of those 1 v 1 with this skill, It's also good for scape and chase.
Some people think this skill is useless, but it's not, It's your base DPS when you're a carry. It's awesome!! Remember you can use it with towers, Roshan, and heroes with magic inmunity. Oh, but it's kinda useless if you're a support. so I would lvl it at lvl 16.

Author's Item Notes

Starting Items

If you don't get shared tangos, get 2 of these

Early - Mid Game

If you're mid or off lane it helps you with HP and MP on early game
Phase boots are the best boots for Windranger cuz they allow you to traspass creeps so you can possisionate better for shackleshots
Better ganks and better positioning for shackleshots.
Don't skip this if you're a carry. Improves your ult incredibly! With this you can spam focus fire to kill the enemies and destroy towers.


Awesome damage and ministun. PERFECT for evassion heroes, or heroes with butterfly; like Phantom Assassin, Brewmaster, etc. ~Don't skip this if there is one of those heroes on the enemy team! ~ Good damage for pushing too.
Silence + Crit = Perfect item for WR

Choose One Orb

Better farm and damage with the active skill. Good against crowds of creeps and maelstrom is also good in early game
Skadi is really situational. Buy it if you think you don't need more damage, but hp. Its orb effect is also good against physycal carry heroes
Awesome for the pushing, and also for killing enemies faster, but I'd rather this for the push.


Pick this over Bloodthorn if you think you need more damage and don't really need the silence
Awesome disable, if you shackle 2 enemies and then use this, you have 3 enemies disabled. Try to use it on the enemy carry.
Awesome in late game, but it's very situational. Use it when you're dying. The lifesteal is amazing.
If the enemy team has a mana dependant hero or if you need the purge against someone, for example Omnis repel
RatDoto!! +Get this on late game cuz you always need a tp on late and if you don't have slot, these are awesome.
Situational. If the other team has too much disablers/nukers.
Helps you and your team and gives you good mana pool!
Cheap, helps your team and you for scaping, gives you int and hp regen, and the most important, positioning for shackles. Choose between this and a blink
It's kinda a Schyte of Vyse, but you can't attack the enemy when it's in the Tornado. It's more for scape and chasing. Also it gives you good mana pool

Other Items

Essential for the team.
Duh, if you're support
If no one in your team gets it, without doubt, you get it
In teamfights this is awesome! Use it with the initiator, or with a sneaky hero. Like: Tidehunter, Magnus ; Weaver, Anti-mage
Helps your team in teamfights and gives you good mana pull
If too much magical skills nukers.
Kinda rare on WR but it helps you wit the shackleshot position and for scaping
Don't skip this if you're a carry. This item fits awesome with Windranger because it gives you good damage and the electric chain is awesome with your ult. Plus the fact that it's cheap and it helps you better with the last hits.