Introduction de
deux nouveaux héros


Un élan de style peut faire beaucoup

 CÀC Carry Nuker Disabler Durable Escape Initiator

Paré au combat à tout moment, le Pangolier excelle à perturber les mouvements de ses ennemis et à semer le chaos. Habile escrimeur, il sait trouver la faille dans l'armure de ses adversaires pour infliger le coup fatal. Ce gracieux épéiste est toujours prêt à se jeter dans la mêlée.

Le meilleur guerrier au monde ?
Ça se discute même pas.

Les hommes et les femmes qui font partie des Nivan Gallants vivent une vie à base d'escrime, d'acrobaties et de liaisons dangereuses. Et bien que tous ne jurent que par leur devise « L’aventure est le seul piment de la vie », les exploits de Donté Panlin parviennent quand même à susciter l’étonnement des plus hédonistes d’entre eux.

Il n’existe pas de monstre qu’il ne saurait pourfendre. De créature qu’il n’oserait courtiser. De tyran qui lui résisterait. Ni de noble insensible à l’acidité de son verbe.

Capacités du Pangolier


Le Pangolier se projette jusqu'à l'emplacement ciblé et inflige des dégâts dans la direction choisie à l'aide de rapides coups d'épée.

Shield Crash

Le Pangolier saute dans les airs et retombe sur le sol, infligeant des dégâts aux ennemis à proximité. Pour chaque héros ennemi touché, le Pangolier gagne un pourcentage de réduction des dégâts subis.


Le Pangolier a toujours un coup d'avance sur ses ennemis, ignorant leurs protections. Chacune de ses attaques a une chance de nullifier l'armure de l'ennemi attaqué et de le ralentir après un court délai.

Rolling Thunder

Après quelques secondes, le Pangolier s'enroule sur lui-même et devient immunisé contre les sorts. En boule, il inflige des dégâts et étourdit les ennemis sur son chemin. Shield Crash peut être utilisé lorsque cette capacité est active pour sauter au-dessus des obstacles.

Dark Willow

Un peu d'espièglerie n'a jamais tué

 À distance Support Nuker Disabler Escape

Un léger battement d'ailes provenant des ombres pourrait être tout ce qu'un ennemi voit de la Dark Willow, échappant aux sorts de ses ennemis et contrôlant leurs mouvements à l'aide de ses doigts de fée. Utilisant ses pouvoirs plus anciens que n'importe quelle magie, elle cloue ses ennemis au sol avant de les effrayer à mort.

Ils découvriront bientôt ce que des doigts de fées peuvent créer...

Les enfants adorent raconter de fantastiques histoires sur les fées... Certainement parce qu'ils ignorent que la plupart des fées sont en réalité de petites teignes. Et dans le monde de ces fées perfides, nul autre nom n'est prononcé avec plus de mépris que celui de Mireska Sunbreeze. Fille d'un roi marchand, Mireska grandit à Revtel ; une impitoyable nation où la manipulation et le meurtre étaient monnaie courante. Mais bien que fervente adepte de ses coutumes, de ses lois inexistantes, et des rites sociaux qui régissaient chaque instant de sa vie, elle s'en trouvait bien souvent lassée. Mireska fit donc ce que n'importe quel enfant rebelle ferait : brûler le domaine familial et fuguer avec son feu follet apprivoisé, Jex, à la recherche d'une nouvelle vie pleine d'abus de confiance.

Bramble Maze

La Dark Willow crée un dédale de ronces dans la zone ciblée. Les ennemis traversant les ronces subissent des dégâts et sont enracinés.

Shadow Realm

La Dark Willow se cache dans l'ombre, ne pouvant pas être ciblée par les sorts ou objets. Les dégâts magiques de sa prochaine attaque seront accrus selon le temps passé dans l'ombre.

Cursed Crown

La Dark Willow couronne un ennemi d'une malédiction féerique. Après 4 secondes, la cible et les ennemis à proximité sont étourdis.


Le compagnon de la Dark Willow, Jex, tournoie autour d'elle, infligeant des dégâts aux ennemis à proximité. Cette capacité ne peut pas être utilisée lorsque Terrorize est actif.


Le compagnon de la Dark Willow, Jex, effraye ses ennemis, les obligeant à fuir jusqu'à la fontaine de leur équipe. Cette capacité ne peut pas utilisée pendant que Bedlam est actif.

Capacités de la Dark Willow

Aussi dans cette mise à jour

Vengeance d'Etienne

Arme secondaire avec un effet et un son pour Swashbuckle personnalisés

Primogéniture rosacée

Ceinture avec un effet pour Bramble Maze personnalisé

Pholi l'esquire

Coursier et écuyer autoproclamé de Donté

Piège à mucilage

Ward personnalisée

Lancer de fleur & Galanterie imprudente

Railleries pour la Dark Willow et le Pangolier

Emblèmes de Dueling Fates

Bundle immortel

Acheter à 9,99 $ 14,99 $
-33 % jusqu'au 30 novembre 2017

Saisons classées

Lors de cette mise à jour, nous avons modifié le fonctionnement du système de rang du matchmaking pour les joueurs du mode classé et ceux du mode normal. Désormais, une nouvelle saison aura lieu tous les six mois. Ces saisons permettront de vérifier la justesse du MMR des joueurs et de garantir la qualité des matchs.

Pendant chaque saison, les joueurs obtiendront une médaille selon leurs performances pendant cette saison. Il existe sept médailles différentes, et chaque médaille dispose de cinq étoiles de progression avant d'obtenir la médaille suivante. Votre médaille actuelle ainsi que les médailles des saisons précédentes seront affichées sur votre profil et visibles par tous les joueurs avant chaque match.

Au début de chaque saison, tous les joueurs recalibreront leur MMR par rapport au MMR obtenu lors de la saison précédente. Votre MMR obtenu avant la nouvelle saison sera enregistré et affiché sur votre profil, et les joueurs du mode classé pourront continuer à suivre leur MMR de la saison actuelle.

Afin de donner à tous une chance de se préparer, la première saison commencera dans deux semaines.

Mise à jour du système de guide

Les guides de héros peuvent désormais être consultés depuis l'onglet « Apprendre », permettant aux joueurs d'accéder facilement à une mine d'or de connaissances à propos des objets, des capacités et des builds pour tous les héros. Vous pouvez aussi créer vos propres guides en déplaçant ou en ajoutant du contenu d'un guide existant, ainsi que les publier afin que d'autres joueurs puissent les utiliser. Enfin, chaque guide est approprié à sa version de gameplay et au rôle qu'il couvre afin que vous ne soyez plus jamais perdu sur le champ de bataille.

Mode turbo

Dota Turbo a été ajouté à la recherche de matchs. Ce nouveau mode de jeu dispose des mêmes règles de jeu que le mode All Pick mais raccourcit les matchs en accordant davantage d'or et d'expérience aux héros, en réduisant l'armure des tours et en diminuant le temps de réapparition. Les règles du mode turbo et le système d'échoppe qui vous permet d'acheter des objets où que vous soyez sur la carte permet d'essayer facilement et rapidement de nouveaux héros et stratégies ou d'introduire des amis à Dota dans un environnement plus relaxant.

Mise à jour de l'Ability Draft

Le mode Ability Draft a été mis à jour avec une toute nouvelle interface. De plus, les joueurs peuvent maintenant modifier l'ordre des touches assignées aux capacités et discuter avec leurs coéquipiers pendant la phase de sélection. Enfin, les quinze héros manquants à ce mode ont été ajoutés et de nombreux bugs ont été corrigés. Vous pensez pouvoir créer le meilleur build de capacités ? Découvrez-le face aux autres joueurs.

Nouveau modèle pour l'Ancient Apparition

Ancient Apparition dispose désormais d'un nouveau modèle et de nouveaux effets d'ambiance : ça fait froid dans le dos.

Roue de ping

Grâce à de nouveaux ajouts à la fonctionnalité de ping, les joueurs ont désormais encore plus d'outils de communication qu'auparavant. Désormais, vous pouvez utiliser la roue de ping pour faire savoir à votre équipe les emplacements de Wards ou demander à vos coéquipiers d'attaquer une tour ou de se replier. Les pings apparaîtront à la fois sur la carte et la mini-carte et seront accompagnés d'une phrase d'indication dans le chat.

Pack de voix Bladeform Legacy

Un cadeau pour tous les possesseurs de l'Arcane Bladeform Legacy pour le Juggernaut : un nouveau pack de voix pour le héros que vous pouvez équiper pour remplacer la voix par défaut du Juggernaut. Le Juggernaut parle désormais avec le pouvoir de ses ancêtres guerriers. Reliés une fois encore au monde des vivants, ces progéniteurs de l'île des masques ne retomberont plus jamais dans le silence.

Mise à jour du gameplay

Modifications générales


    • All Pick drafting order is now: A-BB-AA-BB-AA-B
    • Each day 10 heroes are selected automatically as bonus heroes for the day. Bonus heroes provide you with a free mango on selection (cannot be sold).
    • Randoming no longer gives bonus gold. It instead selects a hero from the set of bonus heroes and grants an extra iron branch (in addition to the mango).
    • Removed repicking


    • Middle lane no longer has an additional melee creep.
    • Creeps now meet closer to each team's respective safelanes.
    • Denies XP granted to the enemy (the player being denied) reduced from 70% to 25%
    • Denied XP gained by the denier reduced from 30% to 25%
    • Neutrals killing lane creeps is now considered the same as the enemy creeps killing them—it's not a deny, and gives full XP. You must deny the creep yourself to deny its XP.
    • Total Wave XP (the 4 creeps) increased from 210 to 240
      • Melee Creeps XP increased from 40 to 57
      • Range Creeps XP reduced from 90 to 69 (result of both changes is 240)
    • Melee creep bounty increased by 4
    • Range creep bounty increased by 12 (overall total gold per wave increased by 24)
    • First neutral creep spawn changed from 30 seconds to 1 minute
    • Base hero-kill XP bounty (non-assist portion) for level 1-5 reduced from 100/120/140/160/180 to 30/60/90/120/150 (You still get extra XP for hero kills from the assist formula)
    • XP range increased from 1300 to 1500
    • XP required to go from level 1 to level 2 reduced from 240 to 200
    • XP required to go from level 2 to level 3 increased from 360 to 400
    • Tier 1 tower HP increased from 1400 to 1600

    Town Portal Scrolls

    • Heroes now start with a TP Scroll. TP scrolls start on cooldown at the beginning of the game.

    Shrines and Glyph

    • Removed Shrines from the base (replaced by filler buildings)
    • Glyph now causes your creeps to be invulnerable for the glyph duration.


    • Extra siege creep now spawns at 30 minutes instead of 40 minutes.
    • Siege creep HP increased by 50
    • Fixed extra lane creeps spawning a minute too late (the ones at 15/30/40/45 minutes for melee/melee/range/melee).
    • Lane Creeps upgrade amount is now capped at Mega Creeps (previously, if a game went on for over ~4 hours, it was possible for creeps to be stronger than mega).

    Armor Mechanics

    • Armor formula adjusted from 0.06*Armor/(1+0.06*Armor) to 0.05*Armor/(1+0.05*Armor)
    • Armor per agility rescaled from 1/7 to 1/6
    • Tier 1 towers armor increased from 14 to 17
    • Tier 2 & 3 towers armor increased from 16 to 19
    • Tier 4 towers armor increased from 24 to 29
    • Roshan base armor increased from 15 to 18
    • Filler building armor increased from 12 to 14
    • Shrines building armor increased from 20 to 24
    • Ancient building armor increased from 15 to 18
    • Melee barracks building armor increased from 15 to 18
    • Range barracks building armor increased from 10 to 12 (these changes maintain parity with the overall damage reduction of structures before the above formula change)

    Base Structures

    • Removed Tier 4 tower HP regen (previously had 3)
    • Ancient HP regen increased from 3 to 8

    Map Changes

    • Reworked midlane for Dire (both sides can now walk along the ledges without being hit)
    • Adjusted midlane ramps to be narrower
    • Moved mid Shrines closer to the primary jungle area
    • Swapped offlane Shrines and Bounty Runes
    • Adjusted offlane terrain to be wider
    • Moved primary jungle Bounty Runes closer to safelane camp area (close to the river ramps)
    • Reworked Dire safelane jungle area
    • Safelane hard camp adjusted (primarily pullable to the offlane, or to connect to the small camp)
    • Removed one of the ramps going down the jungle camp near each of the safelanes
    • Removed the following ward spots: Radiant Ancient/Roshan, Bottom Radiant Rune, Dire Primary jungle (near Ancient camp)
    • Made multiple miscellaneous tree and line-of-sight adjustments

    • Shifted bottom river Powerup Rune up the river slightly
    • Adjusted ramp to Dire safelane jungle area to be narrower
    • Swapped medium and hard camps in the primary jungle (hard camp is now the one closest to the mid tier 2)
    • Adjusted tree positions in front of the Radiant small camp pull
    • Made minor adjustments to low-ground tree positions in front of the Radiant ramp leading to the Dire offlane (near the blue crystals — pathing around these trees is now possible)
    • Reduced size of the ramp going to the Radiant safelane jungle from the Dire offlane side
    • Adjusted position of Radiant safelane hard camp up slightly
    • Slightly decreased size of ramp going below the Radiant Secret Shop
    • Shifted the ramp on the Dire offlane (that connects to the Radiant safelane hard camp) slightly to the right
    • Radiant hard camp (near the mid tier 2) is no longer in a pit
    • Minor adjustments to tree layout, ramps and terrain above and around the Dire primary jungle
    • Adjusted ramp going down from Radiant Ancient camp towards the top river


    • Third Roshan kill now drops a single-use consumable refresher orb. Cooldown is independent from Refresher Orb

    Respawn Time

    • Hero Respawn timer for level 1-5 rescaled from 8/10/12/14/16 to 5/7/9/13/16

    Neutral Aggro

    • Neutrals now sleep at night. They have zero aggro range while sleeping.
    • Removed special neutral pull aggro exceptions for heroes (on Chaos Knight, Earth Spirit, Morphling, Pudge, Clockwerk, Rubick, and Tiny)
    • Neutrals lane creep aggro is now based on which neutral spawn area they're in (enabled for the traditional safelane/offlane pull camps)

    Captains Mode

    • Captains Mode now has an extra ban in the first phase (6 bans total in the mode).


    • Illusions now deal 80% less damage to Roshan rather than dying instantly when attacking him.
    • Illusions now benefit from Health and Mana regeneration.
    • Roshan Slam damage increased from 70 + 5/Min to 70 + 8/Min


    • Fountain damage increased from 190-199 to 220-240
    • Fountain mana regen increased from 4% MP + 14 mana per second to 6%
    • Fountain HP regen increased from 4% to 5%

    Net worth

    • Net worth Ranking Factor (how much the richest vs poorest heroes get from assist gold) changed from 0.75->1.25 to 0.7->1.3


    • Hex can no longer be dispelled.


    • Added UI indication over inventory to show Mute state
    • Added a new option to require stop to interrupt your channeling abilities

    Unique Attack Modifiers

    • Removed the remaining Unique Attack Modifiers
    • Lifesteal is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier (stacks additively)
    • Arcane Orb is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier
    • Mana Break is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier (does not stack with Diffusal Blade's Mana Break)

    Other Changes

    • Removed cliffing restrictions for Rubick, Magnus, Dark Seer, etc.
    • Removed Pudge and Vengeful Spirit's free pathing on terrain cliffs
    • Roshan now upgrades every minute rather than every 4 minutes (bonuses rescaled so its the same, just smoother).
    • Fixed magic damage sources from attacks not being blocked by Barrier type abilities (Pipe, Hood, Flame Guard)
    • Improved stack count readability on buff icons

    • Heroes with turn rates of 0.4 are improved to 0.5 (Mirana, Puck, Razor, Shadow Shaman, Tidehunter, Witch Doctor, Warlock, Beastmaster, Veno, Wraith King, Viper, Clinkz, Enchantress, Spectre, Spirit Breaker, Lone Druid, Elder Titan, Oracle, and Winter Wyvern)

    • You can now see enemy mana regeneration values (previously could only see HP regen values).

    • Regeneration Rune changed from 100/67 HP/MP to 6% Max HP/MP

    Neutral Abilities

    • Neutral Centaur War Stomp cast point reduced from 0.5 to 0.4
    • Neutral Centaur War Stomp mana cost reduced from 100 to 50
    • Neutral Furbolg Thunder Clap cast point reduced from 0.5 to 0.4
    • Neutral Furbolg Thunder Clap mana cost reduced from 100 to 50
    • Neutral Wildkin Tornado cast point reduced from 0.75 to 0.4
    • Neutral Soulstealer Mana Burn cast point reduced from 0.5 to 0.3
    • Neutral Prowler Shaman Desecrate cast point reduced from 0.9 to 0.4
    • Neutral Thunder Lizard Slam cast point increased from 0 to 0.3
    • Neutral Dark Troll Warlord Ensnare cast point reduced from 0.5 to 0.3
    • Neutral Dark Troll Warlord Ensnare mana cost reduced from 150 to 75
    • Neutral Dark Troll Warlord Raise Dead cast point reduced from 0.5 to 0.3
    • Neutral Harpy Storm Chain Lightning cast point reduced from 0.5 to 0.3
    • Added a projectile for Dark Troll Warlord Ensnare
    • Neutral Purge now works on cycloned units.
    • Neutral Cloak aura on heroes increased from 5% to 10%

Modifications apportées aux objets


    • Courier cost increased from 100 to 200
    • Ground Courier movement speed increased from 350 to 380
    • Flying Courier speed increased from 430 to 450
    • Flying Courier upgrade can no longer be purchased. Courier now upgrades automatically at 3 minutes.
    • Flying Courier now has Courier Shield instead of the Haste ability (200 CD, Duration: 2).
    • Courier can no longer refill Bottle.
    • Courier can no longer be purchased more than once.


    • Removed the following items from the side shop: Quarterstaff, Orb of Venom, Blades of Attack, Sage's Mask, Stout Shield, Ring of Regeneration, Ring of health, Bottle (1 charge)
    • Added the following item to the side shop: Ring of Protection
    • Added the following items to Secret Shop: Voidstone, Ring of Health, Bottle (full charge)


    • Observer Wards cost increased from 60 to 80
    • Observer Wards XP bounty increased from 25 to 100
    • Tango cost rescaled from 125 for 4 uses to 150 for 5 uses
    • Smoke of Deceit cost increased from 50 to 80


    • Gauntlet cost reduced from 150 to 135
    • Slippers cost reduced from 150 to 135
    • Mantle cost reduced from 150 to 135
    • Wraith Band Recipe reduced from 170 to 165
    • Bracer recipe reduced from 175 to 165
    • Null recipe increased from 155 to 165
    • Wraith/Bracer/Null no longer give +3 attack damage. They now give an additional +1 to primary attribute.
    • Veil no longer provides +6 Damage
    • Veil Intelligence bonus increased from +12 to +14
    • Dagon no longer provides +9 Damage.
    • Dagon Intelligence bonus increased +2
    • Drums of Endurance no longer provide +3 Damage.
    • Drums of Endurance Strength bonus increased +1
    • Rod of Atos no longer provides +6 Damage.
    • Perseverance no longer gives +10 Damage.
    • Linken's Sphere no longer gives +15 Damage.
    • Refresher Orb no longer gives +20 Damage.
    • Refresher Orb mana regen increased from 250 to 300%
    • Lotus Orb no longer gives +10 Damage.

Aether Lens:Item Reworked


        +220 Cast Range
        +250 Mana
        +100% Mana Regeneration
        +6% Spell Amp


        +250 Cast Range
        +450 Mana
        +125% Mana Regeneration

Battle Fury:Recipe Changed

  • Battle Fury now requires a Demon Edge instead of Claymore + Broadsword (cost is 400 cheaper).
  • Attack damage reduced from 55 to 50
  • Cleave distance increased from 570 to 625
  • Cleave end radius increased from 300 to 330

Boots of Speed:

  • Boots of Speed movement speed reduced from +45 to +40

Boots of Travel:

  • Boots of Travel building prioritization range increased from 325 to 700

Bloodstone:Recipe Changed

  • Bloodstone now requires Perseverance instead of Soul Ring + Recipe.
  • Initial charges increased from 12 to 14
  • No longer heals in an area around your hero upon death.


  • Flutter duration reduced from 4 to 2 seconds
  • Flutter no longer disables evasion


  • Desolator armor reduction reduced from -7 to -6

Diffusal Blade:Item Reworked

  • No longer dispels
  • No longer has charge limits
  • No longer upgradeable
  • Cooldown increased to 15 seconds

Drums of Endurance:

  • Active bonus attack speed increased from 25 to 35

Ethereal Blade:

  • Projectile speed increased from 1200 to 1275


  • No longer requires an Orb of Venom

Force Staff:

  • Cooldown increased from 20 to 23

Glimmer Cape:

  • Glimmer Cape can no longer be disassembled.

Hurricane Pike:

  • Hurricane Pike now requires a Wraith Band instead of a 500 gold recipe.

Iron Talon:Item Removed

  • Iron Talon has been removed from the game.


  • Now provides 25% Accuracy
  • Cost reduced from 1500 to 1100
  • No longer grants +10 Damage
  • Accuracy proc now deals 100 magical damage (displayed overhead)


  • Recipe cost increased from 750 to 1150
  • No longer grants +10 Damage
  • Bashes cannot be evaded
  • Damage proc increased from 85 to 100 (displayed overhead)

Abyssal Blade:

  • No longer grants +10 Damage
  • Bashes cannot be evaded
  • Damage proc increased from 85 to 100 (displayed overhead)

Monkey King Bar:Item Reworked


        Demon Edge (2200)
        2x Javelin (3000)
        Total: 5200

        +66 Damage
        +True Strike
        +35% chance to proc 160 magic damage and ministun for 0.01


        Hyper Stone (2000)
        2x Javelin (2200)
        Total: 4200

        +60 Attack Speed
        +75% Accuracy + 60 Pure damage proc (the attack that procs the accuracy also procs the pure damage, pierces Spell Immunity)

Linken's Sphere:

  • Cannot manually target self with Linken's Sphere

Magic Wand:Recipe Changed


        Magic Stick (200)
        2x Ironwood Branch (100)
        Circlet (165)
        Total: 465

        +4 All Stats


        Magic Stick (200)
        2x Ironwood Branch (100)
        Enchanted Mango (100)
        Total: 400

        +2 All Stats
        +1.5 HP Regen

Necronomicon:Item Reworked

  • Removed Mana Burn from Archer
  • Level 3 Archer now gains Purge (Slow + Dispel, targets enemies only). Cooldown: 15
  • Old:

        Staff of Wizardry (1000)
        Belt of Strength (450)
        Recipe (1200)

        +8/12/16 Strength
        +15/21/24 Intelligence


        2x Sage's Mask (650)
        Belt of Strength (550)
        Recipe (1300)

        +10/15/20 Strength
        +100/125/150% Mana Regen

Poor Man's Shield:Item Removed

  • Poor Man's Shield has been removed from the game.

Orb of Venom:

  • Damage over time no longer dispels consumables or disables Blink (behaves like Poison Sting)

Pipe of Insight:

  • Barrier active can now affect buildings.

Ring of Regen:

  • Cost reduced from 325 to 300

Satanic:Recipe Changed

  • Now requires Claymore instead of Mithril Hammer

Sentry Wards:

  • Sentry wards no longer automatically appear in front of Observer Wards when buying the item.

Silver Edge:

  • No longer applies enemy damage reduction
  • Movement speed bonus increased from 20% to 25%


  • Stock cooldown reduced from 11 minutes to 10 minutes

Solar Crest:

  • Accuracy increased from 35% to 40%

Soul Ring:Item Reworked


        Sage's Mask (325)
        Ring of Regen (325)
        Enchanted Mango (100)
        Total: 750

        +3 Health Regen
        +50% Mana Regen

      Sacrifice CD: 30


        Ring of Regen (300)
        2x Gauntlets of Strength (270)
        Recipe (185)
        Total: 755

        +6 Strength
        +2 Health Regen

      Sacrifice CD: 25

Stout Shield:

  • Damage Block increased from16/8 to 18/9

Urn of Shadows:

  • Urn of Shadows damage type changed from pure to magical
  • Urn Shadows damage increased from 150 to 200

Vladmir's Offering:

  • Vladmir's Aura now stacks with Ring of Aquila/Ring of Basilius.

Meteor Hammer:New Item

      Ogre Axe (1000)
      Staff of Wizardry (1000)
      Ring of Regen (300)
      Sage's Mask (325)
      Total: 2625

      +12 Strength
      +12 Intelligence
      +4 HP Regen
      +1.5 Mana Regen

      Channeling, 3 seconds. Summons a Meteor that strikes a 300 AoE and stuns for 1.75 seconds. Applies a 6 second debuff that deals 60 damage per second to structures (115 to non-structures). Cast Range: 600 , CD: 40, Mana cost: 125. You have vision over the impact area for the channel duration. Meteor impact destroys trees. Meteor takes 0.5 seconds to land.

Aeon Disk:New Item

      Vitality Booster (1100)
      Energy Booster (900)
      Recipe (1750)
      Total: 3750

      +250 Health
      +250 Mana
      +25% Status Resistance (Reduces the duration of effects like silence/stun/disarm/root/fear/etc. For DPS debuffs with slows, it instead just reduces the slow values, leaving the damage amount unaffected)

      Whenever you take damage and are below 80% health, you apply a strong dispel on your hero and you gain a 2.5 second buff that reduces all incoming and outgoing damage to zero. Cooldown: 100. Only triggers on player-based damage.

Spirit Vessel:New Item

      Urn of Shadows (875)
      Vitality Booster (1100)
      Wind Lace (250)
      Recipe (600)
      Total Cost: 2825

      +250 Health
      +30 Movement Speed
      +2 All Stats
      +2 Armor
      +1 Mana regeneration

      In addition to urn behavior, casting on an enemy target now reduces enemy HP regen and heals by 70%, and drains 3% of the target's current health per second. Casting on an allied target now amplifies HP regen and heals by 20%, and increases the target's health by 1% of their current health per second.

Nullifier:New Item

      Sacred Relic (3800)
      Helm of Iron Will (900)
      Total Cost: 4700

      +65 Damage
      +5 Armor
      +5 HP Regen

      Dispels the target and mutes them for 5 seconds. Anytime the muted target is attacked, it will be slowed by 100% for 0.4 seconds. Applies slow on projectile impact. Cooldown: 14, Mana cost: 100, Cast Range: 600, Projectile Speed: 1200.

Kaya:New Item

      Staff of Wizardry (1000)
      Robe of the Magi (450)
      Recipe (500)
      Total: 1950

      +16 Intelligence
      +10% Spell Amp
      +10% Mana cost & Manaloss Reduction (affects things like manaburn, manabreak, etc)
      Note: Multiple instances don't stack

Formule de régénération


  • Les formules de la régénération de PV et de mana ont été modifiées. Les PV et le mana sont maintenant représentés sous forme de valeur directe (et non plus en pourcentage). La force et l'intelligence augmentent ensuite la régénération de PV et de mana. Void Stone, par exemple, accorde 1 de régénération de mana par seconde, au lieu de 100 %.

Zone des attributs

  • La zone des attributs, affichée lorsque vous passez votre souris sur le portrait de votre héros, vous indique désormais l'augmentation du pourcentage de PV/mana selon vos attributs, et quelles sont les valeurs absolues de la régénération et les valeurs bonus basées sur l'intelligence et la force.

Formule du mana

  • La formule de la régénération de mana a été modifiée afin de transformer les bonus de pourcentage en bonus bruts. Chaque point d'intelligence augmente la régénération de mana de 2 %.

    • Ancienne formule : (0,01 + 0,04 * Points d'intelligence) * (1 + Bonus de pourcentage) + Bonus bruts

    • Nouvelle formule : (Bonus de base + Bonus bruts) et augmente de 2 % par point d'intelligence

    • Remarque n°1 : tous les héros ont actuellement 0,9 de régénération de base : cela pourra être ajusté cas par cas dans le futur (telle que la régénération de PV actuellement).
    • Remarque n°2 : la régénération de mana de plusieurs talents, objets et capacités a été modifiée (liste complète ci-dessous).

    • Objets modifiés
      • Généralement, les objets accordant 50 % de régénération de mana auparavant accordent désormais 0,5 de régénération de mana par seconde, 100 % en accorde 1,0, etc.
      • Valeurs modifiées :
        • Perseverance : 1,5
        • Scythe of Vyse : 2,25
        • Battle Fury : 2,25
        • Orchid : 2,25
        • Bloodthorn : 2,25
        • Eul's Scepter of Divinity : 2,25
        • Linken's Sphere : 2,25
        • Lotus Orb : 1,75
        • Drums : 0,75
        • Solar Crest : 1,0
        • Aether Lens : 1,25
        • Raindrops : 0,5
        • Bloodstone par charge : 0,4
        • Clarity Potion : 3,2
        • Vladmir's Offering : 0,65
        • Ring of Basilius : 0,5
        • Ring of Aquila : 0,5
        • Bottle : 40

    • Les talents ont été modifiés afin de prendre en compte la nouvelle formule.

    • Capacités modifiées :
      • Arcane Aura (Crystal Maiden) : régénération de mana pour les alliés modifiée de 1/1,5/2/3 à 0,8/1,0/1,2/1,4
      • Arcane Aura (Crystal Maiden) : régénération de mana pour soi-même modifiée de 2/3/4/8 à 1/2/3/4
      • Death Pulse : régénération de mana modifiée de 1/3/5/7 à 2/2,25/2,5/2,75

    • Autres modifications :
      • Les Shrines régénèrent désormais 30 points de mana par seconde au lieu de 40.
      • La valeur de régénération de mana des Shrines n'augmente plus au fil du temps.


    • La formule de régénération de PV a été modifiée. Chaque point de force augmente la régénération de 0,7 %.

      • Ancienne formule : bonus de base + 0,06 * Force + bonus bruts

      • Nouvelle formule : (Bonus de base + Bonus bruts) et augmente de 0,7 % par point de force
      • Remarque n°1 : régénération de PV de base augmentée de 1,5 pour tous les héros afin de prendre en compte la nouvelle formule
      • Remarque n°2 : la régénération de PV de plusieurs talents, objets et capacités a été modifiée (liste complète ci-dessous).

    • Objets modifiés
      • Ring of Health : 5
      • Hood of Defiance : 6,5
      • Perseverance : 5,5
      • Force Staff : 5
      • Vanguard : 5,5
      • Abyssal Blade : 7
      • Crimson Guard : 6
      • Helm of the Dominator : 8
      • Refresher Orb : 11
      • Linken's Sphere : 5,5
      • Lotus Orb : 5.5
      • Pipe of Insight : 6,5
      • Aura de la Pipe of Insight : 2
      • Aura des Guardian Greaves : 3,5
      • Soins des Guardian Greaves (lorsque vous avez moins de 20 % PV) : 12
      • Aura de Headdress : 2
      • Aura de Mekansm : 3,5
      • Tranquil Boots : 12
      • Bloodstone : 7
      • Armlet of Mordiggian : 4
      • Soul Ring : 2
      • Ring of Regeneration : 1,5
      • Veil of Discord modifié de 6 à 5
      • Hurricane Pike modifié de 6 à 5,5
      • Vladmir's Offering modifié de 3 à 2,5
      • Coût en PV de Armlet of Mordiggian modifié de 45 à 54
      • Bottle : 80
      • Urn of Shadows : 35

    • Les talents ont été modifiés afin de prendre en compte la nouvelle formule.

    • Capacités modifiées :
      • Régénération de PV de Chemical Rage modifiée de 50/75/100 à 40/48/56
      • Régénération de PV de Dragon Blood modifiée de 3/6/9/12 à 4/6/8/10
      • Régénération de PV de Press the Attack modifiée de 30/40/50/60 à 30/35/40/45
      • Régénération de PV de Ferial Impulse modifiée de 1/4/7/10 à 1/3/5/7
      • Régénération de PV de Reactive Armor modifiée de 1/1,2/1,4/1,6 à 1/1,15/1,3/1,45
      • Régénération de PV de l'aura du Satyr Tormentor modifiée de 6 à 5.5
      • Bonus de blessure d'Inner Vitality modifiée de 20/40/60/80% à 22/30/38/46 %
      • Bonus d'attributs d'Inner Vitatility modifié de 5/10/15/20% à 6/8/10/12 %
      • Multiplicateur de régénération de PV par victime de Death Pulse modifié de 10 à 6
      • Durée de régénération de PV par victime de Death Pulse modifiée de 7 à 6 secondes
      • Régénération de PV de Death Pulse modifiée de 1/3/5/7 à 2/3/4/5
      • Soins de Scorched Earth (Doom) modifiés de 16/24/32/40 à 12/18/24/30
      • Régénération de PV de Living Armor modifiée de 4/8/12/16 à 4/7/10/13
      • Régénération de PV de base de Cold Embrace modifiée de 25 à 15

    • Autres modifications :
      • Les Shrines régénèrent désormais 75 PV par seconde au lieu de 90.
      • La valeur de régénération de PV des Shrines n'augmente plus au fil du temps.

    Modifications apportées aux attributs

    Attributs de héros

    • Le mana d'intelligence est passé de 11 à 12
    • La vitesse de déplacement de base de tous les héros d'agilité a été réduite de 5
    • La force, l'agilité et l'intelligence donnent maintenant un bonus unique si le héros est du même type (en plus du +1 de dégât).


    • La force donne +0.15% de résistance aux statuts (Réduit la durée d'effets tels que le silence/stun/disarm/root/fear/etc. Pour les debuffs de DPS avec ralentissement d'attaque, la résistance réduit seulement la valeur du ralentissement afin de ne pas affecter les dégâts)
    • L'agilité donne +0.06% de vitesse de déplacement
    • L'intelligence donne +0.15% de résistance à la magie
    • Lors du survol des statistiques, vous pouvez voir les effets de ces bonus sur le héros.

    Sommaire des attributs

    • Force
      • +20 de santé
      • +0.7% d'amplification de régénération de santé

      • Bonus : +1 de dégât
      • Bonus : +0.15% de résistance aux statuts

    • Agilité
      • +1/6 d'armure
      • +1 de vitesse d'attaque

      • Bonus : +1 de dégât
      • Bonus : +0.06% de vitesse de déplacement

    • Intelligence
      • +12 de mana
      • +2.0% d'amplification de régénération de mana
      • +0.07% d'amplification des sorts

      • Bonus : +1 de dégât
      • Bonus : +0.15% de résistance à la magie

    Modifications apportées aux héros

    Talent Trees

  • All hero Talent Trees have been redesigned. Many new ability-specific talents have been added.
  • Abaddon:

    1. Level 10: +25 Movement Speed OR +20% XP Gain
    2. Level 15: +6 Armor OR +50 Mist Coil Heal/Damage
    3. Level 20: +15% Cooldown Reduction OR +90 Damage
    4. Level 25: +250 Aphotic Shield Health OR +25% Curse of Avernus Slow


    1. Level 10: +25 Attack Speed OR +5 Armor
    2. Level 15: +50 Damage OR +250 Health
    3. Level 20: +25% Cleave OR +200 Unstable Concoction Damage
    4. Level 25: -8s Unstable Concoction Cooldown OR -0.2 Chemical Rage Base Attack Time

    Ancient Apparition:

    • Chilling Touch duration rescaled from 30 to 20/24/28/32
    • Chilling Touch no longer reduces allies attack speed.
    • Chilling Touch magic damage reduced from 50/60/70/80 to 30/45/60/75
    • Chilling Touch now applies a stacking 30% slow for 0.3 seconds.
    1. Level 10: +60 Or/Min OR +10% Spell Amplification
    2. Level 15: +20 Health Regen OR -1.5s Ice Vortex Cooldown
    3. Level 20: +80 Chilling Touch Damage OR +8% Ice Vortex Slow/Resistance
    4. Level 25: +4% Ice Blast Kill Threshold OR +4 Charges of Cold Feet


    1. Level 10: +175 Health OR +20 Attack Speed
    2. Level 15: -1s Blink Cooldown OR Blink Uncontrollable IllusionCreates a 25% Damage Illusion, takes 250% damage, lasts 10 seconds. Cannot be controlled.
    3. Level 20: +300 Blink Cast Range OR +10 All Stats
    4. Level 25: -50s Mana Void Cooldown OR +30% Spell Shield

    Arc Warden:

    1. Level 10: +25 Attack Speed OR +5 Armor
    2. Level 15: +2s Flux Duration OR +350 Health
    3. Level 20: +100 Attack Range OR +10% Cooldown Reduction
    4. Level 25: +30% Lifesteal OR +350 Spark Wraith Damage


    1. Level 10: +8 Strength OR +40 Attack Speed
    2. Level 15: +3 Mana Regen OR +30 Movement Speed
    3. Level 20: +20 Health Regen OR Attacks Proc Counter HelixRolls helix chance on attacks
    4. Level 25: +100 Berserker's Call AoE OR +120 Battle Hunger DPS


    • Bane can attack nightmared units without waking them.
    • All cast points reduced from 0.5 to 0.4
    • Nightmare no longer deals 20 damage per second.
    1. Level 10: Enfeeble Steals Damage OR +6 Armor
    2. Level 15: +150 Cast Range OR +40% XP Gain
    3. Level 20: +100 Enfeeble Damage Reduction OR +75 Movement Speed
    4. Level 25: +7s Fiend's Grip Duration OR +250 Brain Sap Damage/Heal


    • Flamebreak projectile now visually flies on an arc.
    1. Level 10: +5 Armor OR +6% Spell Amplification
    2. Level 15: +300 Health OR +2s Flamebreak Burn Duration
    3. Level 20: +50 Movement Speed OR +15% Cooldown Reduction
    4. Level 25: +8s Firefly Duration OR -13s Flamebreak Cooldown

    Beastmaster:Hero Reworked

    • Wild Axes reworked:
      • Wild Axes spread distance (how far the axes are from each other at mid distance) increased from 353 to 450
      • Wild Axes hit radius increased from 140 to 175
      • Wild Axes mana cost reduced from 105/110/115/120 to 60/65/70/75
      • Wild Axes damage reduced from 70/100/130/160 to 40/70/100/130
      • Wild Axes cooldown reduced from 13 to 8
      • Wild Axes now places a stacking debuff on affected units. Amplifies all damage the target takes from Beastmaster or his units by 6/8/10/12% for each axe hit. Debuff lasts 10 seconds.
    • Primal Roar now causes Beastmaster and all his units to gain 30% movement speed for 3 seconds.
    • Reworked Call of the Wild. It is now a single ability.
      • Beasts last 60 seconds. Cooldown: 60, Mana cost: 50/60/70/80
      • Level 1: Boar Level 1
      • Level 2: Boar Level 2
      • Level 3: Boar Level 3 + Hawk
      • Level 4: Boar Level 4 + Hawk + Random Neutral
      • Boar HP: 275/350/425/500
      • Boar Attack Damage: 20/30/40/50 (rescaled from 10/25/40/55)
      • Boar Slow: 10/20/30/40%
      • Boar Slow Duration: 3
      • Hawk no longer becomes invisible.
      • Hawk HP: 350 (increased from 40/60/80/100)
      • Hawk Armor: 5
      • Hawk Speed: 450
      • Hawk Night Sight: 1000
      • Hawk Day Sight: 1000
      • Neutral: Will select a random neutral from the following list (Alpha Wolf, Hellbear Smasher, Satyr Tormenter, Centaur Conqueror, Dark Troll Summoner)
    1. Level 10: +30 Movement Speed OR +25% XP Gain
    2. Level 15: +40 Boar Damage OR +7 Armor
    3. Level 20: +500 Health OR +120 Wild Axes Damage
    4. Level 25: +2 Hawks OR +40 Inner Beast Attack Speed


    • Rupture cast range reduced from 1000 to 800
    1. Level 10: +25 Attack Speed OR +4 Armor
    2. Level 15: +300 Health OR +75 Bloodrite Damage
    3. Level 20: +25% Lifesteal OR +14% Rupture Damage
    4. Level 25: -6s Blood Rite Cooldown OR +20 Thirst

    Bounty Hunter:

    • Track can now be alt-clicked to alert your team to how much gold the target has (this information is already available in the track debuff tooltip).
    1. Level 10: +30 Movement Speed OR +25% XP Gain
    2. Level 15: +50 Attack Speed OR +350 Health
    3. Level 20: +75 Shuriken Toss Damage OR +125% Jinada Critical Strike
    4. Level 25: +50% Evasion OR 300 Track Or (affects self and allies)


    1. Level 10: +200 Health OR +30 Damage
    2. Level 15: +3s Thunder Clap Slow OR +20% Magic Resistance
    3. Level 20: +100 Attack Speed OR +1500 Primal Split Health
    4. Level 25: -65s Primal Split Cooldown OR +15% Drunken Brawler


    1. Level 10: +2 Mana Regen OR +20 Movement Speed
    2. Level 15: +6 Max Goo Stacks OR +250 Health
    3. Level 20: +25 Quill Stack Damage OR +20 Health Regen
    4. Level 25: +15% Spell Lifesteal OR +20 Warpath Damage Per Stack

    Broodmother:Hero Reworked

    • Spin Web no longer grants invisibility
    • Spin Web pathing/speed buff is no longer removed when taking damage
    • Movement speed reduced from 290 to 270
    • Spiderling HP reduced from 450 to 250
    • Spiderlite HP reduced from 175 to 100
    • Spiders now have 50% magic resistance.
    • Spiders armor increased by 8
    • Spiders HP regen increased from 0.5 to 2
    • Spin Web charges increased from 1/2/3/4 to 2/4/6/8 (matches amount you can place)
    1. Level 10: +60 Spawn Spiderling Damage OR +200 Health
    2. Level 15: +35% XP Gain OR +20% Cooldown Reduction
    3. Level 20: +60 Attack Speed OR +20 Spiders Attack Damage
    4. Level 25: +75 Insatiable Hunger Damage/Lifesteal OR +350 Spiders Health

    Centaur Warrunner:

    1. Level 10: +10% Evasion OR +10% Magic Resistance
    2. Level 15: +75 Damage OR +15% Return Strength Damage
    3. Level 20: +250 Double Edge Damage OR +20 Strength
    4. Level 25: +1.5s Hoof Stomp Duration OR Gains Return Aura

    Chaos Knight:

    1. Level 10: +20 Movement Speed OR +5 All Stats
    2. Level 15: +15 Strength OR 12% Cooldown Reduction
    3. Level 20: 150 Or/Min OR Reality Rift Pierces Spell Immunity
    4. Level 25: -7 Reality Rift Armor Reduction OR +2 Max Chaos Bolt Duration


    • Attack range increased from 600 to 650
    • Removed Test of Faith (Teleport)
    • Holy Persuasion can be cast on allied units to send them home after a 6/5/4/3 second delay and on yourself to teleport your creeps to you.
    • Holy Persuasion mana cost rescaled from 100 to 100/110/120/130
    • Test of Faith can now target allies, healing for half of the damage values. Always applies max values to yourself.
    • Test of Faith mana cost rescaled from 90/100/110/120 to 60/80/100/120
    1. Level 10: +20% XP Gain OR +125 Cast Range
    2. Level 15: +7 Armor OR -10 Test of Faith Cooldown
    3. Level 20: +180 Or/Min OR +1000 Creep Min Health
    4. Level 25: +4 Holy Persuasion Max Count OR +400 Hand of God Heal


    • Agility growth reduced from 3.3 to 2.6
    • Death Pact HP reduced from 50/70/90 to 40/60/80%
    • Death Pact damage reduced from 5/7/9% to 4/6/8%
    • Reworked Strafe. Now gives you +80/140/200/260 Attack Speed for 3 seconds. During this time you will automatically dodge up to 3 projectiles (ranged attacks or spells), stepping to the side slightly upon impact. Strafe ends if you lose the 3 stacks. CD: 45/35/25/15.
    1. Level 10: +12% Magic Resistance OR +5 Armor
    2. Level 15: +15% Evasion OR +30 Searing Arrows Damage
    3. Level 20: +100 Attack Range OR +20 Health Regen
    4. Level 25: +4s Strafe Stacks/DurationOR Searing Arrows Multishot (Fires Searing Arrows on a random nearby target)


    1. Level 10: +25 Movement Speed OR +5 Armor
    2. Level 15: +15 Strength OR +30 Battery Assault Damage
    3. Level 20: +20% Magic Resistance OR +125 Rocket Flare Damage
    4. Level 25: -0.3s Battery Assault Interval OR Rocket Flare True Sight (affects wards as well)

    Crystal Maiden:

    1. Level 10: +200 Health OR +100 Cast Range
    2. Level 15: +14% Mana cost/Manaloss Reduction Aura OR +90 Or/Min
    3. Level 20: +60 Freezing Field Damage OR +250 Attack Speed
    4. Level 25: +300 Crystal Nova Damage OR +1.5s Frostbite Duration

    Dark Seer:

    1. Level 10: +12% Evasion OR +90 Damage
    2. Level 15: +12 HP Regen OR +75 Vacuum AoE
    3. Level 20: 300 AoE Surge OR +15% Cooldown Reduction
    4. Level 25: Parallel Wall OR +150 Ion Shell Damage


    • Reworked Poison Touch. Targets a unit and releases a poison that splashes on nearby targets (like Ethershock targeting). Applies a DPS and a slow to the targeted enemies. Anytime a poisoned target gets attacked, the debuff duration gets refreshed. Deals 10/20/30/40 DPS and slows for 14/16/18/20%. Lasts 4/5/6/7 seconds. Affects up to 4/5/6/7 targets. Cooldown: 35/30/25/20. Mana cost: 80. Cast Range: 600/700/800/900. Physical damage type. Gets refreshed by the same target rules as Blink (player-controlled units and Roshan).
    1. Level 10: +60 Damage OR +175 Health
    2. Level 15: +125 Cast Range OR +20 Shadow Wave Heal/Damage
    3. Level 20: +50 Movement Speed OR +30 Poison Touch DPS
    4. Level 25: -4s Shadow Wave Cooldown OR +0.5 Weave Armor Per Second

    Death Prophet:

    1. Level 10: +12% Magic Resistance OR +50 Damage
    2. Level 15: +150 Cast Range OR +1% Max Health Spirit Siphon
    3. Level 20: +500 Health OR -2s Crypt Swarm Cooldown
    4. Level 25: +8 Exorcism Spirits OR Exorcism Grants Haste


    1. Level 10: +200 Health OR +40 Thunder Strike Damage
    2. Level 15: +150 Cast Range OR -3s Kinetic Field Cooldown
    3. Level 20: +180 Or/Min OR +4 Thunder Strike Hits
    4. Level 25: -10s Glimpse Cooldown OR +4s Kinetic Field Duration


    1. Level 10: +10 Scorched Earth Damage/Heal OR +25 Movement Speed
    2. Level 15: +20% Evasion OR +150 Devour Bonus Or
    3. Level 20: +40 Doom DPS OR Devour Targets Ancients
    4. Level 25: +3% Infernal Blade Damage OR +100% Cleave

    Dragon Knight:

    • Breathe Fire now reduces total attack damage and not just base damage.
    • Breathe Fire attack damage reduction reduced from 35% to 25%
    • Breathe Fire cast point increased from 0 to 0.2
    • Breathe Fire distance increased from 650 to 750
    1. Level 10: +2 Mana Regen OR +30 Attack Speed
    2. Level 15: +300 Health OR +40% XP Gain
    3. Level 20: 2x Dragon Blood HP Regen/Armor OR +150 Or/Min
    4. Level 25: +40 Strength OR +1.75s Dragon Tail Stun Duration

    Drow Ranger:

    • Added a visual effect on creeps when Precision Aura is cast
    1. Level 10: +5 All Stats OR +20 Movement Speed
    2. Level 15: +25 Attack Speed OR +300 Gust Distance/Knockback
    3. Level 20: +1.5s Gust Duration OR +20 Marksmanship Agility
    4. Level 25: 50% Cooldown Reduction OR +20% Precision Aura

    Earth Spirit:

    1. Level 10: +10 Intelligence OR +40 Damage
    2. Level 15: +7 Armor OR +200 Rolling Boulder Damage
    3. Level 20: +150 Or/Min OR +15% Spell Amplification
    4. Level 25: +1s Boulder Smash Stun Duration OR Geomagnetic Grip Targets Allies


    • Echo Slam initial damage removed
    • Echo Slam Echo Damage increased from 40/55/70 to 60/85/110
    • Echo Slam bounces twice off of non-illusion heroes
    1. Level 10: +250 Mana OR +30 Damage
    2. Level 15: +7 armor OR +30 Movement Speed
    3. Level 20: +50 Echo Damage OR +400 Fissure Range
    4. Level 25: -2s Enchant Totem Cooldown OR +50% Magic Resistance

    Elder Titan:

    • Echo Stomp now wakes up if the target takes more than 50/100/150/200 cumulative damage (no longer has exception for player owned damage source or not).
    • Added visual effects for Natural Order
    1. Level 10: +200 Health OR +25 Movement Speed
    2. Level 15: +30 Astral Spirit Hero Attack OR +15% Magic Resistance
    3. Level 20: +70 Attack Speed OR +100 Echo Stomp Damage
    4. Level 25: -75s Earth Splitter Cooldown OR +100% Lifesteal

    Ember Spirit:

    1. Level 10: +150 Flame Guard Absorption OR +20 Damage
    2. Level 15: +30 Flame Guard DPS OR +1s Searing Chains Duration
    3. Level 20: +10% Spell Amplification OR True Strike
    4. Level 25: 2 Sleight of Fist Charges OR -25s Remnant Charge Replenish


    • Enchant now removes positive buffs on enemy heroes.
    1. Level 10: +15% Magic Resistance OR +25 Movement Speed
    2. Level 15: +50 Damage OR +8 Nature's Attendants Wisps
    3. Level 20: Enchant Affects Ancients OR +100 Untouchable Slow
    4. Level 25: +25 Nature's Attendants Heal OR +8% Impetus Damage


    1. Level 10: +15% Magic Resistance OR +25 Movement Speed
    2. Level 15: +120 Or/Min OR +15% Cooldown Reduction
    3. Level 20: +400 Health OR +70 Eidolon Damage
    4. Level 25: +4 Malefice Instances OR +8 Demonic Conversion Eidolons

    Faceless Void:

    1. Level 10: +8 Strength OR +20 Damage
    2. Level 15: +100 Time Lock Damage OR +300 Health
    3. Level 20: +500 Timewalk Cast Range OR +40 Attack Speed
    4. Level 25: +25% Backtrack OR +175 Chronosphere AoE


    • Removed Homing Missile cast point
    • Homing Missile will find a new target if its primary target dies. Prioritizes heroes.
    • Homing Missile speed increased from 340 to 500
    • Homing Missile launch delay increased from 2 to 3 seconds
    • Homing Missile now does a fixed amount of damage, rescaled from a max of 125/250/375/500 to a fixed 100/175/250/325
    • Homing Missile hits to destroy from 3/3/4/5 to 3/3/4/4
    1. Level 10: +25 Damage OR +200 Health
    2. Level 15: +3 Flak Cannon Attacks OR +11 Rocket Barrage Damage
    3. Level 20: +50 Movement Speed OR -25s Call Down Cooldown
    4. Level 25: Global Call Down OR 3 Homing Missile Charges


    1. Level 10: +20 Damage OR +175 Health
    2. Level 15: +15% Lifesteal OR +10 Burning Spears DPS
    3. Level 20: +15 Strength OR +400 Life Break Cast Range
    4. Level 25: +125 Attack Range OR 0s Inner Vitality Cooldown


    1. Level 10: +30 Chaos Meteor Damage OR +0.3s Tornado Duration
    2. Level 15: +1.5s Cold Snap Duration OR +1 Forged Spirit Summoned
    3. Level 20: +35 Alacrity Damage/Speed OR Cataclysm (Launched when Sun Strike is doubled tapped. Puts it on a 90 second cooldown. Creates 2 visible Sun Strikes within 175-250 range of each enemy hero)
    4. Level 25: AoE Deafening Blast OR -16s Tornado Cooldown


    • Relocate cooldown increased from 100/80/60 to 120/100/80
    • Max Spirits range reduced from 875 to 700
    1. Level 10: +400 Spirits Max Range OR +60 Damage
    2. Level 15: Tether Grants Scepter Bonus OR +90 Spirits Damage
    3. Level 20: +150 Or/Min OR Attack Tethered Ally's TargetAutomatically attacks every time your ally attacks
    4. Level 25: +50 Health Regen OR Tether Stuns


    • Dual Breath cast point reduced from 0.65 to 0.55
    • Macropyre cast point reduced from 0.65 to 0.55
    1. Level 10: +8% Spell Amplification OR +25% XP Gain
    2. Level 15: +250 Attack Range OR +40 Dual Breath Damage
    3. Level 20: -60 Liquid Fire Attack Speed OR +150 Or/Min
    4. Level 25: +1.25s Ice Path Duration OR Macropyre Pure and Pierces Immunity


    • Juggernaut is no longer silenced while using Blade Fury (but still cannot cast Omnislash; can cast ward).
    1. Level 10: +5 All Stats OR +20 Movement Speed
    2. Level 15: +1s Blade Fury Duration OR +25 Attack Speed
    3. Level 20: +10 Armor OR +100 Blade Fury DPS
    4. Level 25: +600 Health OR +5 Omnislash Strikes

    Keeper of the Light:

    • Mana Leak cast range reduced from 550/700/850/1000 to 400/500/600/700
    1. Level 10: +25 Movement Speed OR +8% Spell Lifesteal
    2. Level 15: +40% XP Gain OR +350 Cast Range
    3. Level 20: +300 Chakra Magic Mana OR +40% Magic Resistance
    4. Level 25: +200 Illuminate Damage/Heal OR +2s Mana Leak Stun


    • Kunkka is no longer restricted from using Quelling Blade.
    1. Level 10: +40 Damage OR +6 Armor
    2. Level 15: +10 Health Regen OR +120 Torrent Damage
    3. Level 20: +100 Torrent AoE OR +25 Strength
    4. Level 25: Ghost Ship Fleet OR +50% Tidebringer Cleave

    Legion Commander:

    1. Level 10: +25% XP Gain OR +8 Strength
    2. Level 15: +30 Attack Speed OR +50 Overwhelming Odds Hero Damage
    3. Level 20: +60 Movement Speed OR +10% Moment Proc Chance
    4. Level 25: +40 Duel Damage Bonus OR -10s Press The Attack Cooldown


    1. Level 10: +5 Armor OR +250 Mana
    2. Level 15: +15 Strength OR +40 Movement Speed
    3. Level 20: +25% Evasion OR +50 Pulse Nova Damage
    4. Level 25: +50 Diabolic Edict Explostions OR +3s Lightning Storm Slow Duration


    • Chainfrost is now reflected on initial projectile impact, rather than on cast time.
    • Ice Armor slow rescaled from 24/26/28/30% to 8/16/24/32%
    1. Level 10: +175 Health OR +25 Movement Speed
    2. Level 15: +120 Damage OR -4s Frost Blast Cooldown
    3. Level 20: +120 Or/Min OR +175 Cast Range
    4. Level 25: Attacks Apply 30% MS/AS Slow OR Ice Armor Provides +30 HP Regen


    1. Level 10: +20 Attack Speed OR +200 Health
    2. Level 15: +30 Damage OR +35 Movement Speed
    3. Level 20: +20% Evasion OR +50% Open Wounds Heal
    4. Level 25: +2s Rage Duration OR +2% Feast


    1. Level 10: +100 Cast Range OR +25 Damage
    2. Level 15: +300 Health OR +140 Light Strike Array Damage
    3. Level 20: +10% Spell Amplification OR +25/2% Fiery Soul Per Stack
    4. Level 25: +175 Attack Range OR -6s Dragon Slave Cooldown


    1. Level 10: +75 Cast Range OR +75 Damage
    2. Level 15: +200 Finger of Death Damage OR +90 Or/Min
    3. Level 20: +500 Health OR +2 Mana Drain Multi Target
    4. Level 25: +1000 Earth Spike Range OR +325 AoE Hex

    Lone Druid:

    • Battle Cry cooldown reduced from 60 to 45
    • Battle Cry duration reduced from 6 to 5
    1. Level 10: +175 Attack Range OR +250 Health
    2. Level 15: -8s Savage Roar Cooldown OR +10 Spirit Bear Armor
    3. Level 20: +40 Rabid Attack Speed OR -25s Battle Cry Cooldown
    4. Level 25: 0 Entangle Cooldown OR Battle Cry Grants Spell Immunity


    1. Level 10: +20 Attack Speed OR +150 Cast Range
    2. Level 15: -2s Lucent Beam CD OR +24 Luna Blessing Damage
    3. Level 20: +10 All Stats OR +100 Lucent Beam Damage
    4. Level 25: +25% Lifesteal OR +0.25s Eclipse Lucent Ministun


    • Fixed Break not disabling Feral Impulse
    1. Level 10: +5 Armor OR +20 Damage
    2. Level 15: +8 Feral HP Regen OR +12% Cooldown Reduction
    3. Level 20: +8s Shapeshift Duration OR +16% Feral Impulse Damage
    4. Level 25: +3 Wolves Summoned OR +600 Howl Hero Health


    • Shockwave Scepter speed increased from 1575 to 1700
    1. Level 10: +25 Attack Speed OR +200 Health
    2. Level 15: +15 Strength OR +75 Shockwave Damage
    3. Level 20: +12 Armor OR +500 Skewer Range
    4. Level 25: +20% Empower Damage/Cleave OR +0.75s Reverse Polarity


    • Stone Gaze slow no longer continues to affect targets after they turn away from Medusa.
    • Stone Gaze can now be reapplied after it wears off if the target continues to face Medusa (timer on facing direction is reset after a Stone debuff is over).
    • Split Shot is now a passive.
    • Split Shot projectiles rescaled from 1/2/3/4 to 3
    • Split Shot rescaled from -20% damage to -65/50/35/20%
    • Split Shot no longer reduces damage for the primary target.
    • Split Shot range now uses your attack range +100, rather than a fixed 700.
    • Split Shot does not fire when attacking allied units.
    1. Level 10: +25 Damage OR +10% Evasion
    2. Level 15: +30 Attack Speed OR +10% Mystic Snake Mana Steal
    3. Level 20: +800 Mana OR +2s Stone Gaze DurationThis isn't the stun duration
    4. Level 25: +7 Split Shot Targets OR Split Shot Uses ModifiersThey all proc stuff like skadi


    1. Level 10: +10% Lifesteal OR +30 Movement Speed
    2. Level 15: +10 Strength OR +40 Poof Damage
    3. Level 20: +40 Damage OR +15% Evasion
    4. Level 25: +700 Health OR -4s Poof Cooldown


    • Reworked Leap. Has 3 charges. Leaps a distance of 550 per charge. Grants you movement and attack speed for 2 seconds. Replenish Time: 60/50/40/30. Mana cost: 40. Movement Speed: 8/16/24/32%. Attack Speed: 25/50/75/100. Leap bonus affects only Mirana.
    1. Level 10: +200 Health OR +20 Damage
    2. Level 15: -5s Sacred Arrow Cooldown OR +100 Leap Attack Speed
    3. Level 20: +12% Spell Amp OR +25 Mana Break
    4. Level 25: +2 Multishot Sacred Arrows OR -70 Moonlight Shadow Cooldown

    Monkey King:

    • Base damage reduced by 3
    • Jingu Mastery bonus damage rescaled from 75/100/125/150 to 60/90/120/150
    • Monkey King no longer destroys trees he is standing on during Scepter Stampede.
    1. Level 10: +150 Tree Dance Vision AoE OR +20 Attack Speed
    2. Level 15: +300 Tree Dance Cast Range OR +75 Jingu Mastery Damage
    3. Level 20: +50% Boundless Strike Damage OR +300 Primal Spring Damage
    4. Level 25: +100 Armor Wukong's Command OR +1 Wukong Command Ring

    Morphling:Hero Reworked

    • Reduced base Intelligence from 17 to 13
    • Renamed Morph to Attribute Shift
    • Attribute Shift rate rescaled from 2/4/8/16 to 1/4/10/25
    • Attribute Shift now costs no mana.
    • Adaptive Strike is now two abilities, one that deals damage based on Agility and one that stuns/knocks back based on Strength. When one is cast, the other goes into cooldown for 3 seconds.
    • Adaptive Strike (Strength) stun duration rescaled from 1.25/2.25/3.25/4.25 to 1.5/2/2.5/3.0
    • Adaptive Strike (Strength) knockback increased from max 300 to 500
    • Removed Morphling's Scepter
    • Replaced Replicate with a new ultimate: Morph. Changes your hero to match the target enemy. Copies the target's visual model, basic abilities, base movement speed, attack range, and attributes. Applies a soft dispel on transformation. If you die during this, Morphling dies. You can exit the morphed form anytime. Lasts 30 seconds. CD: 160/100/40. Cast Range: 600. Mana cost: 75/100/125.Note: This is not an illusion, your hero changes appearance and abilities to match the target.
    1. Level 10: +10 Agility OR +20 Movement Speed
    2. Level 15: Waveform Attacks Targets OR +30 Attack Speed
    3. Level 20: -25s Morph Cooldown OR Morph Targets Allies
    4. Level 25: +800 Waveform Range OR +2 Multishot Adaptive Strike

    Naga Siren:

    • Ensnare mana cost rescaled from 100 to 70/80/90/100
    1. Level 10: +175 Health OR +25 Movement Speed
    2. Level 15: +15 Agility OR +14 Strength
    3. Level 20: +1 Mirror Image Illusion OR -5s Ensnare Cooldown
    4. Level 25: -6 Rip Tide Armor OR +30% Evasion

    Nature's Prophet:

    1. Level 10: +30 Damage OR +30 Movement Speed
    2. Level 15: +4 Treants Summoned OR +8 Armor
    3. Level 20: +40 Attack Speed OR -4s Sprout Cooldown
    4. Level 25: Removed Teleportation Cooldown OR 2x Treant HP/Damage


    • Ghost Shroud slow reduced from 12/20/28/36 to 6/12/18/24
    • Ghost Shroud bonus magic damage taken increased from 25% to 30%
    • Heartstopper Aura range reduced from 900 to 700
    • Heartstopper Aura rescaled from 0.6/1.0/1.4/1.8 to 0.5/1.0/1.5/2.0
    • Reaper's Scythe cooldown increased from 100 to 120
    • Reaper's Scythe mana cost from 175/340/500 to 200/350/500
    1. Level 10: +10 Strength OR +40 Damage
    2. Level 15: +30 Movement Speed OR +300 Health
    3. Level 20: +20% Magic Resistance OR +80 Attack Speed
    4. Level 25: -1.5s Death Pulse Cooldown OR +0.6 Heartstopper Aura

    Night Stalker:

    • Daytime vision reduced from 1200 to 800
    1. Level 10: +200 Mana OR +200 Health
    2. Level 15: +15 Strength OR +150 Cast Range
    3. Level 20: +50 Movement Speed OR +50 Damage
    4. Level 25: -8s Crippling Fear Cooldown OR +140 Hunter In The Night Attack Speed

    Nyx Assassin:

    • Spiked Carapace damage return mechanics now work like Blademail (still returns only once per enemy, does not stun the Spell Immune).
    1. Level 10: +60 Or/Min OR +6% Spell Amplification
    2. Level 15: +325 Health OR +35 Movement Speed
    3. Level 20: +75% Spiked Carapace Damage OR +175 Impale Damage
    4. Level 25: +100 Agility OR Vendetta Unobstructed Pathing

    Ogre Magi:

    1. Level 10: +100 Cast Range OR +60 Or/Min
    2. Level 15: +300 Health OR +90 Damage
    3. Level 20: +40 Bloodlust Attack Speed OR +30 Strength
    4. Level 25: +90 Movement Speed OR +275 Fireblast Damage


    • Guardian Angel cast point reduced from 0.5 to 0.4
    1. Level 10: +90 Or/Min OR +75 Purification AoE
    2. Level 15: +35% XP Gain OR +90 Damage
    3. Level 20: +6 Mana Regen OR -12% Degen Aura
    4. Level 25: +3s Repel Duration OR +200 Purification Damage/Heal


    • False Promise visual effects now show if the hero will die or not.
    1. Level 10: +1s Fortune's End Max Duration OR +25% XP Gain
    2. Level 15: +150 Cast Range OR +90 Or/Min
    3. Level 20: +75 Movement Speed OR False Promise Invisibility (0.6s Fade Time)
    4. Level 25: -5s Fate's Edict Cooldown OR +2 False Promise Duration

    Outworld Devourer:

    1. Level 10: +200 Health OR +20 Attack Speed
    2. Level 15: +15% Essence Aura Chance OR +40 Movement Speed
    3. Level 20: +20 Strength OR +2 Sanity's Eclipse Multiplier
    4. Level 25: +60s Arcane Orb Int Steal OR +15% Spell Lifesteal

    Phantom Assassin:

    1. Level 10: +150 Health OR +15 Damage
    2. Level 15: +20% Cleave OR -4 Armor Corruption
    3. Level 20: 20% Lifesteal OR Double Strike Stifling Dagger
    4. Level 25: +5% Coup de Grace OR +25% Blur Evasion

    Phantom Lancer:

    • Phantom Rush can now be toggled to disable it (default state is enabled).
    • Doppelganger now adds 2 seconds duration to all your illusions.
    1. Level 10: +10% Evasion OR +20 Attack Speed
    2. Level 15: +250 Health OR +125 Spirit Lance Damage
    3. Level 20: +4 Max Juxtapose Illusions OR +500 Phantom Rush Range
    4. Level 25: -5s Doppelganger CD OR 30% Critical Strike (2x)


    1. Level 10: +8% Spell Amplification OR +90 Or/Min
    2. Level 15: +60 Fire Spirits DPS OR +40% XP Gain
    3. Level 20: +1400 Icarus Dive OR +1s Supernova Stun Duration
    4. Level 25: +3 Supernova Hit Count OR +2% Max Health Sun Ray Damage


    • Dreamcoil no longer deals 100/150/200 damage on cast.
    • Dreamcoil link break damage increased from 100/150/200 to 300/400/500 (Scepter damage increased from 200/250/300 to 400/550/700)
    1. Level 10: +5 Armor OR +10 Intelligence
    2. Level 15: +50 Damage OR +8% Spell Amplification
    3. Level 20: -5s Waning Rift Cooldown OR +40% Illusory Orb Distance/Speed
    4. Level 25: +420 Or/Min OR Dream Coil Rapid Fire (Attacks everyone once per 0.6 seconds within attack range)


    • Meat Hook can pull Runes back to you. Mana cost is refunded if successful.
    • Dismember now pulls the target closer to Pudge.
    1. Level 10: +5 Armor OR +35 Rot Damage
    2. Level 15: +13% Spell Lifesteal OR +75 Damage
    3. Level 20: +15% Cooldown ReductionOR +180 Or/Min
    4. Level 25: +2.0 Flesh Heap Stack Str OR +3s Dismember Duration


    • Life Drain range reduced by 100
    • Decrepify can now target Tombstone.
    1. Level 10: +225 Health OR +25 Movement Speed
    2. Level 15: -1s Netherblast Cooldown OR +1 Nether Ward Health
    3. Level 20: +2s Decrepify Duration OR +25% Life Drain Heal
    4. Level 25: +1.75 Netherward Damage per Mana OR +200 Netherblast Damage

    Queen of Pain:

    1. Level 10: +10 Strength OR +25 Damage
    2. Level 15: +40 Attack Speed OR +12% Cooldown Reduction
    3. Level 20: +650 AoE Shadow Strike OR +30% Spell Lifesteal
    4. Level 25: 20s Spell Block OR Scream of Pain 1.5s Fear


    • Base movement speed reduced by 5
    • Reworked Unstable Current
      • Passive: 4/8/12/16% Movement Bonus (like before)
      • Every 5 seconds, a random enemy within 350 AoE will be shocked, taking 100/130/160/190 damage and getting purged (40% slow for 0.5/1/1.5/2 seconds, dispells positive buffs).
    1. Level 10: +15 Agility OR +200 Health
    2. Level 15: +4% Unstable Current Movement Speed OR +7 Static Link Damage Steal
    3. Level 20: +10 Armor OR -0.1 Eye of the Storm Strike Interval
    4. Level 25: +100 Attack Speed OR -3s Unstable Current Interval


    • Base movement speed reduced by 5
    • Enemy units in Smoke Screen have no vision.
    • Backstab damage can now be used in procs like Critical Strike, Cleave, etc.
    • Backstab damage reduced from 0.5/0.75/1.0/1.25 to 0.4/0.6/0.8/1.0
    1. Level 10: +5 Health Regen OR +8 Agility
    2. Level 15: -4s Smokescreen Cooldown OR 20% 1.5x Crit
    3. Level 20: +900 Blink Strike Cast Range OR +0.2 Backstab Multiplier
    4. Level 25: +400 Tricks of the Trade AoE OR Cloak and Dagger Doesn't RevealNo actions take you out of invisibility, can still be revealed with true sight


    • Null Field can now be toggled between defensive and offensive forms. Has a 30 second cooldown once toggled. Offensive form reduces enemy magic resistance.
    • Null Field AoE increased from 900 to 1200
    1. Level 10: +200 Health OR +60 Damage
    2. Level 15: +100 Cast Range OR -35 Fade Bolt Hero Attack
    3. Level 20: +5% Null Field OR +300 Telekinesis Land Distance
    4. Level 25: +75% Spell Amp For Stolen Spells OR -15s Telekinesis Cooldown

    Sand King:

    1. Level 10: +30 Movement Speed OR +200 Health
    2. Level 15: +50 Sand Storm DPS OR -50 Epicenter Attack Slow
    3. Level 20: +10 Armor OR +4 Epicenter Pulses
    4. Level 25: +35 Health Regen OR 50% Sand Storm Slow and Blind

    Shadow Demon:

    • Demonic Purge now works on cycloned units.
    • Soul Catcher no longer splits its effect, it only affects one unit in the area.
    • Shadow Poison radius increased from 190 to 200
    • When an enemy dies under Soul Catcher, an illusion of them is created under your control. Lasts until they respawn or it is killed. Deals 30/45/60/75% damage and takes 200% damage.
    1. Level 10: +25% XP Gain OR +10 Strength
    2. Level 15: +25% Shadow Poison Damage OR +40 Movement Speed
    3. Level 20: -6s Soul Catcher Cooldown OR -1.5s Shadow Poison Cooldown
    4. Level 25: +500 Demonic Purge Damage OR +5s Disruption Banish Duration

    Shadow Fiend:

    • Shadow Raze damage reduced from 100/175/250/325 to 90/160/230/300
    • Shadow Raze now has a stack counter for each time an enemy gets hit. Causes the enemy to take 60 more Shadow Raze damage per stack. Lasts 8 seconds, gets refreshed on stack gain. (First hit does 0 bonus, next does 60, 120, etc.)
    1. Level 10: +10% Spell Amplification OR +20 Attack Speed
    2. Level 15: Presence Aura Affects Building OR +40 Movement Speed
    3. Level 20: +150 Shadow Raze Damage OR +20% Evasion
    4. Level 25: 40% Cooldown Reduction OR +3 Damage Per Soul

    Shadow Shaman:

    1. Level 10: +200 Health OR +20% XP Gain
    2. Level 15: -4s Hex Cooldown OR +125 Cast Range
    3. Level 20: +3s Shackles Duration OR +1 Serpent Wards Attacks HP
    4. Level 25: +400 Ether Shock Damage OR +60 Wards Attack Damage


    • Glaives of Wisdom damage from 35/50/65/80% to 15/30/45/60%
    1. Level 10: +5 Armor OR +25 Attack Speed
    2. Level 15: +90 Or/Min OR +2 Intelligence Steal
    3. Level 20: +125 Attack Range OR +30 Curse Damage
    4. Level 25: +20% Glaives of Wisdom OR +2s Global Silence

    Skywrath Mage:

    1. Level 10: +25 Movement Speed OR +8 Intelligence
    2. Level 15: -6s Ancient Seal Cooldown OR +1 Arcane Bolt
    3. Level 20: Global Concussive Shot OR +15% Ancient Seal Magic Resistance Reduction
    4. Level 25: +600 Mystic Flare damage OR +300 Or/Min


    • Guardian Sprint moves at 700 Speed along the river at ability-level 4
    1. Level 10: +20 Damage OR +5 Health Regen
    2. Level 15: +300 Health OR +100 Bash Damage
    3. Level 20: +50 Attack Speed OR Night Vision +1000
    4. Level 25: +15% Bash Chance OR Corrosive Haze Undispellable


    • Fixed a bug with Pounce where you could sometimes force yourself out if you were not moving on pounce impact.
    1. Level 10: +8 Strength OR +10 Agility
    2. Level 15: +30 Attack Speed OR +20% Lifesteal
    3. Level 20: +150 Dark Pact Damage OR +3s Pounce Leash
    4. Level 25: +1s Shadow Dance Duration OR +120s Essence Shift duration


    1. Level 10: +12% Cooldown Reduction OR +20 Damage
    2. Level 15: +40 Attack Speed OR +20 Shrapnel DPS
    3. Level 20: +35 Knockback Distance Headshot OR -1.5s Assassinate
    4. Level 25: +6 Shrapnel Charges OR +125 Attack Range


    • Desolate now applies a debuff that reduces the unit's vision by 40/50/60/70% for 5 seconds.
    1. Level 10: +5 Health Regen OR +15 Desolate Damage
    2. Level 15: -8s Spectral Dagger Cooldown OR +8 All Stats
    3. Level 20: +500 Health OR +20% Spectral Dagger Slow/Bonus
    4. Level 25: +20% Haunt Illusion Damage OR +8% Dispersion

    Spirit Breaker:

    • Charge of Darkness no longer goes into cooldown when you die.
    • Spirit Breaker base HP regen reduced by 1
    • Greater Bash damage rescaled from 22/30/38/46 to 12/24/36/48%
    1. Level 10: +400 Night Vision OR +5 Armor
    2. Level 15: +10 Health Regen OR +30 Damage
    3. Level 20: +400 Charge Speed OR +30% Greater Bash Damage
    4. Level 25: +800 Health OR +25% Greater Bash Chance

    Storm Spirit:

    1. Level 10: +20 Damage OR +2 Mana Regen
    2. Level 15: +80 Static Remnant Damage OR +300 Health
    3. Level 20: +0.5s Electric Vortex OR +40 Attack Speed
    4. Level 25: Overload Pierces Immunity OR Auto Remnant per 500 Ball Lightning


    1. Level 10: +2 Mana Regen OR +8 Strength
    2. Level 15: +30 Movement Speed OR +30 Damage
    3. Level 20: +25% Lifesteal OR Storm Hammer Dispels Enemies
    4. Level 25: +40 STR God's Strength OR -8s Storm Hammer Cooldown


    • Proximity Mines bounty reduced from 50 to 25
    • Proximity Mines damage increased from 150/350/550/750 to 200/400/600/800
    1. Level 10: +30% XP Gain OR -4s Proximity Mines Cooldown
    2. Level 15: +300 Blast Off Damage OR +4 Mana Regen
    3. Level 20: +75 Movement Speed OR +150 Or/Min
    4. Level 25: +251 Damage OR +25 Mines Movement Speed

    Templar Assassin:

    • Psionic Traps now deal 100/125/150 damage when fully charged (dealt over the duration of the debuff rather than instantly).
    1. Level 10: +200 Health OR +25 Attack Speed
    2. Level 15: +7 Armor OR +200 Psionic Trap Damage
    3. Level 20: Refraction Dispels OR -4 Meld Armor Reduction
    4. Level 25: +4 Refraction Instances OR Psi Blades Spill Paralyzes (slows affected targets MS by 100% for 1 second)


    1. Level 10: +20 Movement Speed OR +10% Evasion
    2. Level 15: +300 Health OR +25 Attack Speed
    3. Level 20: +10 All Stats OR -8s Reflection Cooldown
    4. Level 25: -35s Sunder Cooldown OR +300 Metamorphosis Attack Range


    • Ravage AoE increased from 1025 to 1250
    • Ravage speed reduced from 775 to 725
    1. Level 10: +25 Movement Speed OR +80 Gush Damage
    2. Level 15: +40% XP Gain OR +25% Anchor Smash Damage Reduction
    3. Level 20: +24 Kraken Shell OR -4 Gush Armor
    4. Level 25: +25% Cooldown Reduction OR +250 Damage


    1. Level 10: +6% Spell Amplification OR +25% XP Gain
    2. Level 15: +100 Damage OR +5 Reactive Armor Stacks
    3. Level 20: +15 Strength OR +10% Cooldown Reduction
    4. Level 25: +8% Whirling Death Attribute Reduction OR +1400 Timber Chain Range


    • Rearm now affects items in the backpack.
    • Heat Seeking Missiles travel speed reduced from 900 to 700
    • Heat Seeking Missiles mana cost reduced from 120/140/160/180 to 80/100/120/140
    1. Level 10: +6% Spell Amplification OR +75 Cast Range
    2. Level 15: +40 Movement Speed OR +10% Spell Lifesteal
    3. Level 20: +100 Attack Damage OR +8 March of the Machines Damage
    4. Level 25: +100 Laser Damage OR +0.3s Heat-Seeking Missile Ministun

    Tiny:Hero Reworked

    • Base HP regen increased by 1
    • Attack point reduced from 0.49 to 0.4
    • Avalanche damage rescaled from 100/180/260/300 to 120/180/240/300
    • Tiny Agility from 9 + 0.9 to 0 + 0
    • Tiny base armor increased from -1 to 0
    • Removed Scepter
    • Removed Craggy Exterior
    • Added a new ability: Tree Grab. Targets a tree to use in attacks for 2/3/4/5 hits. Extends attack range to 350 range. Each hit deals 25% more base damage to units and 75% more base damage to buildings. Splashes 70% damage along the attack path. Affects buildings. Cooldown starts after bonus attacks are used. Cooldown: 40/32/24/16. Mana cost: 20/30/40/50
    • Reworked Grow: Grants you 20/30/40% Status Resistance, increases base damage by 40/80/120, movement by 40/50/60, and reduces attack speed by 30.
    • Tree Grab gives you a secondary ability when you grab a tree. Lets you throw your tree (resulting in your charges being empty) at a targeted unit, proccing your attack on it and splashing 70% damage onto a 250 area. Cast Range: 1000
    1. Level 10: +15% Magic Resistance OR +25 Damage
    2. Level 15: +75 Avalanche Damage OR +350 Health
    3. Level 20: -10s Tree Grab CD OR Toss Requires No Target
    4. Level 25: -12s Avalanche Cooldown OR 3 Toss Charges

    Treant Protector:

    1. Level 10: +35% XP Gain OR +10% Cooldown Reduction
    2. Level 15: +90 Damage OR 3s Tree Respawn Time (Means trees always respawn in 3 seconds)
    3. Level 20: +2s Nature's Guise Root OR +40 Leech Seed Damage/Heal
    4. Level 25: +6 Living Armor Block Instances OR +350 Eyes and Overgrowth AoE

    Troll Warlord:

    • Whirling Axes ability icons are always visible on the UI, but disabled when unavailable due to melee/range form.
    • Whirling Axes (ranged) cooldown reduced from 19/16/13/10 to 9
    • Whirling Axes (ranged) slow reduced from 3/3.75/4.5/5.25 to 2.5/3/3.5/4
    • Whirling Axes (ranged) slow amount increased from 30% to 40%
    • Whirling Axes (melee) cooldown reduced from 12 to 9
    • Whirling Axes (melee) blind duration rescaled from 4/5/6/7 to 5
    1. Level 10: +10 Agility OR +200 Health
    2. Level 15: +3 Max Fervor Stacks OR +50 Whirling Axes Damage
    3. Level 20: +20% Evasion OR +50 Damage
    4. Level 25: -6s Whirling Axes Cooldown OR Battle Trance Dispels (affects allies as well)


    1. Level 10: +40% XP Gain OR +90 Or/Min
    2. Level 15: +350 Health OR +150 Snowball Damage
    3. Level 20: +300 Snowball Speed OR +100% Walrus Punch Crit
    4. Level 25: 12% Chance Walrus Punch OR -6s Ice Shards Cooldown


    1. Level 10: +18 Firestorm Damage OR +30 Movement Speed
    2. Level 15: +100 Cast Range OR +15 Atrophy Attack Bonus Damage
    3. Level 20: +70 Attack Speed OR +30 Health Regen
    4. Level 25: +0.8s Pit of Malice Root OR 25% Firestorm Building Damage


    • Tombstone duration rescaled from 15/20/25/30 to 30
    • Tombstone AoE rescaled from 600/800/1000/1200 to 1200
    • Tombstone spawn rate rescaled from 3 to 4.5/4/3.5/3
    • Tombstone cooldown rescaled from 70 to 85/80/75/70
    • Reduced Tombstone zombie collision size
    • Decay mana cost rescaled from 70/90/110/130 to 70/85/100/115
    • Decay damage from 20/60/100/140 to 20/50/80/110
    1. Level 10: +100 Cast Range OR +8 Health Regen
    2. Level 15: Tombstone On Death OR +20 Decay Duration
    3. Level 20: +30 Tombstone Zombie Damage OR +3 Tombstone Attacks
    4. Level 25: Gains Reincarnation 200 CD OR -2s Decay Cooldown


    1. Level 10: +1.75 Mana Regen OR +8 Strength
    2. Level 15: +16 Agility OR -1s Earthshock Cooldown
    3. Level 20: +1 Enrage Duration OR +25s Fury Swipes
    4. Level 25: +14 Fury Swipes Damage OR +600 AoE Earthshock

    Vengeful Spirit:

    • Wave of Terror vision AoE reduced from 500 to 300 (same as impact radius)
    • Wave of Terror cooldown reduced from 22/20/18/16 to 10
    • Wave of Terror debuff duration reduced from 15 to 8
    • Scepter Illusion damage increased from 50% to 100%
    • Vengeance Aura AoE increased from 900 to 1200
    • Vengeance Aura no longer applied to enemies when you die
    • Whenever an allied hero dies under your damage aura, an illusion of that hero will be created, attacking the enemy that killed him for 7 seconds. Illusions deal 100% Damage. Illusions are ghosts/not targetable and are visible/known to the enemy.
    1. Level 10: +15% Magic Resistance OR -1 Wave of Terror Armor
    2. Level 15: +15 Agility OR -6s Wave of Terror Cooldown
    3. Level 20: -4s Magic Missile Cooldown OR +15% Vengeance Aura Damage
    4. Level 25: +400 Magic Missile Damage OR Magic Missile Pierces Spell Immunity


    • Base movement speed reduced by 5
    • Base damage reduced by 3
    • Venomous Gale can now be dispelled.
    1. Level 10: -8 Venomous Gale CD OR +90 Or/Min
    2. Level 15: +150 Cast Range OR +6% Poison Sting Slow
    3. Level 20: +6s Poison Nova Duration OR Gale Hero Impact Summons 2 Wards
    4. Level 25: +600 Poison Nova AoE OR 3x Plague Ward HP/Damage

    Viper:Hero Reworked

    • Base movement speed reduced by 5
    • Base armor reduced by 1
    • Corrosive Skin no longer slows movement speed.
    • Corrosive Skin damage increased from 10/15/20/25 to 8/16/24/32
    • Corrosive Skin Attack Slow rescaled from 10/15/20/25 to 8/16/24/32
    • Reworked Poison Attack. Slows the target and deals damage based on how much health the target is missing.
      • MS/AS Slow: 25/30/35/40%
      • DPS: 0.25/0.5/0.75/1.0x * Missing Health percentage (so at max level 50% missing health would be 50 DPS, 90% missing health would be 90 DPS)
      • Duration: 3
      • CD: 6/4/2/0
      • Mana cost: 40/35/30/25
    • Reworked Nethertoxin. Releases poison onto the targeted area. Deals damage over time, reduces magic resistance and applies Break (disabling passive abilities) to those standing in that area.
      • AoE: 300
      • DPS: 20/30/40/50
      • Magic Resistance: -10/15/20/25% + Applies Break
      • Duration: 8
      • Cooldown: 5
      • Mana cost: 75
      • Cast Range: 900 (2000 projectile speed)
      • Note: This affects the area targeted on the ground, does not leave a debuff on enemies upon cast. Only active as long as they are in the area.
    1. Level 10: +20 Attack Speed OR +8% Spell Lifesteal
    2. Level 15: +100 Attack Range OR +6 Corrosive Skin
    3. Level 20: Poison Attack Affects Buildings OR +100 Viper Strike DPS
    4. Level 25: +120 Damage OR Nethertoxin Silences


    • Familiar's attack is now a constant 25/40/55 rather than damage charges.
    • Casting Grave Chill now gives the buff to Familiars within 900 AoE at cast time.
    1. Level 10: +125 Cast Range OR +30 Damage
    2. Level 15: +40% XP Gain OR Soul Assumption Double Strike
    3. Level 20: +15 Soul Assumption Damage Per Charge OR +80 Familiars Movement Speed
    4. Level 25: -2s Gravekeeper's Cloak OR +1 Familiar


    1. Level 10: +5% Fatal Bonds Damage OR +125 Cast Range
    2. Level 15: -7s Shadow Word Cooldown OR +40% XP Gain
    3. Level 20: Summon a Golem on Death OR 250 Shadow Word AoE
    4. Level 25: +20 Chaotic Offering Golems Armor OR Spell Immunity for Golems


    1. Level 10: +20 Mana Break OR +25% XP Gain
    2. Level 15: 12 Strength OR +75 Shukuchi Damage
    3. Level 20: -0.5 Swarm Armor Reduction OR +2 Swarm Attacks to Kill
    4. Level 25: +200 Shukuchi Movement Speed OR +1 Geminate Attack


    • Focus Fire now allows Windranger to move while attacking the Focus Fire target.
    • Focus Fire attack speed bonus reduced from 500 to 350
    • Focus Fire cooldown increased from 60 to 70
    • Shackleshot now shows an indicator for the missed area if it fails to latch onto a target.
    1. Level 10: +30% Windrun Slow OR +1.75 Mana/sec
    2. Level 15: +90 Powershot Damage OR +75 Attack Range
    3. Level 20: 25% Cooldown OR Windrun Grants Invis
    4. Level 25: +20% Ministun Focus Fire OR +1 Shackleshot Target

    Winter Wyvern:

    1. Level 10: 90 Or/Min OR +50 Damage
    2. Level 15: +350 Health OR +600 Night Vision
    3. Level 20: +15% Arctic Burn Slow OR -5s Cold Embrace Cooldown
    4. Level 25: +1.5s Winter's Curse Duration OR Splinter Blast 2s Stun

    Witch Doctor:

    • Death Ward now attacks the enemy hero nearest to the ward on creation
    1. Level 10: +5 Armor OR +75 Damage
    2. Level 15: +2 Cask Bounces OR +120 Or/Min
    3. Level 20: +1 Maledict Tick OR +125 Death Ward Attack Range
    4. Level 25: +1.5% Max Health Voodoo Restoration OR +75 Death Ward Damage

    Wraith King:Hero Reworked

    • Strength gain reduced from 3.2 to 2.8
    • Reworked Mortal Strike:
      • Mortal Strike hero chance rescaled from 15% to 9/11/13/15% (same as creep chance)
      • Mortal Strike hero crit rescaled from 150/200/250/300 to 300%
      • Reworked Mortal Strike vs creeps. Grants a 9/11/13/15% chance to kill a non-player non-ancient unit in one hit and gain a charge counter.
      • Can cast mortal strike to summon skeletons equal to the number of charges you have (max of 4/5/6/7 charges). Skeletons are not bound to you and will auto attack targets they find.
      • Activation requires 75 mana and has a 50 second cooldown. Skeletons have 35-40 Damage, 1.2 attack rate, 350 MS, 350 Health. Grant 15 Or/XP Bounty.
      • Skeletons are summoned once per 0.25 seconds (first is immediate).
      • Note: If you have Vampiric, you lifesteal as if your attack dealt enough damage to kill the creep.
    • Casting Hellfire Blast on a target will order all skeletons to attack that target.
    1. Level 10: +40 Wraithfire Blast DPS OR +20 Attack Speed
    2. Level 15: +5 Max Skeletons OR +15 Strength
    3. Level 20: No Reincarnation Mana cost OR +30 Skeletons Attack Damage
    4. Level 25: +25% Vampiric Aura Lifesteal OR Reincarnation Casts Wraithfire Blasts


    1. Level 10: +6 Armor OR +25% XP Gain
    2. Level 15: +40 Movement Speed OR +1% Static Field
    3. Level 20: +15% Cooldown OR +0.5 Lightning Bolt Stun
    4. Level 25: +200 Cast Range OR +170 Arc Lightning Damage

    Aussi dans cette mise à jour

    Interface utilisateur

    • L'équipement du héros vous permet maintenant de sélectionner les différentes tailles de Grow pour Tiny et les différentes formes de Night Stalker (nuit et jour).
    • Dans le chat, taper le caractère « : » vous permettra une autocomplétion pour toutes les émoticônes que vous possédez.
    • Les liens du chat sont maintenant automatiquement cliquables. Les liens envoyés sur des canaux publics sont redirigés à travers le filtre de lien Steam.
    • Vous pouvez maintenant discuter avec votre groupe pendant une partie en utilisant la commande /p.


    • Ajout des héros suivants au Workshop : Pangolier, Jakiro, Ancient Apparition et Techies
    • Ajout d'un emplacement tête pour Phantom Lancer

    Ability Draft

    • Nouvelle interface d'ability draft.
    • Ajout d'un chat pendant le draft.
    • Possibilité de permuter les emplacements de capacité.
    • Dark Willow et Pangolier ajoutés.
    • Ajout d'infobulles pour les talents et statistiques de base des héros et d'indicateurs pour leurs attributs principaux.
    • Le tableau de scores affichera maintenant les capacités modifiées à la fin de la partie et pendant le visionnage de rediffusions.
    • Les héros suivants ont étés ajoutés à l'ability draft (en limitant l'accès à certaines de leurs capacités) :
      • Puck
      • Templar Assassin
      • Chen
      • Doom
      • Shadow Fiend
      • Ember Spirit
      • Vengeful Spirit
      • Keeper of the Light
      • Spectre
      • Troll Warlord
      • Phoenix
      • Timbersaw
      • Elder Titan
      • Ogre Magi
      • Tusk

    • Résolution de bugs pour les héros suivants :
      • Zeus
      • Gyrocopter
      • Dragon Knight
      • Treant Protector
      • Nyx Assassin
      • Terrorblade

    • Ajout d'un support de cinématique inverse sur Dota 2, en commençant par Broodmother. Regardez cette vidéo montrant son corps et ses pattes s'adapter au relief, aux escaliers et autres surfaces inclinées par lesquelles elle passe.