Schemat przedmiotów

starting items
Early (Regen at Lotus Pool)

Core (Required, in order)
Situation (only if needed)

Extension (choice, Any order)
team betboom

Schemat umiejętności

Boundless Strike


Tree Dance


Jingu Mastery


Wukong's Command


Talent Tree


+{s:value} pkt. obrażeń od Primal Spring

+{s:bonus_stun_duration}s Boundless Strike Stun Duration

+{s:value} jedn. zasięgu czaru Tree Dance

+{s:value} pkt. obrażeń od Jingu Mastery

Brak czasu oczekiwania na Primal Spring

-{s:value} s czasu oczekiwania na Boundless Strike

-{s:bonus_required_hits} Jingu Mastery Required Hits

Dodatkowy pierścień żołnierzy podczas Wukong's Command

Uwagi autora o umiejętnościach

Boundless Strike is a great initiation OR finishing move if the enemy either gets too far from you. You can use Boundless Strike after Wukongs Command to stun foes within your circle. Also great for farming in combination with Tree Dance.
Use Tree Dance to: 1. Gain full vision of a fight or ganking enemies near your team 2. Chase/follow unsuspecting enemies that you want to gank 3. Prepare for an initiation with your Primal Spring 4. Escape and teleport a way on a tree Abilities work while you are in the trees (and you stay on the tree). If the tree youre standing on gets destroyed, youll be stunned. Use this ability to farm.
Primal Spring needs some forethought to accurately charge for the full damage/slow and target the enemy accurately. Use Primal Spring to: 1. Enter a fight later (and for ideal positioning - targeting enemies in the back), 2. To follow-through on a Tree Dance escape 3. initiate on solo enemies
Rely on Jingu Mastery to harass your lane by getting stacks on opponents. Use boundless Strike if you need another stack or to finish off a foe with the extra damage from Jingu Mastery and the foe is out of reach.
If you leave the AOE of your casted Wukongs Command, it will vanish. Wukongs Command relies on keeping the enemy within the AOE to receive the bonus damage 1. Use Primal Spring to get near foes and slow 2. Activate Wukongs Command 3. Take advantage for Jingu stacks and pop Boundless Strikes as a finisher or to stun enemies trapped in your ultimate.

Uwagi autora o przedmiotach

starting items

Iron Branch can be placed on the ground to then be consumed by your tangos for additional healing.
Rely on Blood Grenade as your initiating or sequential slow on foes when going for a kill in-lane or throughout the ganking phase
With Monkey Kings range and Jingu Mastery, you can often pull off getting multiple stacks or even completely full-on fight a fleeing foe during the laning stages and get an active Jingu Mastery to then stun them!

Early (Regen at Lotus Pool)

Iron Branch can be placed on the ground to then be consumed by on your tangos for additional healing.
Orb of Corrosion provides a bit more health and combines an early-game slow with minor armor debuff allowing you to force yourself against enemies who have no real escape. Works especially well against enemies who are fragile but hit hard, providing you more survivability and a great slow to keep the enemies within your range.

Core (Required, in order)

Orchid of Malevolence provides you the necessary attack speed and mana regeneration to fulfill your ganks and casted abilities. As you are landing with Primal Spring, cast Orchid on the enemy to maximize your damage. After hitting four time with Jingu Mastery, stun the enemy with Boundless Strike before Orchids duration runs out.
Money Kings biggest issue is being stunned or silenced - making escape or fighting back very difficult. Black King Bar may need to be gotten early if youre find yourself targeted early on and unable to fight or use Tree Dance.

Situation (only if needed)

Diffusal keeps your foe slowed long enough for you to get Jingu Mastery to occur and blow their mana gone when you use Wukongs Command.
Desolator works in combination with your Wukongs Command, forcing foes to take more damage from the damage reduction. It also means higher damage from your Boundless Strike and helps push down towers.
Heavens Halberd provides more survivability through evasion. To add, it also increases your life-steal/regeneration, reduces stuns and can disable foes. Use before your opponents pops their BKB as the Disarm will pursue even after.

Extension (choice, Any order)

Aghs Shard closes the gap between Boundless Strike range and your heros position making your follow-through if you use Boundless Strike early in a fight, much nicer, especially to regain your Jingu stacks again.
Your Wukong Command monkeys do not get the Bash passive effect. Its up to you to stun your opponent while theyre caught in your Wukong Commands circle.
Nullifier is a key item for you late-game: it slows your target and dispels them. Especially useful against enemies that rely on key passive abilities or items like Ghost Scepter, Euls, Glimmer, Satanic or Aeon Disk to have them disabled and nullified against you. Works with Wukongs Command.
Eye of Skadi is great at the end-game to take down high health targets and also prevent enemies from fleeing with your slow. It provides stats across the board providing everything a carry needs to cap the game to a win. Works with Wukongs Command.
Gleipnir is a great item if you have the all-around damage but lack the ability to keep people in places and need to disable them long enough to hold your attacks. For fights that have a lot of maneuverability involved, Gleipnir can be a solution instead of Mjollnir providing attack speed.
The value in Bloodthorn is both its increase in attack speed but also in disabling your opponent, making them unable to cast their abilities. Any physical attacks you and your allies do causes additional damage to be amplified. This allows you tear foes down relatively quickly before the duration of Bloodthorn ends!

Inne przedmioty

For a good portion of the game, Monkey King suffers from really low health - making him a very easy nuking target. Infused Raindrop alleviates his early mana issues and prevents him from being one-shot.
Phase Boots is to relieve any issue of movement speed for Monkey King and to take advantage of his strong early damage from Jingu Mastery and Boundless Strike. Monkey King is also relatively fragile so the armor from Phase Boots comes in handy.
Echo Sabre wraps up any early mana issues that Monkey King may have, helps collect two strikes for his Jingu Mastery to occur and slows the foe to allow Monkey King to follow-through even after ganking with Primal Spring.
Sange and Yasha is nice tidy package for Monkey King where he takes advantage of the agility, the movement speed and slow - but also relies on the mid-game strength boost from Sange and Yasha to alleviate fears of being one-shot from nukes.
Instead of fighting, Battle Fury hastens your farm and is particularly good against illusion heroes. If you know the game will be passive or you think you will not be able to get the early active jumps/ganks on enemies, go for Battle Fury. Battlefury also gives mana regen, allowing you to farm more quickly with your spells like Boundless Strike and Tree Dance,
Butterfly not only adds to your armour via your specialized attribute (AGI), but it also allows you to dodge attacks.
Shadow Blade/Silver Edge is another initiating tool for Monkey King. While there is Tree Dance to initiate, Shadow Blade can take advantage of Monkey King's Jingu Mastery increased damage (if proc'd) for higher damage and use the Tree Dance/Spring to catch fleeing foes or to escape. Use Shadow Blade/Silver Edge after using your ultimate to safely hide
Aghanim's Scepter helps your head-on battles be even better and can even hasten your farming to help you towards the late-game. Procs like Basher, MKB or other all work with the unit created from Aghanim's Scepter. If you want your units to target the tower, stand closer than usual to hit it so they, too, can reach it.
Monkey King Bar is ideal for users who need additional attack speed and versus evasive heroes either via Butterfly, inherent passive abilities or cause you to miss attacks. Monkey King Bar not only provides strong attack speed but also heightens your ability to your enemies with your attacks. Works with Wukong's Command.
Works with Wukong's Command
With Satanic, you have sufficient damage output but need to remain in fights. Satanic gives you more survivability and works great to capitalize on the damage you're dealing to extend fights long enough for you to win them. Works well with Jingu Mastery & Boundless Strike Lifesteal for a big charge of health gain.
Rely on Manta Style as a soft-dispel if you don't want to opt for BKB. This item more aligned with the stats you desire and can also increase your farm by split-farm.
Void Stone first so you can cast more spells to help you farm faster without completely depleting your mana.
The value of Solar Crest comes from its movement speed and its dual usage depending on the situation: either to impart some of your armor to help an ally attack faster and survive physical damage OR to reduce an enemys armor to utilize your physical damage or spells for further effect. The mana regen from Solar Crest is just enough to help you spam spells when farming or ganking.
Entrap foes with Rod of Atos to then follow-up with your stun, jump-slow to stack up Jingu to ultimately kill them early.
Cast your ultimate and follow-up with Euls Scepter on YOURSELF to guarantee you stay alive in fights while your ultimate does all the work. Also works as initiation while youre using Tree Dance to guarantee your land your Primal Spring on your opponent.
The value of Lotus Orb is both its stats in mana and armor but also the ability to dispel slows and silences that would be keeping you down. Furthermore, the ability to cast back big nuking abilities to your enemies has tremendous value, especially against stuns or ultimate damaging abilities.
Boots of Bearing makes initiating easier for you. Boots of Bearing should be used liberally to give your team incredible movement speed to engage the enemy after initiation or, if necessary, as an escape if you find you or your teammates are in trouble. Your Boots will recharge, so don’t worry about running out.
Disperser can be played both offensively but it is also appealing to use it on yourself or allies to rid disables and give you extra movement speed for positioning, chasing or otherwise.
Pavise is a good intermediary item to provide additional protection for yourself or allies while also giving you incredible magic regeneration so you wont need to pick up regen or go back to base.