Le gardien fracturé

Fragment du même pouvoir primordial que celui des Ancients eux-même, Zet, l'Arc Warden, est là pour assister au crépuscule de l'affrontement qui oppose Dire et Radiant que ce dernier se termine par une réunification ou par une destruction.

Harcelant les ennemis solitaires ou protégeant ses alliés avec des champs de force, il peut également invoquer un Wraith pour patrouiller le terrain ennemi et se dupliquer pour créer le surnombre au moment opportun.


Attaque énergétique d'une unité ennemie isolée, ralentissant sa vitesse de déplacement et lui infligeant des dégâts progressifs. L'effet sera réduit au silence si une autre unité ennemie est proche de la cible.

Magnetic Field

Génère un champ circulaire accordant un bonus d'évasion et de vitesse d'attaque aux héros alliés et aux constructions qui s'y trouvent.

Spark Wraith

Invoque un Spark Wraith se matérialisant lentement et hantant une zone ciblée jusqu'à ce qu'un ennemi arrive dans celle-ci. Une fois qu'une cible aura été trouvée, le spectre l'attaquera, lui infligeant des dégâts magiques.

Tempest Double

Concentrant brièvement les composants fracturés en une seule forme, l'Arc Warden peut créer une duplication électrique parfaite de lui-même. Cette duplication peut utiliser tous les objets et sorts actuels d'Arc Warden. Lorsque la duplication est créée, le temps de recharge de tous ses objets disponibles et de ses capacités normales sera réinitialisé.

En savoir plus

Masque des tempêtes du Thundergod

Objet Arcane pour Zeus

Forgé par les marteaux de Celestarr, ce masque est fait pour le Seigneur des Cieux en personne. Que les infidèles tremblent au son du tonnerre qui résonne sur le champ de bataille !

L'Arcane inclut :

Lorsque équipé, cet objet accorde les améliorations personnalisées suivantes pour Zeus :

- Nouveau modèle de base, nouvelles textures, et de toutes nouvelles animations -

- Nouvel effet et son pour Thundergod’s Wrath -

- Effet d'élimination spécial pour les ennemis tués avec le Thundergod’s Wrath -

- Effet de blink spécial et sons lors de l'utilisation de Blink Dagger -

- Un portrait personnalisé, une icône de héros, une icône de mini-carte et une icône de capacité -

- Voix altérée -

- Un nuage de tempête pour transporter sa Majesté -

- Émoticône de chat animée -

Acheter maintenant

Si vous l'achetez avant le 31 décembre 2015, vous recevrez une qualité « ÉXALTÉE » de cet objet.

Lire la BD

Zeus vous a-t-il déjà fait le récit de ses conquêtes féminines et notamment celles des naïades d'un fameux établissement de... Hein ? Non ? C'est pourtant après cet incident qu'il perdit une bonne moitié de ses pouvoirs.
Voici l'histoire relatant comment il pu en récupérer quelques uns.

Cliquez sur l'image pour voir la suite

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Nouveau dans cette mise à jour

Terrain désertique

Accordé à tous les possesseurs du Compendium The International 2015, le Terrain désertique, objectif atteint durant TI5, est désormais sur Dota 2. En plus de changements visuels approfondis, de nombreux outils ont été revus et utilisés pour créer ce terrain, permettant à tous les créateurs de jeux custom d'avoir encore plus de ressources pour apporter leurs idées sur Dota 2.

Pack de musiques désertiques

Composé par Matt Hawken Music, ce pack de musiques en rapport avec le désert arrive sur le Workshop de la Communauté Steam, en même temps que la sortie du nouveau Terrain désertique.

Qualité des ombres ultra

Les joueurs peuvent désormais sélectionner l'option « Ultra » pour la qualité des ombres dans les options vidéo. Les rendus sont d'une résolution deux fois plus grandes que les résolutions précédemment prises en charge, permettant à l'option « Ultra » d'offrir des héros encore plus animés et des ombres de terrain peu importe la carte, le type de terrain, ou l'effet météo.

Colisée hanté

Nouvelle carte désertique

Disponible pour tous, la carte du Colisée désertique apporte une toute nouvelle conception pour les niveaux - en plus de pièges mortels - et pour les jeux custom. Cliquez sur l'onglet « Arcade » pour essayer cette nouvelle carte ou d'autres modes prometteurs de la collection croissante des jeux custom !

Trésor niché II

Les acheteurs de cet attrayant trésor trouveront d'autres trésors nichés à l'intérieur ! Rempli des trésors de l'année passée, le Trésor niché II vous permet d'obtenir, avec de la chance, un Jeton d'activation d'ensemble pouvant être utilisé pour récupérer un objet non-rare contenu dans les autres trésors.

Nouveau dans le client

Statistiques des héros

Que ce soit pour étudier vos progrès ou monter que vous êtes capable de gagner une partie difficile, un enregistrement détaillé de vos exploits peut s'avérer utile. Jetez un oeil aux statistiques de chacun de vos héros sur leur page respective, ou regardez une liste générale sur votre profil.

Armurerie en accès anticipé

Maintenir une armurerie de héros moderne n'est pas une tâche facile. Pire encore, fouiller entre des bracelets sales et de longues épées rouillés en recherche de trésors presque oubliés n'est pas du gâteau. Grâce à la nouvelle armurerie, vous pouvez gagner du temps en accédant directement à tous vos objets récemment acquis depuis n'importe quel menu dans le client.

Achat rapide

Les meilleurs magasins ne sont pas tous secrets. Maintenant accessible à partir du menu supérieur du client Dota 2, visitez le nouvel onglet « Magasin » pour stocker des ensembles de héros, des objets globaux, et les derniers trésors.

Canaux de chat privés

Créez des canaux de chat avec un nombre de membre restreint. Invitez vos amis, vos ennemis, ou n'importe qui... ou n'invitez personne ! Vous pouvez créer un canal juste pour vous.


Nouveau dans la 6.86

Modification de la carte

Près de la détermination de la nature et des stigmates des guerres, les terres autour de la rivière ont changé. Explorez de nouveaux chemins (avec de nombreuses possibilités d'évasion) du côté du Radiant ou du Dire. La maitrise de ces nouveaux chemins pourront déterminer si le retour à votre fontaine se réalise grâce à une téléportation ou le passage par le royaume des morts.

Nouveau - Rune Arcane

Depuis les débuts des batailles jusqu'à la fin des Ancients, les héros s'affrontent pour contrôler brièvement les énergies mystiques apparaissant près des méandres de la rivière. Désormais, un nouveau pouvoir s'écoule sous forme de rune. La rune Arcane imprègne les capacités de ses utilisateurs d'une énergie arcanique, réduisant les temps de recharge des sorts ainsi que les coûts en mana.

Nouveaux objets

Faerie Fire

Pour une offrande modeste, obtenez la bénédiction des fae. L'intense brillance de la Faerie Fire accorde aux utilisateurs des dégâts accrus et peut être consumé pour restaurer de la vie.

Dragon Lance

Possédez la force et la portée d'un cavalier Wyvern. La Dragon Lance accorde des montants égaux de force, de vitesse d'attaque et de dégâts. La lance prolonge aussi la portée d'attaque de tous les héros attaquant à distance qui s'en équipent.

Aether Lens

L'Aether Lens augmente le mana et la résistance à la magie de son porteur, tout en accroissant la régénération de sa santé. La lentille étant un point focal pour le pouvoir de l'arcane, la portée des sorts et les dégâts infligés sont accrus.

Iron Talon

Offrant de l'armure et des bonus pour la Quelling Blade, l'Iron Talon rejoint la liste des outils essentiels sur le champ de bataille. Même en ne formulant aucune menace aux héros ennemis ou aux anciennes bêtes de la forêt, les coups de cet outil acéré sont craint de toutes les créatures moindres et des arbres occasionnels.

Ajouts au Captains Mode

Ils trépignaient d'impatience depuis trop longtemps. Trois héros arrivent sur le champ de bataille. Oracle, Terrorblade, et Earth Spirit sont maintenant disponibles dans le Captains Mode.

De nouveaux camps de creeps neutres

Les créatures de la forêt ont élargi leur territoire. Deux nouveaux camps de creeps neures ont été ajoutés à la carte : un près de l'échoppe secrète du Radiant, et un près de l'échoppe secrète du Dire. Grâce à cet ajout de source d'or et d'expérience, la bataille pour les ressources prend une nouvelle forme.

Mises à jour des héros

A l'instar du champ de bataille, les héros évoluent. Ainsi, Death Prophet, Faceless Void, Riki, Lone Druid, et Doom possèdent tous de nouvelles capacités. Jetez un œil au journal des modifications ci-dessous pour prendre connaissance des changements effectués.


  • Added Arcane Rune

    Causes all spell cooldowns to be reduced by 30% and mana costs to be reduced by 50%.

    Lasts for 50 seconds.

  • Creep bounty increases by 1 gold per normal upgrade cycle I.e. every 7 minutes 30 seconds

  • Siege damage against heroes increased from 75% to 85% Towers and Siege units do approximately 13% more damage to heroes.
    E.g. Level 1 towers' damage against heroes effectively increased from 82.5 to 93.5.

  • Hero base HP increased from 150 to 180

  • Creeps now arrive slightly closer to the top dire tower and bottom Radiant tower

  • Random Draft hero pool increased from 24 to 50
  • Added Random Draft to Ranked Matchmaking
  • Random Draft now uses the same picking mechanics as Ranked All Pick

  • Centaur Courser now has a stacking magic resistance aura (20% for units, 5% for heroes)This is the small neutral from the Centaur Camp.
  • Hellbear now has a stacking magic resistance aura (20% for units, 5% for heroes)This is the small neutral from the Hellbear Camp.
  • Dragonhide Aura's stackable armor increased from 2 to 3
  • Ancient Dragons armor reduced by 1
  • Ancient neutrals now behave like normal neutrals and split experience with all heroes in the AoE

  • Added a new ability to Ancient Black Dragon, Fireball


    Targets an area and hurls a fire blast towards it, igniting the 300 AoE area for 10 seconds. Deals 85 damage per second.

    Cooldown: 10
    Mana cost: 100
    Cast Range: 1000.

  • Ancient Thunderhide's Frenzy is now unit targetable
  • Hill Troll Priest's Mana Aura increased from 2 to 3
  • Satyr Banisher's Purge cooldown reduced from 5 to 3 seconds
  • Satyr Tormenter's Unholy Aura HP regen increased from 4 to 6
  • Satyr Tormenter's Shockwave distance increased from 800 to 1200
  • Satyr Tormenter's Shockwave speed reduced from 1050 to 900
  • Satyr Tormenter's Shockwave damage increased 125 to 160
  • Dark Troll Summoner's and Hill Troll's attack range reduced from 500 to 400
  • Dark Troll Summoner's attack damage increased by 6

  • Roshan's base armor increased by 1
  • Roshan's Base Attack Time increased from 1.0 to 2.0
  • Roshan now has +100 Attack Speed He still attacks at the same rate, but is affected less by negative attack speed.

  • Added a Patrol command
  • You are now able to bring up the targeting cursor when silenced, and instead get the error upon targeting rather than clicking the button
  • Single Target with AoE effects now have a new targeting UI Abilities like Frost Nova, Storm Bolt, etc.

  • Ranked All Pick initial pre-picking time reduced from 15 to 5
  • Towers no longer have a very minor experience bounty (previously was 25 XP that split evenly in an area)

  • Simplified some minor damage and armor types

    Removed the Light attack type and moved the following units to the Standard attack type (effectively 40->50% vs structures): Centaur Conqueror, Hellbear, Hellbear Smasher, Wildwind Ripper, Satyr Tormenter, Ancient Granite Golem, Ancient Black Dragon, Forged Spirits, Spiderlings, and Warlock's Golems.

    Removed the Weak armor type and moved the following unit to the Soft armor type (same as creeps): Beastmster's Hawk

    Combined the Basic and Strong Armor types (like various other neutrals use): Kobold Soldier, Vhoul Assassin, Ghost, Hill Troll Berserker, Hill Troll Priest, Harpy Scout, Harpy Stormcrafter, Beastmaster's Boar, Undying's Tombstone, Pugna's Netherward, Templar Assassin's Psionic Trap, Techies' Land Mine, Techies' Stasis Trap, and Techies' Remote Mine.


  • Added a new neutral hard camp for each team, near their respective Secret Shops
  • Added a small ramp from the Radiant Secret Shop to the ward spot right above it
  • Moved the Radiant hard camp closer to the Dire offlane
  • Swapped Medium and Hard camp in Radiant Jungle
  • Added a new pathway from Radiant mid to Radiant jungle
  • Added a ramp connecting the Radiant jungle to the area near Roshan
  • Created a walkable pathway to the Radiant rune ward
  • Created a new juke spot behind the Dire Secret Shop
  • Expanded Terrain around the top Tier 2 Radiant tower
  • Moved the bottom rune up a little bit
  • Radiant middle tier 1 tower has been moved back
  • Adjusted Radiant small camp spawn box
  • Added a new ward spot near the Radiant ancients (does not reveal top rune)
  • Created a new pathway leading to the wardspot below the Radiant Secret Shop
  • Moved the Radiant ramp leading to the top rune further away from the rune (slightly closer to mid lane)
  • Moved the Dire ramp leading to the top rune closer up
  • Adjusted the terrain and the ramp going down from the Radiant Ancients slightly
  • Improved jukability in the terrain around the Dire side shop
  • Added a path through the trees at Radiant offlane sideshop moving south and added juke paths
  • Added a new ward spot to the right of the top tier 1 Radiant tower
  • Added a couple of trees to right of the ramp leading down from the Radiant ancients (covering some vision to the left of it)
  • Dire is now able to enter the jungle through the middle Radiant ramp and walk to the side without being in range to dispel their smoke
  • Added a new pathway above the top Dire side shop
  • Created a new pathway in the middle of the long column of trees at the bottom Radiant Tier 2 area
  • Added a walkable path to the ward spot near bottom rune
  • Reduced the size of the pull camp box on the Dire safelane hard camp
  • Added a pathable walkway from the cliff above the top rune to the Dire area to the right of it
  • Added a new pathway to the south of the bottom side shop
  • Added a couple of trees in the Dire base between the mid and top towers along the ledge
  • Adjusted juke paths near the Radiant ward spot near the hard camp
  • Added a new juke spot to the south of the bottom Radiant hard camp
  • Added a hiding spot in the Dire middle lane near the edge of the Secret Shop
  • Added some trees below the top Radiant T2 tower
  • Adjusted trees to the left of the Dire offlane (affecting visibility of heroes coming from the left)
  • Added a pathway above the Radiant Ancient (leading up to the new ward spot)
  • Adjusted Dire secret shop location slightly
  • Adjusted the terrain pathing a little bit around the loop where the Radiant bottom left ward spot is
  • Adjusted tree layout of the high ground to the right of the Radiant middle camp
  • Moved Radiant ramp to the bottom rune back a little bit
  • Added hiding spots in the clump of trees above the formerly Radiant hard camp (now the Radiant medium camp)
  • Nudged the Radiant small camp down very slightly
  • Moved the Radiant mid medium camp down slightly and adjusted nearby trees
  • Added a new hiding spot on the Dire bottom lane, in the area higher ground to the right of the Dire Ancients
  • Adjusted the position of the Radiant middle ramp slightly
  • Added a new juke spot to the terrain to the right of the Radiant small camp
  • Adjusted tree pathway and added a couple of hiding spots above the top Dire T2 tower


  • Greevil's Greed Bounty Rune multiplier rescaled from 5x to 3/4/5/6x
  • Fixed Greevil's Greed granting full gold during Buyback gold penalty phase
  • Movement speed reduced from 315 to 310
  • Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 2.0
  • Flamebreak mana cost reduced from 140 to 110/120/130/140
  • Wild Axes no longer has unit targeting
  • Call of the Wild cooldown rescaled from 40 to 42/38/34/30
  • Blood Rite cooldown rescaled from 29/26/23/20 to 30/25/20/15
  • Jinada movement and attack speed reduction increased from 25% to 25/27/29/31%
  • Drunken Haze cooldown reduced from 8 to 8/7/6/5
  • Primal Split's Dispel Magic damage to summons increased from 200 to 500
  • Primal Split's Dispel Magic cooldown reduced from 6 to 4
  • Primal Split's Wind Walk cooldown reduced from 7 to 5
  • Added Scepter to Bristleback

    Nasal Goo is no longer targeted, instead it applies Goo to all enemies around you in 600 AoE when casted

  • Nasal Goo mana cost reduced from 30 to 25
  • Quill Spray max damage increased from 400 to 450
  • Spawn Spiderlings damage reduced from 75/150/225/300 to 70/140/210/280
  • Return damage increased from 30/42/54/66 to 30/45/60/75%
  • Reality Rift bonus damage increased from 60/80/100/120 to 60/100/140/180
  • Base strength increased from 20 to 23
  • Penitence mana cost reduced from 100 to 70
  • Penitence duration increased from 5/6/7/8 to 8
  • Agility growth increased from 3 to 3.3
  • Strength growth increased from 2.7 to 2.9
  • Power Cogs now spawn in a circle rather than a rectangle
  • Crystal Nova cooldown reduced from 13 to 12
  • Arcane Aura level 4 mana regen increased from 2.5/5 (allies/self) to 3/6
  • Base intelligence reduced from 27 to 25
  • Ion Shell is now purgeable
  • Poison Touch mana cost reduced from 100 to 70
  • Shallow Grave cast point increased from 0.3 to 0.35
  • Shallow Grave mana cost increased from 140/130/120/110 to 150
  • Weave no longer provides 800 flying vision. Now provides ground vision for the AoE of the ability for 3 seconds
  • Temporarily removed from Captain's Mode
    Due to hero redesigns, the following heroes have been removed from Captain's Mode for a short period: Death Prophet, Doom, Faceless Void, Lone Druid, Riki and Winter Wyvern.

    Most of these will return to Captain's Mode in a subsequent 6.86b/c patch.

  • Replaced Witchcraft with a new ability, Spirit Siphon

    Spirit Siphon

    Creates a spirit link between you and the target, draining 20 + 1/1.8/2.6/3.4% Max HP per second and slowing movement speed by 6/10/14/18%. Lasts 4 seconds.

    Cast Range: 500

    Buffer Distance: 300

    Has 1/2/3/4 charges, 45 second replenishA unit cannot be affected by multiple instances at the same time. Cannot target Roshan.
    Mana cost: 70/65/60/55

  • Base movement speed increased from 280 to 310
  • Crypt Swarm cooldown reduced from 8 to 8/7/6/5
  • Silence cooldown reduced from 15 to 15/14/13/12
  • Exorcism spirit count increased from 8/14/21 to 8/16/24
  • Exorcism spawn rate decreased from 1 ghost per 0.1 seconds to 0.3 seconds
  • Temporarily removed from Captain's Mode
    Due to hero redesigns, the following heroes have been removed from Captain's Mode for a short period: Death Prophet, Doom, Faceless Void, Lone Druid, Riki and Winter Wyvern.

    Most of these will return to Captain's Mode in a subsequent 6.86b/c patch.

  • Replaced Level Death with a new ability, Infernal Blade

    Infernal Blade

    Passive/autocast attack ability. Ministuns for 0.3 seconds and applies a 4 second burn that deals 40 + 1.25/2.5/3.75/5% Max HP as magic damage.

    Cooldown: 16/12/8/4
    Mana cost: 40

  • Base Attack Time increased from 1.7 to 2.0
  • Scorched Earth damage/heal reduced from 12/23/34/45 to 10/20/30/40
  • Scorched Earth movement speed from 16% to 14%
  • Doom cooldown increased from 100 to 125
  • Dragon Blood HP regen increased from 2/3/4/5 to 3/6/9/12
  • Elder Dragon Form Frost AoE increased from 250 to 300
    Same AoE as the splash damage
  • Added Scepter to Drow Ranger

    Marksmanship now causes her attacks to splinter on the target and split into two arrows affecting two random units in a 375 radius. The splintered arrows deal 50% damage each. Primary target still takes full damage.

    The split arrows act as normal attacks, carrying all attack modifiers.

  • Enabled Earth Spirit in Captain's Mode
  • Intelligence growth reduced from 2.4 to 2.1
  • Boulder Smash stun AoE reduced from 200 to 160
  • Geomagnetic Grip can now only pull allied heroes when using Scepter
  • Earth Splitter damage rescaled from 35% to 30/40/50%
  • Earth Splitter mana cost rescaled from 175 to 125/175/225
  • Earth Splitter's physical damage component is no longer reduced by Damage Block
  • Fire Remnants no longer give vision
  • Enchant cooldown reduced from 30/25/20/15 to 30/24/18/12
  • Eidolon movement speed increased from 250/250/260/260 to 260/280/300/320
  • Malefice damage increased from 25/40/55/70 to 30/50/70/90
  • Black Hole cooldown reduced from 200/190/180 to 200/180/160
  • Temporarily removed from Captain's Mode
    Due to hero redesigns, the following heroes have been removed from Captain's Mode for a short period: Death Prophet, Doom, Faceless Void, Lone Druid, Riki and Winter Wyvern.

    Most of these will return to Captain's Mode in a subsequent 6.86b/c patch.

  • Replaced Backtrack with a new ability, Time Dilation

    Time Dilation

    Applies a debuff to all nearby enemies (650 AoE) for 6/7/8/9 seconds. Causes time to be frozen on all enemy abilities, causing their cooldowns to make no progress while they have this debuff. Slows movement and attack speed by 4/6/8/10% for each locked ability.

    Cooldown: 34/28/22/16
    Mana cost: 50

  • Timewalk no longer slows units
  • Timewalk now undoes any damage taken in the last 2 seconds
  • Timewalk cooldown rescaled from 19/17/15/13 to 24/18/12/6
  • Timewalk mana cost reduced from 90 to 40
  • Timewalk range reduced from 700/900/1100/1300 to 550
  • Timewalk cast point reduced from 0.35 to 0.2
  • Call Down's first missile damage reduced from 250/300/350 to 220/285/350
  • Berserker's Blood bonuses are provided linearly from full until 10% HP (rather than stepwise at 7% increments)
  • Berserker's Blood maximum magic resistance reduced from 42/56/70/84% to 20/30/40/50%
  • Invoker now starts with Invoke Level 1 at the beginning of the game
  • Invoke now has the standard 6/11/16 leveling
  • Level 25 invoker (since he is now missing an ability level) has an attribute bonus ability that grants 6 all stats
  • Base damage increased by 7
  • Chakra Magic cooldown reduction increased from 2/3/4/5 to 3/4/5/6
  • Chakra Magic buff duration increased from 12 to 15 seconds
  • Chakra Magic now restores and increases mana capacity by 75/150/225/300
  • Added Scepter to Kunkka

    Ghost Ship now drags enemies within a 200 AoE of it towards the crash site. It now starts from where you are, rather than behind you, lands in the same position it normally would have.

    Enemies are still able to perform actions while being pulled by the Ghost Ship. Works similiar to Drow Ranger's Gust knockback

  • Torrent now gives your team vision over target area immediately upon cast, rather than just when triggering
  • Tidebringer is now an autocast ability, will only trigger if turned on or cast directly on the target
  • Tidebringer damage bonus increased from 20/35/50/65 to 25/40/55/70
  • Tidebringer AoE from rescaled 500/500/500/600 to 450/500/550/600
  • Ghost Ship mana cost reduced from 150/200/250 to 125/175/225
  • Moment of Courage cooldown reduced from 2.7/2.1/1.5/0.9 to 2.6/2.0/1.4/0.8
  • Legion Commander's Scepter now makes you and your target immune to all damage unless the source is between the Duel participants.
  • Legion Commander's Scepter duration is now 4.75/5.5/6.25
  • Rage attack speed bonus increased from 30/45/60/80 to 50/60/70/80
  • Feast damage and lifesteal increased from 4/5/6/7% to 4.5/5.5/6.5/7.5%
  • Infest cooldown reduced from 100 to 100/75/50
  • Earth Spike mana cost reduced from 100/120/145/170 to 100/120/140/160
  • Earth Spike duration increased from 1.02/1.52/2.02/2.52 to 1.1/1.6/2.1/2.6
  • Mana Drain reduced cooldown from 20/15/10/5 to 16/12/8/4
  • Temporarily removed from Captain's Mode
    Due to hero redesigns, the following heroes have been removed from Captain's Mode for a short period: Death Prophet, Doom, Faceless Void, Lone Druid, Riki and Winter Wyvern.

    Most of these will return to Captain's Mode in a subsequent 6.86b/c patch.

  • Replaced Synergy with a new ability for Lone Druid, Savage Roar

    Savage Roar

    Causes enemies in a 325 AoE around you or your bear to run away with 20% movement speed bonus for 1.2/1.6/2/2.4 seconds towards their fountain.

    Cooldown: 28/24/20/16
    Mana cost: 50

    Note: An entangled hero will not be able to move still. Spirit Bear also has this ability, but the cooldown is shared with your hero.

  • Spirit Bear attack damage increased from 33 to 35/45/55/65
  • Spirit Bear movement speed increased from 320/320/330/340 to 320/330/340/350
  • Rabid duration increased from 10 to 18/22/26/30
  • Rabid movement speed increased from 5/10/15/20% to 10/15/20/25%
  • True Form Health Bonus increased from 250/400/600 to 300/600/900
  • Turn rate increased from 0.4 to 0.6
  • Eclipse Scepter beam interval reduced from 0.6 to 0.3
  • Lycan Wolves and Shapeshift no longer grant critical strike
  • Lycan Wolves now gain Cripple at level 2, granting a 20% chance to cripple the target, causing it to take 8 damage per second and lose 40 Attack Speed for 4 seconds.
  • Shapeshift now grants all units under your control a 40% chance for 1.4/1.6/1.8x critical strike
  • Added Scepter to Magnus

    Changes Empower to be an allied hero aura. Affects ranged heroes for half cleave values and causes them to deal splash damage around the target in a 200 AoE.

    Can still be cast on units, but does not stack.

  • Skewer distance increased from 750/900/1050/1200 to 900/1000/1100/1200
  • Skewer slow reduced from 40% to 25/30/35/40%
  • Skewer slow duration increased from 2.5 to 2.5/2.75/3/3.25 seconds
  • Mystic Snake no longer increases manasteal per jump
  • Mystic Snake manasteal is now 11/14/17/20% of total mana
  • Double Damage no longer affects all Meepo units
  • Attack range increased from 600 to 630
  • Starstorm radius increased from 625 to 650
  • Sacred Arrow now instantly kills the first unit it hits if it is a non-ancient creep
  • Adaptive Strike base damage increased from 50/60/70/80 to 100
  • Adaptive Strike mana cost reduced from 100 to 100/90/80/70
  • Morph rate increased from 2/4/6/10 per second to 2/4/8/16
  • Morph now shifts in intervals of 1 rather than 2
    This change doesn't affect rate of change, just smoothness
  • Hybrid cooldown reduced from 140 to 120
  • Base Intelligence increased from 18 + 1.95 to 21 + 2.0
  • Base intelligence increased by 4
  • Treant damage increased from 28 to 32 This means Greater Treant damage is increased from 84 to 96
  • Base armor increased by 1
  • Void slow at night reduced from 4 to 2.5/3/3.5/4 seconds
  • Nyx Impale duration increased from 1.27/1.77/2.27/2.77 to 1.6/2.0/2.4/2.8
  • Spiked Carapace cooldown reduced from 23/20/17/14 to 22/18/14/10
  • Base health regen increased from 2.5 to 3.5
  • Enabled Oracle in Captain's Mode
  • Fate's Edict cooldown rescaled from 12 to 16/13/10/7
  • Fate's Edict duration reduced from 3/4/5/6 to 3/3.5/4/4.5
  • Fate's Edict cast range rescaled from 700 to 500/600/700/800
  • Fortune's End mana cost reduced from 130 to 110
  • Fortune's End can now target allies
    Does not root or hurt the ally, but purges and applies the effect in the area
  • False Promise no longer continuously dispels after the initial cast
    It previously continuously removed all debuffs including stuns
  • False Promise duration increased from 6/7/8 to 7/8/9
  • False Promise cooldown rescaled from 80/60/40 to 90/60/30
  • False Promise mana cost reduced from 200 to 100
  • Reworked how Astral Imprisonment works

    Astral Imprisonment now deals damage to enemies in an area around the target when it ends. The target itself will also take damage, if it is an enemy. Deals 75/150/225/300 magic damage. Affects a 400 area. You are only hurt once by this AoE with Scepter.

    No longer steals intelligence.

    Can now be targeted on creeps.

  • Astral Imprisonment cooldown rescaled from 18/16/14/12 to 20/17/14/11
  • Astral Imprisonment cast range rescaled from 500 to 450/500/550/600
  • Astral Imprisonment duration increased from 1/2/3/4 to 4
  • Essence Aura AoE reduced from 1000 to the standard 900 aura radius
  • Arcane Orb now steals 0/1/2/3 intelligence per hit for 40 seconds (heroes only)
  • Outworld Devourer intelligence growth reduced from 3.3 to 2.7
  • Base Intelligence increased from 13 + 1 to 15 + 1.4
  • Sun Ray turn rate increased from 20 to 25
  • Supernova damage per second increased from 60/80/100 to 60/90/120
  • Illusory Orb mana cost reduced from 150 to 80/100/120/140
  • Illusory Orb cooldown increased from 11 to 14/13/12/11
  • Waning Rift cooldown reduced from 16 to 16/15/14/13
  • Waning Rift no longer only silences heroes
  • Reworked Scepter on Pudge

    Reduces cooldown of Meat Hook to 4 seconds and increases damage from 360 to 475.

    Note: No longer grants previous Scepter bonuses.

  • Dismember damage from 75/125/175 to 60/90/120 +30/40/50% of strength
  • Dismember now heals you for the damage it does
  • Decrepify no longer slows allies
  • Scream of Pain damage reduced from 85/165/225/300 to 75/150/225/300
  • Sonic Wave travel speed reduced from 1100 to 900
  • Temporarily removed from Captain's Mode
    Due to hero redesigns, the following heroes have been removed from Captain's Mode for a short period: Death Prophet, Doom, Faceless Void, Lone Druid, Riki and Winter Wyvern.

    Most of these will return to Captain's Mode in a subsequent 6.86b/c patch.

  • Reworked Permanent Invisibility to include Backstab

    Permanent Invisibility

    Riki grants 0.4/0.6/0.8/1.0 damage when attacking from behind.

    Invisibility Fade Time: 6/5/4/3 seconds

    Note: No longer grants 6/8/10/12 HP regeneration

  • Blink Strike back to basic ability without charges

    Damage: 20/40/60/80
    Cooldown: 16/12/8/4
    Mana cost: 50

  • Added a new ultimate for Riki, Tricks of the Trade

    Tricks of the Trade

    Riki phases out of the world for up to 3/4/5 seconds, attacking every enemy from behind in a 450 area around him. He attacks once when phasing out and then once per second while being phased out. Can be cancelled any time.

    Cooldown: 90/80/70
    Mana cost: 75
    Cast Point: 0.4

  • Strength growth reduced from 2.0 to 1.6
  • Agility growth reduced from 2.9 to 2.2
  • Base armor reduced by 1
  • Smoke Screen no longer slows turn rates
  • Fade Bolt attack damage reduction increased from 14/20/26/32 to 20/25/30/35
  • Reworked Scepter on Sand King

    Doubles Burrowstrike cast range and applies Caustic Finale poison to heroes

    Note: No longer grants previous Scepter bonuses.

  • Base strength increased from 18 to 21
  • Caustic Finale slow increased from 25% to 30%
  • Disruption illusions duration from 5/6/7/8 to 6/8/10/12 seconds
  • Added Scepter to Shadow Fiend

    Requiem of Souls waves now return back to Shadow Fiend dealing 40% damage on the way back.

    All of the damage the Requiem does to heroes on its way back heals you.

  • Base armor reduced by 1
  • Shadow Raze mana cost increased from 75 to 90
  • Shackles total damage increased from 120/180/240/300 to 120/200/280/360
  • Mass Serpent Wards require 2 hits to destroy
    Previously had 135/150/150 hp
  • Replaced Curse of the Silent with a new ability, Arcane Curse

    Arcane Curse

    Targets an area, causes enemies to take damage over time. Anytime they cast a spell, the duration of the debuff is increased. If an enemy affected by this debuff is silenced, the debuff will pause (no damage and no time elapses).

    Duration: 7 seconds
    Stacking Duration: 4 seconds (anytime a spell is cast, this is added to the duration)
    DPS: 14/21/28/35

    Cooldown: 18/16/14/12
    Mana cost: 75/95/115/135
    Radius: 425

    Affects Creeps.

    Note: Spell cast means the same stuff as CotS rules were, stuff that procs magic stick and isn't an item.

  • Glaives of Wisdom is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier
  • Concussive Shot mana cost reduced from 110 to 95
  • Amplify Damage now only reveals the target rather than the area around it
  • Electric Vortex mana cost reduced from 100/110/120/130 to 85
  • Base damage increased by 4
  • God's Strength Scepter aura bonus damage increased from 50/75/100% to 75/100/125%
  • Refraction is now always visible
  • Enabled Terrorblade in Captain's Mode
  • Added Scepter to Tidehunter

    Causes Gush to become a ground targeted wave ability that travels for 1800 range.

    AoE: 240
    Projectile speed: 1500
    Cooldown: 7

  • Anchor Smash cast time reduced from 0.5 to 0.4
  • Ravage stun duration rescaled from 2.02/2.32/2.77 to 2.0/2.4/2.8
  • Whirling Death debuff duration increased from 7 to 11
  • Whirling Death mana cost decreased from 70/80/90/100 to 70
  • Reactive Armor duration rescaled from 16 to 14/16/18/20
  • Laser cast time improved from 0.53 to 0.4
  • Laser cast range increased from 550 to 650
  • Craggy Exterior now triggers on attacks landing, rather than on start
  • Leech Seed mana cost reduced from 100/110/120/130 to 80/95/110/125
  • Overgrowth AoE increased from 675 to 800
  • Scepter Overgrowth damage and vision AoE increased from 700 to 800
  • Fervor reduced from 20/25/30/35 to 15/20/25/30
  • Fervor max stacks increased from 4 to 6
  • Ranged Whirling Axes cooldown reduced from 20/19/18/17 to 20/18/16/14
  • Movement speed reduced from 305 to 300
  • Ice Shards damage reduced from 70/140/210/280 to 60/120/180/240
  • Snowball can no longer pull units out of Blackhole or Chronosphere
  • Snowball gather radius reduced from 400 to 350
  • Tombstone Zombie damage reduced from 35 to 33
  • Tombstone bounty increased from 75/100/125/150 to 125/150/175/200
  • Tombstone no longer grants 44 XP
  • Scepter added to Ursa

    Allows you to cast your ultimate while disabled and reduces cooldown from 50/40/30 to 30/24/18 seconds.

  • Enrage is no longer purgeable
  • Added Scepter bonus to Vengeful Spirit

    Causes you to spawn a Vengeance Illusion when you die. The Vengeance Illusion deals 50% damage, takes 150% damage, and is able to use all of your abilities (but not items). The Vengeance Illusion lasts until she revives.

    Note: Still grants previous Scepter bonuses to Netherswap.

  • Venomous Gale cooldown reduced from 22 to 21/20/19/18
  • Stone Form AoE increased from 340 to 350
  • Base strength increased by 4
  • Shadow Word duration increased from 11 to 12 seconds
  • Base damage increased by 3
  • The Swarm Beetles' Base Attack Time improved from 1.4/1.25/1.1/0.95 to 1.25/1.1/0.95/0.8
  • Shackleshot is now disjointable
  • Shackleshot speed increased from 1515 to 1650
  • Shackleshot angle reduced from 26 degrees to 23 degrees
  • Powershot speed no longer decreases by a small amount as it goes through units
  • Temporarily removed from Captain's Mode
    Due to hero redesigns, the following heroes have been removed from Captain's Mode for a short period: Death Prophet, Doom, Faceless Void, Lone Druid, Riki and Winter Wyvern.

    Most of these will return to Captain's Mode in a subsequent 6.86b/c patch.

  • Cold Embrace cooldown increased from 17/16/15/14 to 24/21/18/15
  • Arctic Burn slow reduced from 25/30/35/40% to 19/26/33/40%
  • Winter's Curse primary and secondary units are now immune to all damage from their enemies
  • Winter's Curse secondary units now have 50 attack speed bonus
  • Winter's Curse AoE increased increased from 400 to 500
  • Winter's Curse cooldown increased from 110/100/90 to 120/110/100
  • Winter's Curse duration increased from 2.5/3/3.5 to 3.25/4/4.75
  • Fixed Winter's Curse lingering if the primary target died
  • Maledict mana cost reduced from 120 to 105/110/115/120
  • Maledict cast range increased from 525 to 575
  • Vampiric Aura can now be toggled to make the lifesteal for heroes only



Faerie Fire
  • New consumable item, Faerie Fire

    Costs: 75 gold

    + 2 Damage

    Use: Consume the Faerie Fire to restore 75 HP. Cooldown: 5 seconds.

Dragon Lance
  • New item formed from Ogre Club and Quarterstaff.

    Ogre Club (1000)
    Quarterstaff (875)
    Total: 1875

    + 10 Strength
    + 10 Attack Speed
    + 10 Damage
    + 130 Attack Range (ranged heroes only, does not stack)

    Can be disassembled.

Aether Lens
  • New item formed from Energy Booster, Ring of Health and Cloak.

    Energy Booster (900)
    Ring of Health (850)
    Cloak (550)
    Total: 2300

    + 250 Mana
    + 8 HP Regeneration
    + 15 Magic Resistance
    + 200 Cast Range
    + 8% Spell Damage

    Cast range improvement affects targeted spells and distance related spells, such as Venomous Gale. Does not affect AoE abilities like Poison Nova.

Iron Talon
  • New item formed from Quelling Blade, Ring of Protection and a Recipe.

    Quelling Blade (200)
    Ring of Protection (175)
    Recipe (125)
    Total: 500

    + 2 Armor
    Bonuses of Quelling Blade

    Active: Lets you target non-player enemy units to remove 40% of their current HP. Cooldown: 14 seconds.

    Note: Cannot target ancients. Has normal 4 second cooldown when used on Trees.

  • Bash damage increased from 60 to 120
  • Damage bonus decreased from 85 to 70
    The following items are related in their changes with bonus damage and proc damage being modified: Abyssal Blade, Javelin, Monkey King Bar, and Skull Basher
  • Courier purchase cooldown increased from 7 seconds to 2 minutes
  • Animal Courier cost decreased from 120 to 100
  • Movement speed reduced by 5 and total cost reduced by 50 (see Boots of Speed changes) This applies to the following:
    Boots of Speed, Arcane Boots, Phase Boots, Power Treads and Tranquil Boots
  • Attack speed aura bonus now affects buildingsArmor portion already affects buildings.
  • Cooldown reduced from 15 to 13
  • Cost reduced from 450 to 400
  • Movement speed reduced by 5 This applies to the following:
    Boots of Speed, Arcane Boots, Phase Boots, Power Treads and Tranquil Boots
  • Cost reduced from 700 to 660
  • Health regen per charge reduced from 110 to 90
  • Mana regen per charge reduced from 70 to 60
  • A charge now heals over 2.5 seconds instead of 3 seconds (total amount is still 90/60)
  • Added Bottle to Side Shop, starts with only 1 charge.As usual, if you use the item, you cannot sell it back for full price.
  • Flutter movement speed increased from 25 to 35%
  • Flutter duration reduced from 6 to 4 seconds
  • Mana regeneration increased from 170 over 45 seconds to 190 over 50 seconds Same mana regen per second
  • Magic resistance reduced from 20% to 15%
  • Crimson Guard chance from 75% to block 40/20 to 100% to block 32/16
  • Cooldown reduced from 70 to 60
  • Critical Strike from 25% chance for 2.4x to 30% chance for 2.2x
    Average damage increase from 35% to 36%
  • Agility bonus increased from 20/35 to 25/35
  • Intelligence bonus increased from 6/10 to 10/15
  • Endurance bonus movement speed increased from 10% to 13% Endurance is the active ability
  • Mana cost reduced from 150 to 100
  • Cost reduced from 220 to 200
  • Base magic resistance reduced from 20% to 15%
  • HP regeneration increased from 4% to 4.75%
  • Dominate now sets the dominated creeps' base movement speed to 350 Dominate is the active ability
  • Hood of Defiance now has an active ability.

    Creates a spell shield on your hero that absorbs up to 325 magical damage.

    Duration: 12 seconds
    Cooldown: 60 seconds
    Mana cost: 75

  • Can now be used by targeting the ground, planting a happy little tree that lasts 20 seconds. 200 Cast Range.
  • Pierce improved from 20% to deal 40 damage to 25% to deal 85 bonus damage Pierce is the passive ability
  • Damage bonus reduced from 21 to 10
    The following items are related in their changes with bonus damage and proc damage being modified: Abyssal Blade, Javelin, Monkey King Bar, and Skull Basher
  • Cooldown reduced from 16 to 13
  • Damage bonus increased from 10 to 15
  • Removed from Side Shop
  • Mini bash proc damage increased from 100 to 160
  • Damage bonus reduced from 88 to 66
    The following items are related in their changes with bonus damage and proc damage being modified: Abyssal Blade, Javelin, Monkey King Bar, and Skull Basher
  • Recipe cost reduced from 1250 to 1200
  • Necronomicon Archer attack range increased from 350/450/550 to 450/500/550
  • Observer and Sentry Wards now have an AoE indicator before placingThey also use a new UI for placement
  • Experience bounty increased from 50 to 100
  • Now affects the replenish time of charged abilities
  • Orb of Venom is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier
  • Phase active no longer cancels when casting
  • Movement speed reduced by 5 and total cost reduced by 50 (see Boots of Speed changes) This applies to the following:
    Boots of Speed, Arcane Boots, Phase Boots, Power Treads and Tranquil Boots
  • Movement speed reduced by 5 and total cost reduced by 50 (see Boots of Speed changes) This applies to the following:
    Boots of Speed, Arcane Boots, Phase Boots, Power Treads and Tranquil Boots
  • Cost reduced from 225 to 200
  • Cost reduced from 200 to 175
  • Armor bonus reduced from 3 to 2
  • Cripple cooldown increased from 10 to 12
  • Cripple now grants units that attack the target 40% accuracy
    This means that targets attacking that unit will not miss 40% of the time.
  • Maim no longer pierces Spell Immunity
  • Greater Maim no longer pierces Spell Immunity
  • Duration increased from 4 to 4.5
  • Hex cooldown reduced from 30 to 25
  • Silver Edge debuff is no longer dispellable
  • Strength bonus increased from 8 to 10
  • Bash damage increased from 60 to 120
  • Damage reduced from 25 to 10
    The following items are related in their changes with bonus damage and proc damage being modified: Abyssal Blade, Javelin, Monkey King Bar, and Skull Basher
  • Cost reduced from 100 to 50
  • Boosted Tangoes now last for double the duration instead of providing double the healing rate
  • Using Tango on Iron Branch trees provides double healing duration
  • Tranquil Boots armor reduced from 4 to 3
  • Movement speed reduced by 5 This applies to the following:
    Boots of Speed, Arcane Boots, Phase Boots, Power Treads and Tranquil Boots
  • Vanguard chance from 75% to block 40/20 to 100% to block 32/16
  • Now requires 2x Robe of the Magi instead of a 900 recipe (Int bonus increased by 12)
  • Added to Side Shop
  • Removed from Side Shop
  • Movement speed bonus reduced from 10% to 8% Sange and Yasha and Manta are unchanged


Mise à jour du tableau de bord :
  • L'Armurerie a été déplacée et possède désormais son propre bouton (en haut, à côté du bouton « Quitter »)
  • L'Armurerie a désormais un panel de prévisualisation pour les nouveaux objets pouvant être affiché en le survolant
  • Les jeux customs sont désormais disponibles sous l'onglet « Arcade »
  • Un nouvel onglet est disponible dans le magasin, affichant les objets populaires, les meilleures ventes, les nouveautés, les trésors et les objets en soldes
  • L'onglet « Trésor » a été déplacé dans le nouvel onglet du magasin
Mise à jour du mode de jeu ARDM (Deathmatch All Random) :
  • Corrections de crashs liés au ARDM
  • Lorsque vous vendez des objets en ARDM, vous obtenez désormais 85% du prix d'achat
  • Vous pouvez désormais voir votre prochain héros (et ses compétences) dès que votre héros actuel est mort
Corrections concernant la version du client Steam sortie le jeudi 10 décembre :
  • Correction d'un problème causant des pertes d'images par seconde, notamment pour les joueurs s'étant abonné à un grand nombre de guide de héros
  • Ajout d'un mécanisme à Steam pour Dota permettant de savoir que vous êtes en match. Dans ce cas-là, Steam ne pourra pas mettre à jour le jeu. Steam ne téléchargera plus de mises à jour ou d'objets de jeux customs déjà installés une fois que vous lancerez Dota. Ce changement assurera de même que Steam ne mettra pas à jour Dota si vous quittez le jeu ou subissez un crash et réessayez ensuite de lancer Dota
  • Ajout d'une option vous permettant de choisir d'écouter la musique de réapparition par défaut, même si vous utilisez un pack de musiques
  • Les lobbies privés peuvent maintenant gérer les options des pauses en jeu : « illimité », où n'importe quel joueur peut initier une pause, « limité », où les joueurs ne peuvent initier qu'un nombre de pause limité, et « désactivé » où aucune pause ne peut être initiée
  • Ajout d'une nouvelle interface de ciblage pour les capacités AOE des unités
  • Saisir dans le chat "lmao" fera rire votre héros
  • Fountain Healing affiche désormais une icône de buff durant sa durée
  • Correction d'un bug où choisir « Aucun » pour une statistique ne s'affichait pas sur les Profile Cards
  • Ajout d'un bouton « Effacer » vous permettant d'effacer un emplacement de votre Profile Card
  • Ajout d'une page « Détails de l'objet » affichant les fonctionnalités des objets disponibles à l'achat, ainsi que la description, la marque, les informations de la ligue associée des objets. Vous pouvez, de même, afficher les objets contenus dans les bundles, le mode démo, et les icônes de capacité ainsi que d'autres modificateurs associés aux objets
  • Apparence des gemmes prismatiques améliorée dans l'armurerie
  • Les gemmes spectateurs affichent désormais le logo de l'équipe à laquelle il est associé dans l'armurerie
  • La page « Personnaliser » vous permet désormais de sélectionner tous les objets du même ensemble comme un objet particulier en effectuant un clic droit sur l'icône de l'objet et en choisissant « Sélectionner les objets de l'ensemble »
  • Correction des particules n'apparaissant pas dans l'équipement du héros et en jeu durant le choix des héros pour certains objets de la Forme démoniaque de Terrorblade
  • Correction d'un bug où l'arcane de Legion Commander, Shadow Fiend, et des Techies était incorrecte durant le choix des héros
  • Correction d'un bug où les objets de la Forme démoniaque de Terrorblade ne ramassait pas correctement la couleur de la gemme dans la page « Personnaliser »
  • Correction d'un bug où, dans le menu des amis, certains éléments étaient coupés
  • Correction de la commande dota_spectator_auto_spectate_games
  • Ajout de dota_redeem_item_code, une commande permettant d'activer des codes legacy Dota (notamment des autographes de TI3/TI4)
  • Correction des portraits de la Dire tower
  • Correction d'un bug où les sons du tableau de bord se jouaient parfois en jeu
  • Correction de l'option « Mettre Dota au premier plan lorsqu'un match est trouvé » qui ne marchait pas correctement en mode plein écran exclusif
  • Correction d'un bug où certains effets de secousse d'écran n'avaient pas lieu (ex. Enigma immortal blackhole)
  • Correction d'un bug où les héros perdaient parfois des mouvements faciaux dans les portraits
  • Correction d'un bug où des polygones aléatoires dépassaient des têtes des héros
  • Correction des effets de statut et d'illusion de Bonkers the Mad
  • Correction d'un bug où certains effets de particules ne se prévisualisaient pas correctement dans l'éditeur de particules
  • Correction d'un crash lors de l'équipement de certains items (certains n'avaient pas de modèles associés)
  • Correction d'un bug dans la page d'équipement où les prix du marché de la communauté étaient faux et où le bouton « Marché » amenait à une page incorrecte
  • Correction d'un bug où les unités fantômes apparaissaient quelques fois au centre de la mini-carte
  • Correction d'un bug où du texte dans certains tooltips d'objets était coupé
  • Réduction de l'utilisation de la mémoire, notamment sur la page de détails de trésors
Importation Workshop
  • Il est désormais possible de prévisualiser du travail n'étant pas encore conforme aux contraintes de soumission (mais ne peut pas être soumis tant que les erreurs ne sont pas résolues)
  • Améliorations générales à l'interface d'importation du Workshop
  • Ajout de plus d'informations concernant les contraintes de soumissions (nombre de triangles, etc.) à l'interface d'importation du Workshop
  • Prise en charge des effets meshes (brillance de la géométrie, etc.)
  • Prise en charge des importations de packs de curseur et de packs de musique
  • Le Character picker peut désormais prévisualiser et créer des ensembles de modèles alternatifs (Tiny, Night Stalker) et des modèles de remplacement (Dragon Knight, Lone Druid, Lycan, Terrorblade)
  • Le Character picker peut désormais prévisualiser et créer des arrêts sur images de particules et d'objets spécifiques, au lieu de l'utilisation obligatoire d'arrêts sur image d'un objet de base (correction de la lueur de l'arme d'Anti-Mage par exemple)
  • Correction des modèles avec une collision de vêtements ayant des os marqués incorrectement comme procéduraux (Axe, Zeus)